Weekly prediction, 3.7. – 9.7., Full Moon in Capricorn – Price of success and price of failure


Full Moon in Capricorn


Transit strength: Strong monthly transit.

Transit duration: Energies will be felt throughout the week with influences becoming stronger and stronger reaching a peak on Sunday the 9th.


Astrological layout

The Full Moon will create a strong conjunction with Pluto at 18 ° in Capricorn and an opposition to the Sun at 17° in Cancer. Jupiter in Libra will influence her energies as well.

These influences will be felt very strongly by all representatives of the cardinal signs (Capricorn, Cancer, Libra, Aries), especially by those born between the 5th and the 15th of July, October, January and April.

People with important planets and astrological points between 13 ° and 19 ° in the sign of Libra, Capricorn, Cancer and Aries will also experience these energies quite profoundly.


Emotional needs, moods, challenges, frustrations

With the Full Moon in Capricorn, our needs for emotional security, emotional fulfillment, productivity, our ambitions and desires for success in any area of ​​life will influence our actions, moods and thoughts quite profoundly. If the matters of the heart started affecting our daily life increasingly two weeks ago with the New Moon in Cancer, this Full Moon in Capricorn will reveal just how successful were we in reaching certain success resolving conflicts or issues, how successful were we in reaching emotional fullfilment, peace and security . If we have not been able to satisfy certain needs, wishes, ambitions, if we have not achieved certain goals, if we still do not know what we really want or desire, the Moon in Capricorn can help us develop greater determination, to boldly tackle all kinds of problems, to deal with certain emotional conflicts and issues of the heart with greater resolve.

The Moon in Capricorn will, together with Pluto, arouse strong emotions of determination in many ways, the desire for greater display and achievement of personal power, the desire for stronger social and personal influence, social confirmation, social acceptance and social success will increase. Although we are dealing with earthly energies of the Capricorn which oblige us to respect the reality of life situations, adapting ourselves to the way of things, we must at the same time be very well aware that Pluto will also emanate a very strong Scorpio influence.


A desire to be victorious, to gain or regain true control over situations, to achieve ultimate success, personal or social power, dominance, can quickly lead us to the dark side with many obsessions and self-destructive behavioral patterns that lurk in its shadows. It is important that we are well aware of the reality of our own expectations, needs and at the same time the possibilities of realizing our own desires and ambitions without blindly trying to have it our way till the bitter end. Recognizing defeat, failure, inabilities, instabilities, loses, may be difficult for many, but it will be necessary if we are to expel or even avoid the negative manifestations of this lunar influence. In any case, it will be much wiser to contemplate all these negative feelings of frustration, disappointment, anger, rather than letting oneself to be conquered by negative obsessions and certain concepts such as victory and success at all costs. Many will also have to cope with jealousy and envy, as they will resent the success and the fulfillment of others. Do not let these negative emotions consume you. Jupiter in Libra will also remind us to seek balance and harmony when dealing with upper mentioned issues as power struggles and power games will quite possibly occur, on a global political theatre but also on individual level.



On the other hand, the Moon in Capricorn will encourage many who lack resolve, determination  and have restrained themselves from actually pursuing any kind of personal ventures, projects, ambitions, desires, campaigns, she will encourage people with poor personal initiation, engagement skills and people with general low productivity issues. If you belong to any of these groups of people, then recognize your own desires, needs, wishes, define your goals and actively and boldly pursue the realization of your own ambitions. Some of you may have already accomplished a lot of unfulfilled desires, or at least you have already put yourselves on the path of self-realization, while the rest, well be prepared to be kicked in the rear and find yourself in the front. 😉


As was the case with the young Moon in Cancer, a level of personal awareness will play a major role in achieving a meaningful emotional experience and fulfillment with the Full Moon in Capricorn as well. If we have a poor overview of whatever might be happening inside our hearts, if we do not know how to communicate with our inner voice or if we do not even listen to it, then this lunar cycle will bring about annoying feelings of frustration accompanied by neurotic behavior, anxiety, irritability and very changeable, unstable emotional moods. All this will of course be a very clear sign that the time has come for us to begin investing more time and energy when it comes to our emotional needs, desires, as well as our fears and complexes, almost everything that prevents us from truly progressing and becoming successful and emotionally fulfilled. We will need to recognize situations, relationships, activities that do not fulfill us the way we truly deserve to be fulfilled. If we find ourselves powerless in changing or repairing these certain unfulfilling life’s circumstances or situations, we will just have to expel certain things from our lives, may it be a relationship, a career, a job, an activity, a perspective, a belief.


The effects of the Moon in Capricorn will motivate all of us to become more active, the desire for success, emotional fulfillment, emotional security will be present. We will feel more creative and we will desire greater social recognition, respect, affirmation. We must be aware of the reality of the situation, it is important that we do not insist in achieving our goals, ambitions, it is important that we do not strive towards realizing our desires, fulfilling our needs at all costs. This will lead to the development of strong obsessions and patterns of self-destructiveness. We must learn listen our inner voice, we must recognize our true needs, desires and ambitions. We need to become more active, more courageous and more determined. We also need to realize that enormous effort and energy must be invested if we desire to achieve important and meaningful success.

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