Weekly prediction, 26.12. – 1.1.2017, New Moon in Capricorn – Rise of Retrograde Mercury

New Moon in Capricorn

Transit strength: strong monthly transit

Transit duration: influences throughout the entire week, strongest impact on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday


Astrological layout

With the New Moon in Capricorn, Mercury Rx will achieve one of its monthly climaxes. The Moon conjuncts Mercury and activates the energy potential and pattern of its current retrograde cycle. For more information about the cycle itself check out last week’s prediction. Weekly prediciton, 19.12. – 25.12., Retrograde Mercury in Capricorn – endurance, determination, commitment The Moon will also form a positive sextile with Mars and Neptune in Pisces.

Capricorns and other Cardinal signs ( Aries, Cancer, Libra ), especially those born at the end of month ( 27th – 31st ) of March, June, September and December will feel these influences the strongest. People with important planets and astrological points between 6° and 9° of Capricorn, Cancer, Aries, Libra will be hit just as well.

Emotional needs, challenges, moods and frustrations

Emotional needs regarding stability, security, especially in our financial departments and as far as our material resources goes, will be emphasized. Desire for success, social recognition, social respect in all areas of life will be felt just as well. We will be more preoccupied with the establishment of order and structure in our lives and quite negatively sensitive to chaos and disorder on the other hand. The Moon will bring quite a few reality checks and she will most definitely confront us with certain problematic life situations head on. All these influences will be affecting our moods either negatively or positively, depending on our own capability to face and deal with our personal problems.

At the end of last week, Mercury retrograde already started to show its teeth. In accordance with its position in Capricorn, the complications associated with our daily activities, work, routines, plans, our daily rhythm, can generate all sorts of problems in our communication with others, they can bring misunderstandings, unforeseen, unpredictable events and conflicting situations. Emotional, psychological pressure, feelings of stagnation, disappointments, frustrations, obstacles, barriers, slow progress and development despite significant investment of our personal energy, time and effort, are typical influences and manifestations of Capricorn energy. In combination with Mercury retrograde, everything can become even more unbalanced, inconvenient and frustrating. A lot of bad moods on the horizon for this one as these negative vibes become increasingly more potent. Be careful when making important decisions, when making arrangements, deals, while signing all kinds of contracts, be careful how you communicate with others, etc. Pay attention and be careful in traffic, especially if you are traveling long distances. As always during Mercury Retrograde all these activities are particularly risky undertakings. Heads up, people!


Nevertheless, with the Moon in Capricorn we will be reminded that we must invest even greater amounts of effort and energy in all areas of life,  but at the same time we will have to remain patient and persistent. Developing a responsible attitude in certain life situations and in relationships in general will be paramount. A more responsible approach towards problematic situations can also be triggered or inspired by unexpected events. Anyway, along with retrograde Mercury, the Moon in Capricorn will thoroughly test our abilities to survive and succeed in today’s world. Do we have what it takes to achieve an emotionally, mentally and physically fulfilling existence right here and right now?

Saying farewell to 2016, for many a difficult and harsh year, the earthly energies of The New Moon remind us of just how precious our earthly existence actually is . We have to become aware of our vulnerability, transience, fragility. We have to realize how easy it is to destroy and how difficult it is to build. We need to live our lives to the fullest, for our own sake and for the sake of others. We must strive for true and genuine happiness, love and peace as it is the only way to achieve those true feelings of fulfillment, security and stability. Alow 2016 to teach you this very important lesson!




Tedenska napoved, 26.12. – 1.1.2017, Mlaj v Kozorogu – Vzpon Retrogradnega Merkurja

Mlaj v Kozorogu

Moč tranzita: močan mesečni aspekt

Trajanje tranzita: vpliv bo čutiti tekom celotnega tedna, najmočnejši vpliv bo v sredo, četrtek ter petek.


Astrološka postavitev

Tekom tedna bo Retrogradni Merkur precej pridobil na svoji moči in z novo luno dosegel enega izmed mesečnih vrhuncev. Nova luna na 8° v Kozorogu bo namreč s Soncem tvorila konjunkcijo z retrogradnim Merkurjem. Ta kombinacija bo še posebej aktivirala potencial ter energijski vpliv tokratnega cikla. Več informacij o tem kaj nam prinaša tokratni cikel retrogradnega Merkurja boste našli v članku prejšnjega tedna. Tedenska napoved, 19.12. – 25.12., Retrogradni Merkur v Kozorogu – vztrajnost, odločnost, zavzetost. Nova luna bo prav tako tvorila harmonični vpliv sekstila z Marsom in Neptunom v Ribah.

Tokratni mlaj bo najmočneje vplival na Kozoroge, še posebej tiste rojene med 27.12. ter 31.12. Ostali pripadniki kardinalnih znamenj, Raki, Ovni, Tehtnice, še posebej tisti rojeni v končnih dneh meseca junija, marca ter septembra, boste prav tako čutili vpliv tokratne nove lune. Vsi, ki imate pomembne planete med 6° ter 9° v znamenjih Kozoroga, Raka, Ovna ter Tehtnice, tudi vas bo omenjeni tranzit dodobra zaznamoval.


Čustvene potrebe, izzivi, razpoloženja, frustracije

Luna v Kozorogu prinaša potrebo po varnosti, stabilnosti, predvsem v materialnem, finančnem smislu. Prinaša tudi željo po uspehu, v karieri, v izbranem poklicu, v določeni aktivnosti, na določenem življenjskem področju. Prinaša željo po družbeni prepoznavnosti, spoštovanju. Tekom lune v Kozorogu smo bolj kot ponavadi občutljivi na raven strukturiranosti in stopnjo urejenosti naših življenj. Prav tako nas lunine energije zelo rade ozmeljijo in soočijo z nekaterimi aspekti realnosti naših življenjskih situacij. Slednje karakteristike te lune bodo zagotovo vplivale na naše počutje v naslednjih dneh.

Predvsem s koncem prejšnjega tedna je Retrogradni Merkur že dodobra začel kazati svoje zobe. V skladu z njegovo pozicijo v Kozorogu, so komplikacije povezane z našimi vsakodnevnimi obveznostmi, delom, rutinami, načrti, plani, našim dnevnim ritmom, prinašale vsakovrstne probleme v komunikaciji z drugimi, mnoge nesporazume ter nepredvidene ali pa očitne konfliktne situacije. Čustven, psihični pritisk, občutki stagnacije, razočaranja, mnoge ovire, prepreke, počasen razvoj dogodkov kljub občutnemu vložku osebne energije, časa in truda, so tipične karakteristike vpliva energij Kozoroga. V kombinaciji z Retrogradnim Merkurjem lahko vse skupaj seveda prinese še več neprijetnosti in slabe volje, kar seveda vedno bolj opažamo tudi tekom tega tedna. Pazite kakšne odločitve boste sprejemali, kakšne dogovore boste sklepali, kaj boste podpisovali, kako se boste sporazumevali itd. Pazite in bodite pozorni ter previdni tudi v prometu, sploh če potujete daleč. Kot vedno so v času retrogradnega Merkurja vse omenjene aktivnosti še posebej rizične. Po pameti torej!


Luna v Kozorogu nas bo kljub vsemu opominjala, da moramo na vseh področjih življenja vlagati še več truda in energije a hkrati ostati potrpežljivi in vztrajni. Občutki odgovornosti nas bodo spremljali na vsakem koraku. Še bolje se bomo zavedali, da moramo postati bolj odgovorni v določenih življenjskih situacijah ter v odnosih z drugimi. Nenadne občutke odgovornosti nam lahko vzbudijo tudi nepričakovani dogodki. Kakorkoli že, skupaj z Retrogradnim Merkurjem nas bo Luna v Kozorogu temeljito preizkušala, predvsem v smislu, kako pripravljeni ter sposobni smo dejansko za uspešno ter čustveno izpolnjeno življenje v realnem in predvsem današnjem svetu!

Ob slovesu leta 2016, ki je bilo in za mnoge še vedno je, precej težko in kruto leto, se moramo pod vplivom teh izredno zemeljskih energij še toliko bolj zavedati, kako neprecenljivo je to edino zemeljsko življenje, ki ga imamo. Zavedati se moramo lastne ranljivosti, minljivosti, krhkosti. Zavedati se moramo kako lahko je uničevati in kako težko je graditi. Živeti moramo s polnim srcem, zase in za druge. Težiti moramo k resnični, pristni sreči, ljubezni in miru. To nam prinaša tiste prave občutke izpolnjenosti, varnosti in stabilnosti. Dovolimo iztekajočemu letu, da nas dokončno nauči te pomembne lekcije!



Weekly prediciton, 19.12. – 25.12., Retrograde Mercury in Capricorn – endurance, determination, commitment

Retrograde Mercury in Capricorn

Transit strength: very strong yearly transit

Transit duration: strongest influence from 19.12.2016 until 8.1.2017

Important dates: 19.12. – beginning od the retrograde cycle

22.12. – Moon in Libra squares Retrograde Mercury

 29.12. – New Moon in Capricorn

8.1.2017 – Mercury goes direct again


Astrological layout

Mercury started its retrograde cycle on 19.12. This is his last cycle in 2016. As we already started to feel the vibes, during this week, the influence of the retrograde motion will have the strongest impact on us during Wednesday and Thursday when the Moon in Libra forms a square with Mercury itself. This Mercury retrograde cycle is also characterized by an extremely powerful Pluto in Capricorn which will add a lot of intensity to the mix.

Capricorns, Libras, Cancers and Arians, Sagittarians you will feel these influences the strongest, especially if you were born between 1st and 7th of January, April, July, October and between 19th and 30th of December, March, June and September. People with important planets and astrological points around 28° of Sagittarius and betwen 1° – 17° of Capricorn, Libra, Cancer, Aries will feel these influences just as well.


Influences, themes, challenges, frustration of the current Retrograde Mercury cycle

Mercury affects our way of thinking, our decision-making process, our perception of the world around us and the way we connect with our environment. Mercurian influences in our birth charts and in the form of transits test our ability to successfully engage in the activities mentioned above.

When the planet enters a retrograde motion his energy pattern changes. It’s energy can become slightly, moderately or even highly unstable, depending on the aspect Mercury forms with other planets during his cycle. Effects of Mercury Retrograde can change our ways of communication, alter our thought processes and negatively or positively affect our decision-making abilities. In the course of Mercury retrograde cycles people tend to tackle problems and face challenges in a different way. They make important decisions, have important conversations with other people, express their thoughts and feelings in a different way, they travel more, unexpectedly even, they come to discover new things about their lives and about themselves. New ideas emerge, as do new ways of understanding certain life situations. People do more business, trade, they form agreements, seal deals, sign important documents, etc. Energy of the retrograde planets encourages us to face challenges and issues of life in a new way. Retrograde cycles thus become so-called experimental phases.


However, as I have already mentioned, the retrograde energy can be very unstable. Keeping that in mind we should be careful how we respond to it. Wrong decisions and actions can bring further complications, disappointments, especially in the long run. Prudence, patience are important values during every Mercury retrograde, during this one even more so. It is paramount that they become our guiding lines.

Mercury travels through the sign of Capricorn. Our mentality is tied and connected to the energy and value system of this powerful earthly sign. Pluto, which is also located in Capricorn, further emphasizes its energy and provides greater focus and emotional intensity in every area of life .

Successful communication, good decisions, clear thinking processes heavily rely on the level of our determination, perseverance, patience, responsibility in solving problems, conflicts, achieving our goals, fulfilling personal ambitions. Capricorn is a sign that encourages us to succeed, however he also makes sure we understand this can only be done through hard work and effort. Hard work pays off, that’s the motto of Capricorn. During this cycle we will, more than usually, try to resolve conflicts and try to deal with chaos and disorder in our lives. This will be done voluntarily or the unfolding of the events will pressure us to act. Structure and order will become our ideals or they will become something we will be forced to achieve. Great resolve and determination will be favored during this time. This cycle is characterized by extremely proactive mentality!


As said, Pluto will further sharpen our focus on fulfilling our long and short-term goals. Hard work, order and discipline are the values we will need to adopt . Of course, this period may also be some kind of a warning sign to those who are otherwise committed, but work themselves to exhaustion or they move forward too fast and quite irresponsibly as they strive for success. Stress, conflicts are certainly issues that manifested in these people’s lives prior to this retrograde cycle suggesting a much-needed change. Take advantage of this cycle, consider a more prudent, patient and a little less ambitious approach in achieving specific life and career goals.

Relationships especially partnerships and business relations will be particularly influenced. An important test is coming on Wednesday and Thursday as we will strive for a balanced communication with others, but will also need to stand up for ourselves and express our demands, needs, desires and views. We will also need to be aware of our responsibilities towards others. Jupiter in Libra will reveal and emphasize certain problems and provide us with opportunity for growth. Mercury in conjunction with Pluto in Capricorn will encourage us to express our personal determination, our free will and our desire for greater personal power. We must prepare ourselves as certain power conflicts with others are bound to happen, especially during midweek. We must consider them a challenge as we try to establish cooperating relationships and take a stand for ourselves at the same time. Solving problems and conflicts in our relations will be a particularly expensive  investment, consuming much of our energy during this retrograde cycle.

Some of you can exploit the energies of this cycle for inner reflection and analysis. Pluto and Mercury will offer profound insight and you can reexamine your own behavioral patterns, your ways of thinking and your decision-making processes. You may finally decide and change something you dislike about yourself, something that proves to be an irritating obstacle, something that is holding you back and preventing you from being able to achieve progress in a specific area of your life. Something that is preventing you from reaching your full potential.


Good luck in dealing with the upcoming retrograde cycle. I wish you all the best and lots of success! I hope you will make important decisions, resolve conflicts and start working on your life goals and dreams as we enter 2017. 🙂

Tedenska napoved, 19.12. – 25.12., Retrogradni Merkur v Kozorogu – vztrajnost, odločnost, zavzetost.

Retrogradni Merkur v Kozorogu

Moč tranzita: močan letni tranzit

Trajanje tranzita: najmočnejši vpliv med 19.12.2016 – 8.1.2017

Najpomembnejši datumi: 19.12. – začetek retrogradnega gibanja

22.12. – Luna v tehtnici v kvadratu z retrogradnim Merkurjem

   29.12. – Mlaj v Kozorogu

    8.1. – prehod Merkurja v direktno gibanje


Astrološka postavitev

Merkur je z 18.12. na 19.12. začel svoj zadnji retrogradni cikel v letu 2016. V kolikor že verjetno vsi čutimo njegove spremenjene energijske vplive, bo najmočneje vplival na nas v v sredo in četrtek ko bo z Luno v Tehtnici tvoril kvadrat. Tokratnji Merkurjev retrogradni cikel prav tako izredno močno zaznamuje Pluton v Kozorogu, ki bo njegovim energijam dodajal visoko stopnjo intenzitete.

Najmočneje boste retrogradni cikel čutili Kozorogi, Tehtnice, tudi Raki in Ovni, rojeni do sedmega v mesecih januarja, oktobra, julija ter aprila. Vpliv Merkurja boste čutili močneje tudi Strelci rojeni med 18.12. in 22.12. Vsi, ki imate pomembne planete in astrološke točke okoli 28° Strelca ter med 0° in 17° Kozoroga, Tehtnice, Ovna in Raka, boste prav tako precej močno občutili vpliv tokratnega cikla.

Vplivi, teme, izzivi, frustracije tokratnega retrogradnega cikla

Merkur vpliva na naš način razmišljanja, odločanja, dojemanja sveta okoli nas, na naš način povezovanja s svetom. Vplivi Merkurja, tako v naši rojstni karti kot v obliki tranzitov, preizkušajo našo sposobnost uspešnega udejstvovanja v zgoraj naštetih aktivnostih.

Ko planet vstopi v retrogradno gibanje se spremeni njegov energijski vzorec. Njegova energija postane nekoliko, do zmerno, do izredno nestabilna, odvisno od aspektov, ki jih tvori sam planet Merkur z drugimi planeti tekom svojega cikla. Vplivi retrogradnega Merkurja lahko spremenijo naš način komunikacije, razmišljanja ter odločanja. Velikokrat se tekom retrogradnih Merkurjevih ciklov ljudje lotevajo stvari drugače. Ljudje v tem času sprejemajo pomembne odločitve, opravljajo pomembne pogovore z drugimi, drugače izražajo svoje misli, čustva preko komunikacije, potujejo, prihajajo do življenjskih odkritij, novih idej, novih načinov razumevanja določenih življenjskih situacij, sklepajo posle, dogovore, podpisujejo pomembne dokumente, itd. Energije retrogradnih planetov nas spodbujajo, da se v življenju z izzivi in problematikami morda spopademo na nov način, drugače. Retrogradne cikle bi tako lahko označili za nekakšne eksperimentalne faze.


Seveda pa, kot sem že zgoraj omenil je retrogradna energija dokaj nestabilna, zato moramo biti previdni kako se odzovemo nanjo. Napačne odločitve in dejanja lahko prinesejo dodatne zaplete, razočaranja, če ne kratkoročno pa zagotovo dolgoročno. Preudarnost, potrpežljivost in previdnost sta v primeru retrogradnega Merkurja, še posebej tokratnega, izredno pomembni vrednosti, ki ju moramo ponotranjiti tako ali drugače.

Tokratni retrogradni Merkur potuje skozi znamenje Kozoroga. Naša mentaliteta se tako združuje in povezuje z energijo in vrednotami tega izredno močnega zemeljskega znamenja. Pluton, ki se prav tako nahaja v Kozorogu, samo bit in srž tega znamenja zgolj dodatno poudarja in njegovi energiji dodaja še večji fokus in intenziteto.

Uspešna komunikacija, odločanje, procesiranje misli so tokrat močno odvisni od ravni naše odločnosti, vztrajnosti, potrpežljivosti, odgovornosti pri reševanju problemov, konfliktov, doseganju ciljev, izpolnjevanju osebnih ambicij. Kozorog je znamenje, ki vzpodbuja našo željo po uspehu, seveda pa nam da vedeti, da moramo v vse česar se lotevamo vlagati veliko truda in energije. Trdo delo se obrestuje, to je moto kozoroga. Tekom tega cikla bomo bolj kot ponavadi želeli razrešiti konflikte, kakšne kaotične in neurejene situacije v naših življenjih. Tega se bomo lotili prostovoljno ali pa nas bo razplet dogodkov v to prisilil. Struktura in red bosta tako naša ideala oziroma nekaj kar bomo prisiljeni doseči. Ugoden bo vpliv za določno udejstvovanje v kakršnem koli pogledu. Tokratni cikel zaznamuje izredno proaktivna mentaliteta!


Gustave Caillebotte, The Floor Planers


V kombinaciji s Plutonom bomo še dodatno izostrili svoj fokus kar se tiče izpolnjevanja življenjskih ali zgolj kratkoročnih ciljev. Trdo delo, red in disciplina so zadeve, ki jih bomo morali upoštevati pri mnogih aktivnostih. Seveda pa je lahko to obdobje tudi nekakšen opozorilni znak za tiste, ki se sicer zavzeto, delovno a preveč, prehitro in neodgovorno ženete naprej. Stres, konflikti, so zagotovo v obdobju pred tem retrogradnem ciklom dosegli vrhunec in vam dokazali, da boste morali kar nekaj stvari spremeniti. Izkoristite ta cikel, razmislite o bolj preudarnem in potrpežljivem, malo manj ambicioznem pristopu do doseganja določenih življenjskih in kariernih ciljev.

Odnosi, predvsem partnerski, poslovni, bodo še posebej na udaru. Pomembna preizkušnja na tem področju prihaja v sredo in četrtek, kjer bomo z Luno v Tehtnici iskali neko uravnovešeno komunikacijo z drugimi, a se bomo morali prav tako postaviti zase, izraziti svoje zahteve, potrebe in poglede, se zavedati lastne odgovornosti v določeni situaciji. Jupiter v Tehtnici bo dodatno razkril določene problematike in ponudil priložnost za rast. Merkur v kombinaciji s Plutonom v Kozorogu bo zahteval, da izrazimo lastno voljo in gradimo na osebni moči. Pripraviti se moramo torej na določene konflikte moči z drugimi, še posebej v sredini tega tedna. Sprejmimo jih kot izziv, poskušajmo doseči uspešno sodelovanje in se hkrati postavimo zase! Reševanje problematik in konfliktov v naših odnosih bo posebej izpostavljeno in bo nekaj v kar bomo morali vlagati precej truda in energije tekom tega retrogradnega cikla.

Nekateri lahko izkoristite ta cikel tudi za notranjo refleksijo in analizo. Pluton in Merkur vam bosta omogočila izredno pronicljiv vpogled v lastne vedenjske vzorce, vaše načine razmišljanja in načine sprejemanja odločitev. Morda se končno odločite in spremenite nekaj kar vas moti pri sebi, nekaj kar vas še posebej ovira, nekaj kar vas zadržuje in vam preprečuje, da bi lahko napredovali na nekem področju v življenju, da bi izkoristili svoj lasten potencial.



Veliko sreče in uspehov v prihajajočem retrogradnem ciklu. Upam, da vam omogoči, da boste lažje sprejeti pomembne odločitve, razrešili kakšne zoprne konflikte ter z novim letom 2017 začeli graditi na nečem o čemer že dolgo sanjate. 🙂


Weekly prediction, 12.12. – 18.12., Full Moon in Gemini – Mixed emotions


Full Moon in Gemini

Transit strength: important monthly transit

Transit duration: energies will be felt throughout the week, strongest influence on Tuesday and Wednesday.


Astrological layout

Full moon  in Gemini will form a so-called mystic square aspect, forming an opposition with the Sun and Saturn in Sagittarius,  trine aspect with Jupiter in Libra and sextile with Uranus in Aries. Aspect will combine elements of both, air and fire signs as well as difficult and harmonious energies. It’s going to be quite a mixed bag.  People will be affected in very different ways.

These influences will affect primarily representatives of air and fire signs, especially Geminis, Libras, Sagittarians and Arians. Those of you, born between the 10th and 13th of December, April, June and October will feel these energies the most. People with important planets and astrological points between 19 ° and 23 ° in the above-mentioned signs will also feel the vibes of this Moon more than others.

Emotional needs, challenges, moods, frustration

Gemini Moon will re-activate our mental abilities. Our ways and methods of perception, understanding, thinking, decision-making, our communication skills,  our ability to connect with people will affect our emotional well-being and our daily moods. Trying to reach proper emotional fulfillment,  emotional security and stability we will need to rely on our ability to adapt to the highly changeable Gemini energy patterns. This changeability will manifest in our everyday life in  the form of a faster, a little more chaotic daily rhythm, increased daily activity, fully packed daily schedules, rapidly changing daily situations and daily plans, diverse, even conflicting and difficult communication, new and interesting connections with people, new activities, new ideas, increased neuroticism, reduced or increased ability to concentrate and focus, etc. Be particularly careful in traffic and in all activities that require your full attention and demand that you remain prudent and vigilant!

The moon will form an opposition with Saturn in Sagittarius which can produce a negative experience. Feelings of depression, disappointment, discomfort, anxiety, emotional frustration can and will spoil the moods of some people. Saturn will affect us by producing feelings of guilt, discomfort, increased feeling of responsibility, excessive self-criticism and other negative feelings that may trigger certain revelations. As we become more and more aware of our personal realities it becomes easier to accept and embrace the truth. Saturn in Sagittarius may somewhat paralyze and repress our freedom-loving spirit, some people will experience frustration and restlessness due to certain stagnant life situations, obstacles, problems will further dampen our spirits and produce somber moods. Perhaps we will have to make difficult decisions or we will be forced to change our personal beliefs, our perceptions of the world.


Communication  will also be a bit strained and that might produce those frustrating feeling once again. As far as relationships goes, misunderstandings, conflicts, quarrels, emotional distancing and separation will be common. We have to understand though, Saturn’s energy is not some sort of sadistic mechanism, its influence serves as a warning sign to us all and as a guide that helps us face the reality of our life’s situations. Listen to Saturn, even if you do not like what you hear.

In a more positive way we will feel the effects of Jupiter in Libra and Uranus in Aries. They  might bring some exciting new experiences and adventures. Connecting with others either within already established relationships or by meeting new people will bring excitement and produce happy feelings. We might socialize with people who share the same or similar cultural background or we might create a connection with someone from across the globe. The desire and need for freedom, unconventional, spontaneous self-expression, personal or social progress, personal growth and genuine experience will be truly powerful. The planets will enrich our social sphere, creating a nice setting for the fun-loving Gemini Moon.


We will also show increased interest in various activities, hobbies that stimulate and invigorate our thinking processes, our communication and our self-expression. We’re going to enjoy  learning new things, coming up with new ideas. We will pursue our interests with greater focus and we shall invest more energy in activities we enjoy.  For many, acquisition of new knowledge and information will be quite an emotionally fulfilling and satisfying process.

Influence of Jupiter and Uranus will also absorb and negate the negative effects of Saturn and help us overcome obstacles as we try to achieve our monthly, weekly or daily goals, projects, fulfill our obligations and respect our commitments. Take advantage of these positive astrological energies as much as you can.

Tedenska napoved, 12.12. – 18.12., Polna luna v Dvojčkih – Mešani občutki

Polna luna v Dvojčkih se bo v veliki meri povezovala z energijami svoje predhodnice, Nove lune v Strelcu. Za boljše razumevanje tokratne tedenske napovedi priporočam, da si še enkrat preberete članek izpred dveh tednov. 🙂 Tedenska napoved, 28.11. – 4.12., Mlaj v Strelcu – Širši vpogledi ter zavedanje nezavednega


Polna luna v Dvojčkih

Moč tranzita: Močan mesečni aspekt.

Trajanje tranzita: Energije polne lune bo moč čutiti tekom celotnega tedna, vplivi bodo najmočnejši  tekom torkovega večera ter v sredo čez dan.


Astrološka postavitev

Polna luna bo na nebu tvorila tako imenovani aspekt kvadrata, saj bo poleg opozicije s Soncem in Saturnom v Strelcu tvorila tudi aspekt trigona z Jupitrom v Tehtnici ter sekstil z Uranom v Ovnu. Aspekt bo združeval elemente tako zračnih znamenj kot tudi ognjenih. Prisotne bodo tako energije težkih aspektov kot tudi tistih bolj harmoničnih. Čaka nas torej precej mešana astrološka zgodba. Aspekt bo imel na ljudi precej različne vplive.

Energije bodo vplivale na pripadnike zračnih ter ognjenih znamenj, predvsem Dvojčke, Tehtnice, Strelce ter Ovne. Najmočneje boste vpliv čutili tisti, ki ste rojeni med desetim in trinajstim v mesecu decembru, aprilu, juniju ter oktobru. Vsi ki imate pomembne planete in astrološke točke med 19° in 23° v zgoraj omenjenih znamenjih, boste prav tako bolj kot drugi občutili energije tokratnje polne lune.


Čustvene potrebe, izzivi, razpoloženja, frustracije

Luna v Dvojčkih bo ponovno aktivirala naše mentalne sposobnosti. Naši načini in sposobnosti dojemanja, razumevanja, razmišljanja, odločanja, komuniciranja, povezovanja z ljudmi bodo vplivali na naša čustvena počutja, razpoloženja. Občutek čustvene izpolnitve, varnosti in stabilnosti bo prav tako odvisen od naših sposobnosti prilagajanja vedno znova spreminjajočim se dvojčevskim energijam. Te se v vsakodnevnem življenju manifestirajo v obliki hitrejšega, tudi malo bolj kaotičnega dnevnega ritma, povečani dnevni aktivnosti, prepolnih urnikov, hitro spreminjajočih se dnevnih situacij, načrtov, pestre, tudi konfliktne in otežene komunikacije, novih in zanimivih povezav z ljudmi, novih aktivnosti, povečane nevrotičnosti, zmanjšane ali povečane sposobnosti koncentracije in fokusa, itd. Bodite predvsem pozorni v prometu in vseh aktivnostih, ki zahtevajo visoko raven previdnosti in pozornosti!

Luna bo tvorila opozicijo s Saturnom v Strelcu kar lahko prinese negativne manifestacije tokratnega aspekta. Občutki potrtosti, razočaranja, nelagodja, anksioznosti, čustvenih frustracij lahko pokvarijo čustvena razpoloženja nekaterim ljudem. Saturn bo vplival na nas v obliki notranjih občutkov krivde, povečane odgovornosti, pretirane samokritičnosti ter drugih negativnih občutij, ki jih bodo morda sprožila določena spoznanja in zavedanja resnice oziroma realnosti vsakega posameznika. Saturn v Strelcu lahko nekoliko ohromi in utesni našega svobodoljubnega duha, nekaterim bodo tako stagnirajoče življenjske situacije, določene ovire in prepreke povzročale preglavice in občutke frustracije, nestrpnosti. Morda se bomo morali soočiti tudi z nekaterimi težjimi odločitvami, s spreminjanjem naših osebnih prepričanj, pogledov na svet.



Komunikacija ter povezovanje z ljudmi bosta prav tako nekoliko otežena in lahko prineseta frustracije. V odnosih tako lahko pride do nesporazumov, konfliktov, prepirov, začasne distance in čustvene ohladitve. Treba je seveda razumeti, da Saturnove energije niso nekakšni sadistični mehanizmi, temveč služijo kot opozorila ter vodila pri soočanju z realnostjo naših življenjskih situacij. Prisluhnite Saturnu, tudi če vam ne bo všeč to kar boste slišali.

Bolj pozitivno bosta na nas vplivala Jupiter v Tehtnici in Uran v Ovnu. Prineseta nam lahko izvirne in zanimive izkušnje ter dogodivščine. Radi se bomo na novo povezovali znotraj že ustaljenih odnosov ter prav tako uživali v druženju nasploh ter v spoznavanju, novih in zanimivih ljudi, tistih, ki so del našega kulturnega okolja kot tudi tistih, ki prihajajo z drugega konca sveta. Želja po svobodnem, nekonvencionalnem, neustaljenem izražanju, napredku, osebni rasti in novih izkušnjah bo močno prisotna. Planeta bosta pozitivno obogatila našo socialno sfero, luna v Dvojčkih se bo tako znašla v idealni družbi.


Zanimale nas bodo tudi raznovrstne aktivnosti, hobiji, ki bodo stimulirali ter poživili naše procese razmišljanja, našo komunikacijo, našo izraznost. Radi se bomo učili nove stvari na področjih, ki nas še posebej zanimajo in privlačijo. Pridobivanje novih znanj, informacij bo za mnoge precej čustveno izpolnjujoč in zadovoljujoč proces.

Vpliva Jupitra in Urana bosta tako blažila  ter negirala posledice negativnih vplivov Saturna in nam pomagala pri premagovanju ovir ter uresničevanju kakršnikoli mesečnih, tedenskih, dnevnih ciljev, projektov in obveznosti. Izkoristite torej te pozitivne astrološke energije kar se le da v svojo korist.



Weekly prediction, 5.12. – 11.12., Towards the Full Moon


Moon in Pisces

Aspect strenth: Strong weekly aspect.

Aspect duration: From Tuesday till Thursday, strongest on Wednesday.


Astrological layout

During this week the Moon will form the first lunar square with the Sun in Sagittarius. This is an important aspect, bringing all kinds of challenges, problems, as well as early monthly successes in certain areas of life. All these influences are related to the issues and energy patterns of the New Moon which occurred on 30.11. Problems, conflicts, disappointments, emotional pressures, emotional instabilities or feelings of discomfort, frustration due to certain problematic revelations of the truth, broken or shattered personal beliefs, revealed secrets or mysteries, are possible with this connection.

The Moon occurs at 15° in Pisces. All of you, born in the sign of Pisces, Sagittarius, Gemini and Virgo will experience this influence. Those of you, born between the 3rd and the 6th of December, March, June and September, you’ll be hit the hardest, either positively or negatively. People with important planets and astrological points between 13 ° and 16 ° of Pisces, Sagittarius, Virgo, Gemini will also noticeably experience these influences.

Emotional needs, challenges, moods, frustrations

Moon in Pisces increases our artistic inclinations, our intuition, empathy, compassion, she helps us explore newly discovered emotional dimensions, during her influence we experience delicate, yet profound feelings. Especially in combination with Sagittarius, Pisces Moon also increases our imagination, boosts our desire and tendency to fantasize about fulfilling our desires, our goals, or just makes us daydream more than usual.

Nativity, gullibility can become a problem, watch out for exploitation of any sort. Some of you will have to deal with more perplexing issues of emotional confusion. Receiving mixed messages from your environment and coping with misunderstandings, will be common. Forgetfulness, distraction problems are also quite common issues with this Moon

All of the above-mentioned effects will be further enforced by the energies of Neptune in Pisces. Be aware of that fact and be cautious. Neptune is a well-known deceiver and illusionist. Important lunations such as this one highlight the imbalances in our lives, they emphasize our emotional needs and encourage us to achieve our ambition. Emotional fulfillment is what we strive towards. Of course, we must be aware that these aspects also bring feelings of uneasiness, frustration and disappointment. Personal growth is not possible without negative stimulation, discomfort encourages us to act and to move towards greener pastures. 🙂

Other mentionable weekly aspects

Moon in Aries

Aspect strength: Weak yet positive weekly aspect.

Aspect duration: From Thursday till Saturday, strongest on Friday.


Moon in Aries on Friday the 9th will form a positive conjunction with Uranus in Aries, sextile with Jupiter in Libra and trine with the Sun and Saturn in Sagittarius. The combination of these planets will unleash a stream of positive energy that will promote self-expression, growth, rich creativity, constructive spontaneity, desire to understand, acquire new skills, desire to acquire new knowledge to broaden one’s awareness.  We will observe positive influences in our social circles and social activities. Long or short distance travel can occur, we might engage in some sort of spiritual activity or be part of a spiritual experience.

Members of the Fire signs of Sagittarius and Aries, especially those, born between 8th and 11th of December, August, April and all those with major planets and astrological points between 18 ° and 21 ° of Leo, Sagittarius and Aries, will feel this influence the most. This aspect is characterized by harmonious energy which means that it’s influence does not produce conflict, internal or external, we also do not feel any compulsion or urge to act due to certain external or internal pressures or adversities. The latter effects are typical  manifestations of heavy aspects while harmonious aspects bestow a positive yet non-motivational potential. The choice is ours, we can either enjoy the good vibes or harness energy in a much more productive and creative way.


Tedenska napoved, 5.12. – 11.12., Na poti do polne lune


Luna v Ribah

Moč aspekta: Pomemben tedenski aspekt.

Trajanje aspekta: Od torka do četrtka.


Astrološka postavitev

Luna bo tekom sredine tedna tvorila prvi lunin kvadrat s Soncem v mesecu decembru. Gre za pomemben aspekt, ki prinaša prve mesečne uspehe, izzive ter problematike. Le ti so povezani s temami in energijo nove lune oziroma mlaja, ki je nastopil 30.11. Za več informacij glede pretekle mlade lune ter za boljše razumevanje tega tedenska aspekta si preberite prejšnjo tedensko napoved. Tedenska napoved, 28.11. – 4.12., Mlaj v Strelcu – Širši vpogledi ter zavedanje nezavednega

Luna v Ribah bo kvadrat s Soncem v Strelcu tvorila na 15° v Ribah. Vsi, ki ste rojeni v znamenju Rib, Strelca, Dvojčka oziroma Device boste čutili njen vpliv. Najmočneje bo Luna vplivala predvsem na tiste, ki ste rojeni med  tretjim in šestim v mesecu decembru, marcu, juniju ter septembru. Luna bo močno vplivala tudi na vse, ki imate pomembne planete in astrološke točke med 13° ter 16° v Ribah, Strelcu, Devici in Dvojčkih.


Čustvene potrebe, izzivi, razpoloženja, frustracije

Luna v Ribah povečuje naša umetniška nagnjenja, našo intuicijo, empatijo, sočutje, odpira nove čustvene dimenzije, sproža nežna, pa tudi globja čustva. Luna v Ribah predvsem v kombinaciji s Strelcem povečuje tudi našo domišljijo. Tekom njenega vpliva radi fantaziramo, sanjarimo o izpolnitvah naših želja in upov, ali pa kar tako tja v en dan. Povečana je tudi naivnost, lahkovernost zatorej pozor, da vas kdo ne izkoristi tako ali drugače. Nekateri se boste na čustvenem področju spopadali tudi z določeno mero zmede in kaotičnih čustev. Nesporazumi ter mešana sporočila, ki jih boste prejemali iz svojega okolja bodo prav tako povzročali probleme. Pozabljivost, problemi s koncentracijo bodo dodatno zakomplicirali naš vsakdan.  Vse zgoraj omenjene vplive bo dodatno podkrepil tudi Neptun v Ribah, zatorej malce pozornosti ne bo škodilo. Neptun je namreč poznan kot velik iluzionist.

Lunine mene, še posebej mlaji, lunin kvadrati ter polne Lune opozarjajo na neravnovesja v naših življenjih, poudarjajo naše čustvene potrebe ter nas spodbujajo k uresničevanju naših srčnih želja. Čustvena izpolnitev je tisto k čemur stremimo ob vsaki Lunini meni. Seveda pa se moramo zavedati, da te aspekti prinašajo tudi določene občutke nelagodja, frustracije, razočaranja. Osebna rast namreč ni možna brez negativne stimulacije, ki nas prisili da ukrepamo.


Drugi omembe vredni tedenski aspekti

Luna v Ovnu

Moč aspekta: šibak a pozitiven tedenski aspekt.

Trajanje aspekta: od četrtka pa do sobote, s poudarkom na petku.


Luna v Ovnu bo v petek 9.12. tvorila pozitiven aspekt konjunkcije z Uranom, sekstila z Jupitrom v Tehtnici ter aspekt trigona s Soncem in Saturnom v Strelcu. Kombinacija teh planetov bo sprožala pozitivno energijo, ki bo spodbujala samo-izražanje, rast, bogato kreativnost, konstruktivno spontanost, željo po razumevanju, pridobivanju novih izkušenj, znanj, širjenju zavesti. Aspekt bo pozitivno vplival na kakršno koli socialno aktivnost, veliko lahko pridobite tudi tisti, ki ga boste izkoristili za kakršne koli izlete, popotovanja, dejanska ali tista bolj duhovne narave.

Aspekt bo najmočneje vplival na pripadnike ognjenih znamenj, predvsem na Strelce ter Ovne. Posebej boste čutili vpliv tisti, ki ste rojeni med osmim ter enajstim v mesecu decembru, avgustu, aprilu ter vsi tisti s pomembnimi planeti ter astrološkimi točkami med 18° ter 21° v ognjenih znamenjih Leva, Strelca in Ovna. Aspekt zaznamuje harmonična energija, kar pomeni da njegov vpliv ne prinaša konfliktov, zunanjih ali notranjih, prav tako ne bomo čutili nikakršne prisile in nujnosti ter potrebe po akciji in ukrepanju. Slednji vplivi so značilni za težke aspekte, medtem ko nas harmonični aspekti obdarijo s pozitivnim potencialom, a je seveda na nas ali ga bomo dejansko izkoristili. Izbira je naša, lahko zgolj uživamo v dobrem počutju ali pa energije izkoristimo v veliko bolj produktivne ter ustvarjalne namene.