Weekly prediction, 29.1. – 4.2., Lunar eclipse and a Supermoon in Leo – Leave your mark on the world


Full Moon in Leo

Transit strength: strong yearly transit.

Transit duration: energies will be present throughout the week, strongest influence on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Astrological layout

On Wednesday the 31st, at 11° in Leo, a lunar eclipse also called a Supermoon will occur. Supermoons are Full Moons, as well as New Moons who occur while the Moon is closest to Earth. In 2018 we will witness three such Supermoons. This lunar eclipse will also be a total lunar eclipse, mainly seen in the Pacific and Asian regions where the Moon will turn blood red. On top of it all, this full Moon also happens to be the 2nd full Moon this month, called a Blue Moon. We are indeed going to witness a very rare astrological event, with a profound influence. A Super blue blood Moon.

Astrologically speaking, the Moon will have a very strong influence on many individuals because of its proximity to the Earth and also because of its total eclipse. Leos, Aquarians, Taurians and Scorpios will be affected the most, especially those born at the end and the beginning of January/February, April / May, July / August, October / November. All those who have important astrological points and planets between 8 ° and 14 ° in the sign of Leo, Aquarius, Taurus and Scorpio will also experience these energies in a profound way.


Emotional needs, moods, challenges, responses, frustrations

Full Moon in Leo will bring strong self-expression needs. Significant values such as originality, uniqueness, creativity, playfulness will arise. We will look for a way and an opportunity to leave our mark on this world. We will want to present ourselves to people, within our social, business environment, publicly and privately in our best, most desirable light. We will desire social affirmation, confirmation, and, of course, a lot of attention, as the energy of the lion makes us crave for it.

What people think of us will be important. It will also be essential that the world perceives, recognises, respects and admires our various and unique abilities, knowledge, gifts, talents, etc. Our social status and social integration will especially depend on our ability to successfully express unique aspects of our personality.

Of course, just like with every Full Moon, and especially with a Super moon, challenges are inevitable. Expressing, discovering one’s own uniqueness, learning about one’s own uniqueness may not be the most enjoyable thing or process. Certain parts of our true self will perhaps surprise us, scare us, and inspire us at the same time. On the other hand, some personal expectations may prove difficult to meet in real life situations. Plans, ideas, desires can also fail or my be left unrealised. The inability to express our unique personality, the inability to fulfil our own wishes, desires and expectations will naturally have negative effects on our self-esteem, self-worth, self-confidence, pride and social power.


It is necessary to emphasise that with every Full Moon aspect, an opposition the Moon forms with the Sun plays an important role. This time the Sun is in Aquarius, addressing our abilities of social cooperation and integration. Important values of Aquarius such as equality, equity, fraternity, social justice become prominent. Social progress, social, environmental awareness and active social engagement in terms of improving as well as changing certain social standards and mechanisms also become issues we deal with more often. Strong presence of Aquarian energies will be felt in a wider, global social sense, however on the individual level, this Full Moon brings to the fore the aspect of successful social integration. To stand out from the crowd will be an important but in no way a light challenge for every individual. We may have to confront, rejection, failure and consequently we may become anxious and afraid to express and realise our desires, ambitions, goals.

We should not allow such manifestations of these energies to take hold on us. It should be noted that the process of social promotion and social affirmation through which the uniqueness of the individual within the social organism is confirmed and recognised, is a complicated and difficult process. It is of utmost importance for all of us to distinguish ourselves from other people and to shine in all our uniqueness. However in order to achieve that we need to be aware of the importance of developing certain social skills, cooperation skills and, of course, personal strategies of success. Values of determination, persistence, patience and perseverance, as well as courage itself play an important role. Failures, falls are part of this process. Establishing a position and a role within society, leaving your mark on the world is a necessary undertaking with a difficult learning curve. Whoever will be able to fully understand and appreciate the process mentioned above, while adhering to a number of important values also mentioned above, will find it much easier to cope with all the inconveniences, fears and problems that this Full Moon might bring.

As for other negative manifestations of Leo energy, it will be necessary to avoid excessive ego-centrism, egoism, selfishness, arrogance, unhealthy feelings of self-importance, excessive dramatisation, hysteria, vanity, false pride, excessive desire for domination, control and power over others, regardless of the well-intended nature of our actions, wishes, desires, goals and ambitions.

We will also have to nurture other positive aspects of the Leo’s energy, such as courage, generosity, benevolence, heartiness, sincerity, sociability. Combined with a strong desire for self-expression, adopting these Leo characteristics will enable us to achieve the only thing that should really matter, the only thing we should all really aspire towards…to become our true inner selves in the outer world. 🙂

Tedenska napoved, 29.1. – 4.2., Lunin mrk oziroma superluna v Levu – Pustite svoj pečat v svetu


Polna Luna in lunin mrk v Levu

Moč tranzita: močan letni tranzit.

Trajanje tranzita: energije bomo čutili tekom celega tedna, toda najmočneje v torek, sredo in četrtek.

Astrološka postavitev

V sredo bo na 11° v Levu nastopil lunin mrk oziroma tako zvana superluna. Superlune so lahko polne lune pa tudi mlaji, ki se v pri kroženju okoli Zemlje le tej najbolj približajo. V letu 2018 bomo priča trem takšnim superlunam. Tokratni lunin mrk bo tudi popoln lunin mrk, viden predvsem iz pacifiške in Azijske regije, ob katerem se bo Luna obarvala krvavo rdeče. Hkrati je tokratna polna Luna tudi druga polna luna v mesecu januarju. Brez dvoma bo tokratni lunarni astrološki vpliv eden najmočnejših kar jih to nebesno telo premore.

Astrološko gledano bo imela tokratna Luna zaradi svoje bližine Zemlji pa tudi zaradi mrka, precej močan vpliv na mnoge posameznike. Najmočneje jo bodo čutili Levi, Vodnarji, Biki in Škorpijoni, predvsem vsi tisti, ki so rojeni v ob koncu in začetku meseca januarja/februarja, aprila/maja, julija/avgusta, oktobra/novembra. Prav tako bodo močan vpliv izkusili tudi vsi tisti, ki imajo pomembne astrološke točke in planete med 8° in 14° v znamenju Leva, Vodnarja, Bika in Škorpijona.


Čustvene potrebe, razpoloženja, izzivi, odzivi, frustracije

Polna Luna v Levu bo prinesla močne potrebe po samoizražanju. Pomebne vrednote bodo originalnost, izvirnost, edinstvenost, kreativnost, igrivost. Iskali bomo priložnost kako pustiti konkreten pečat v svetu. Ljudem, svojemu socialnemu, poslovnemu, širšemu pa tudi ožjemu družbenem okolju se bomo želeli prikazati v svoji najboljši, najbolj zaželjeni in najbolj reprezentativni luči. Želeli si bomo družbene afirmacije, potrditve, pa tudi seveda, kot se za levje energije spodobi, veliko pozornosti.

Veliko nam bo pomenilo to kaj si ljudje mislijo o nas, še posebej pa bo pomembno, da svet opazi, spozna, prizna, spoštuje pa tudi občuduje naše različne in edinstvene sposobnosti, znanja, darove, talente, itd. Na uspešnosti izražanja unikatnih aspektov naših osebnosti bo temeljil naš družbeni status in družbena integracija.

Seveda, tako kot vsaka, še posebej pa kot super luna, tudi tokratna polna luna prinaša izzive. Izražanje, odkrivanje, spoznavanje lastne edinstvenosti morda za vse ne bo najbolj prijetno opravilo oziroma proces. Določeni deli našega pravega jaz-a nas bodo morda konkretno presenetili in prestrašili, pa tudi navdihnili obenem. Po drugi strani bodo morda kakšna osebna pričakovanja težko kompatibilna z določenimi realnimi življenjskimi situacijami. Načrti, ideje, želje se lahko prav tako izjalovijo ali pa ostanejo neuresničene. Nezmožnost izražanja naše edinstvene osebnosti, nezmožnost izpolnitve lastnih hotenj, želja in pričakovanj bo seveda imelo negativne učinke na našo samozavest, ponos, socialno moč.


Potrebno se je zavedati, da na drugem koncu aspekta polne Lune seveda stoji Sonce. Le to je tokrat v znamenju Vodnarja, ki predstavlja ravno naše sposobnosti družbenega sodelovanja, povezovanja, integracije. Pomembne vrednote Vodnarja so enakost, bratstvo, družbena progresivnost, napredek, pravičnost, družbena ozaveščenost ter aktivno družbeno udejstvovanje v smislu izboljšanja pa tudi spreminjanja določenih družbenih standardov in mehanizmov. V kolikor bo močno prisotnost Vodnarja čutiti v širšem, globalnem družbenem smislu, bo v povezavi s tokratno polno Luno za posameznika še najpomembnejši vidik uspešne družbene integracije. Sposobnost uveljavitve posameznika znotraj družbene sfere, bo pomemben a nikakor lahek izziv. Soočiti se bomo morali morda z zavrnitvami in neuspehom in posledično tudi s strahom pred lastnim samoizražanjem ter uresničevanjem določenih želja in sledenjem ambicijam, ciljem.

Takšnih manifestacij energij omenjene polne Lune si ne smemo privoščiti. Zavedati se je treba, da je proces družbenega uveljavljanja in družbene afirmacije skozi katerega se potrdi ravno edinstvenost posameznika znotraj družbenega organizma, zapleten in težaven proces. V kolikor je za vse nas izrednega pomena, da se ločimo od ostalih ljudi in zasijemo v svoji posebnosti in unikatnosti, moramo ozavestiti pomembnost razvoja določenih socialnih veščin, veščin sodelovanja, prilagajanja in seveda osebnih strategij. Pomembno vlogo tu igrajo vrednote odločnosti, vztrajnosti pa tudi vrednota levjega poguma. Razočaranja, padci, neuspehi so del tega procesa. Venomer se učimo kako si izboriti svoje mesto znotraj družbe in seveda kako v družbi pustiti tudi svoj osebni pečat. Kdor bo v problematičnih trenutkih in konfliktnih situacijah tekom tega tedna upešno ozavestil zgoraj omenjeni proces, se držal pravih vrednot, se bo veliko lažje spopadal z vsemi neprijetnostmi, strahovi in težavami, ki nam jih lahko navrže tokratna Polna Luna.

Kar se tiče ostalih negativnih manifestacij levje energije, se bo potrebno izogibati prevelikemu egocentrizmu, egooizmu, sebičnosti, aroganci, nezdravi samopomembnosti, prevelikem dramatiziranju, histeriji, preveliki želji po dominanci, nadvladi, kontroli in moči nad drugimi, ne glede na dobronamernost naših dejanj, hotenj, ciljev in ambicij.

Prav tako bomo morali negovati ostale pozitivne aspekte levje energije kot so pogum, radodarnost, dobrohotnost, srčnost, iskrenost, dobrovoljnost, družabnost. V kombinaciji z močno željo po samoizražanju, nam bo ponotranjanje teh levjih karakteristik omogočilo edino stvar, ki si jo vsi zares želimo, biti to kar smo. 🙂

Weekly prediction, 18.1. – 26.1., First quarter Moon in Taurus – Peace, tranquillity, comfort and freedom of expression


First quarter Moon in Taurus

Transit strength: strong weekly transit.

Transit duration: stronger energies at the start of the next week with a considerable influence from Wednesday until Sunday and a climax on Friday and Saturday.


Astrological layout

The aspect of this first quarter Moon will be marked by a square between the Moon in Taurus and Sun/Venus in Aquarius. The presence of Mars and Jupiter in Scorpio will also have a significant impact on the energy output of this aspect. Taurians, Aquarians, Leos and Scorpios will all be affected, especially those born at the end of April, July, October, January. The energies will also have a profound effect on all those who have important planets and astrological points between 2 ° and 9 ° in the signs of Taurus, Aquarius, Leo and Scorpio.


Emotional needs, moods, challenges, responses, frustrations

The Moon in Taurus will bring the need for greater stability in our everyday life. We will desire more peace, calm, comfort, relaxation and we will try to avoid stress, nervous and chaotic situations and negative relationship interactions. In the course of the influence of these Taurian energies, patience, perseverance and a high thresholds for tolerance do tend to increase, but Taurus does not like instability, chaos, excessive disturbance, unrest, agitation and disruption so within an individual that resonates profoundly with the nature of the Bull, such stressful energies will create a lot of discomfort, anger and frustration. It will be best if in such a case, as what Taurus usually does, we simply withdraw from the environment that causes certain negative emotions to arise within us. Finding some peace and quiet will therefore be very important. If we do not succeed in running away from this negativity, we can experience explosive outbursts of negative emotions like rage and hysteria ourselves or we can experience it in others.

Our well-being will also be strongly influenced by the level of individual self-sufficiency, independence, material, financial security, as well as emotional security. The feeling of comfort that material goods can produce, will of course depend on our ability to acquire these goods,  it will depend on our ingenuity, resourcefulness and how well we take care of our needs and ourselves in this world. All of this will dictate the level of our performance, self-fulfilment, and the level of comfort that we can enjoy. There will be financial worries, problems, feelings of dissatisfaction, jealousy, some will also be ruled and dominated by greed, envy, greediness. Positive emotions of joy and happiness will be present and will manifest through those people who will know how to take care of themselves, how to spoil and pamper themselves in healthy moderation while ensuring personal growth and progress.  So the advice here is, do not overdo it, do not go to extremes!


With Venus and Sun in Aquarius, it will also be important to seek greater personal freedom, more sophisticated and genuine self-expression, more personal space, more  cooperation, integration, equality within society, social groups, collectives, interest groups, etc. Important values ​​will be unconventionality, the idea of ​​personal and social progress, development, social and self-awareness within all areas of life. We will be attracted to everything that is unknown, new, unexplored, and perhaps even bizarre.

In many ways, the energy of Aquarius will clash with the energy of Taurus. The need for stability, security, continuity, a certain measure of traditionality will not go hand in hand with the needs for experimentation, unconventionality, breaking down patterns, breaking status quo and some of the established ways of society and daily functioning. The need for greater personal freedom, personal space also brings unwillingness as well as a lack of interest to commit to something, someone or to become too attached to something or someone all together. This in particular will clash with Taurian needs for loyalty, complete devotion, strong personal integrity and trust . Perhaps the above mentioned difference will cause most conflicts, misunderstandings, bad moods in relationships of all kinds. Remember, the very nature of all fixed signs, of which Taurus and Aquarius are part of, has an exceptionally stubborn quality to it, do not forget that.


The battle between stability, orderliness, tradition on one hand and chaos, changes, the desire for progress, development, breaking patterns and status quo in any area of life on the other hand, is almost inevitable. This will become a reality especially for those who were somewhat if not all together derailed by the New Moon in Capricorn, as she broke down the daily routine of many people, changed our everyday way of functioning, brought about irreversible changes in our lives that can not be ignored or dismissed. Here, we will have to activate the Taurian ability to establish order, peace, stability as quickly as possible, and at the same time we will have to introduce some new ways of behaving, thinking, functioning and perceiving the world and ourselves. Much of this will occur in the sphere of our relations, our finances however, our personal assets, careers, life goals will also be affected.

If we perceive current changes in our lives and new beginnings in a positive way, if we even initiated these changes ourselves, then we will connect well with the energy of Aquarius in many aspects. However, we will also have to take into account the energies of Taurus, which will dictate prudence, caution, and draw attention to the importance of setting up healthy and strong foundations for our new ventures, dealings, obligations, enterprises, projects and beginnings. If we do not maintain an earthly, grounded approach to our every day life, it will be exactly the negative manifestations of Aquarian energy such as irresponsibility, inconsistency, impulsiveness, unrealistic expectations, that will destroy our plans and distance us from our wishes, goals and desires.

Tedenska napoved, 18.1. – 26.1., Prvi lunin krajec v Biku – Mir, udobje in svobodno izražanje ter počutje


Prvi lunin krajec v Biku

Moč tranzita: močan tedenski tranzit

Trajanje tranzita: energije bodo močnejše od vikenda naprej, najmočneje bomo tranzit čutili od srede pa vse do nedelje z vrhuncem v petek in soboto.


Astrološka postavitev

Aspekt tokratnega prvega luninega krajca bo zaznamoval kvadrat med Luno v Biku ter Soncem in Venero v Vodnarju. Prisotnost Marsa in Jupitra v Škorpijonu bo prav tako močno vplivala na energije omenjenega aspekta. Predvsem boste vse skupaj najmočneje občutili Biki, Vodnarji, Levi in Škorpijoni, še posebej tisti rojeni konec meseca aprila, julija, oktobra, januarja. Energije bodo prav tako močno vplivale na vse tiste, ki imate pomembne planete in astrološke točke med 2° in 9° v znamenju Bika, Vodnarja, Leva in Škorpijona.


Čustvene potrebe, razpoloženja, izzivi, odzivi, frustracije

Luna v Biku bo prinesla potrebo po večji stabilnosti, ustaljenosti našega vsakdana. Želeli si bomo več miru, udobja, oddiha in se če se bo le dalo se bomo skušali izogibati stresu, živčnim in kaotičnim situacijam ter negativnim medosebnim interakcijam. Tekom vpliva bikovskih energij se sicer potrpljenje, vztrajnost in visok prag tolerance ljudi poveča, a Bik ne mara nestablinosti, kaosa, preveč vznemirjanja, zatorej bo takšna energija znotraj posameznika, ki močno rezonira z bikovskovsko naravo, ustvarjala nemir, nelagodje, porajala se bo napetost, jeza, bes, frustracija. Najbolje bo če se v takem primeru, kar Biki ponavadi tudi naredijo, preprosto umaknemo iz okolja, ki v nas vzbuja določena negativna čusta. Iskanje kvalitetnega osebnega miru bo torej zelo pomembno. V nasprotnem primeru smo lahko priča tudi eksplozivnim izpadom negativnih čustev, kot  bes, histerija.

Na naše počutje bosta prav tako močno vplivala stopnja posameznikove samozadostnosti, neodvisnosti, materialna, finančna varnost in preskrbljenost, pa tudi čustvena varnost. Občutek udobja, ki nam ga lahko prožajo dobrine tega sveta, bo seveda precej odvisen od naše sposobnosti kako do teh dobrin priti, si jih zagotoviti, po domače rečeno, precej bo odvisno kako dobro se znajdemo v tem materialnem svetu ter kako dobro znamo poskrbeti zase in za lastne potrebe. To bo narekovalo stopnjo naše uspešnosti, samoizpolnitve ter raven udobja, ki ga bomo lahko uživali. Pojavljale se bodo finančne skrbi, problemi, čustva nezadovoljnosti, ljubosumja, nekaterim bodo vladali tudi pohlep, zavist, požrešnost, prisotna pa bodo tudi pozitivna čustva veselja, sreče tistih ljudi, ki bodo znali poskrbeti sami zase, se razvajati in osebno razvijati, a bodo to počeli v neki zdravi zmernosti. Ne pretiravajte v ekstremih!


Z Venero in Soncem v Vodnarju bo prav tako pomembno iskanje večje osebne svobode, več svodobnega in pristnega samoizražanja, več osebnega prostora, več medsebonjega sodelovanja, povezovanja, enakovrednosti znotraj družbe, družbenih skupin, kolektivov, interesnih skupin, itd. Vrednote bodo nekonvencionalnost, ideja osebnega in družbenega napredka, progresivnosti, razvoja, ozaveščenosti, na vseh življenjskih področjih nas bo privlačilo vse kar je neznano, novo, neraziskano, še neizkušeno in nepreverjeno, morda tudi bizarno.

V kar nekaj pogledih se bo omenjena energija Vodnarja udarila z energijo Bika. Potrebe po stabilnosti, varnosti, kontinuiteti, določena mera tradicionalnosti, ne bodo šli ravno z roko v roki s potrebami po eksperimentiranju, nevsakdanjosti, rušenju vzorcev, statusa quo ter kakšnih ustaljenih načinov vsakodnevnega funkcioniranja. Potreba Vodnarja po večji osebni svobodi pomeni kokretno nepripravljenost pa tudi nezainteresiranost vezati se na nekaj, nekoga, obvezati se se za nekaj, zavezati se nečemu v takšni meri kot bo to v nas vzbujala Bikovska potreba po zvestobi, popolni predanosti, močni osebni integriteti in zaupanju. Morda bo ravno omenjena razlika povzročala največ konfliktov, nesporazumov, slabe volje v odnosih, takšnih in drugačnih.


Bitka med ustaljenostjo, urejenostjo, stabilnostjo, tradicijo ter kaosom, spremembami, željo po napredku, rušenju vzorcev, razvoju v kakršnem koli smislu ter na katerem koli področju je skoraj neizbežna. Še posebej bo to postala stvarnost, če nas je tokratni Mlaj na kakršenkoli način vrgel iz tira, porušil našo rutino, vsakdanji način funkcioniranja, prinesel spremembe, ki jih ni moč ignorirati in odmisliti. Tu bomo morali aktivirati tako bikovsko sposobnost čim hitrejšega vzpostavljanja redu, miru, stabilnosti in ustaljenosti hkrati pa bomo morali uvesti neke nove načine obnašanja, funkcioniranja, dojemanja sveta in nas samih. Mnogo tega se bo odvijalo tako na področju odnosov kot tudi na področju naših financ, osebnega premoženja, kariere.

V kolikor bomo dojemali spremembe in nove začetke kot nekaj dobrodošlega ali pa bomo celo sami iniciatorji le teh, potem se bomo z energijo Vodnarja v marsikaterem aspektu dobro povezali. Vseeno pa bo treba upoštevati tudi energije Bika, ki bo narekoval preudarnost, previdnost, opozarjal na pomembnost postavljanja zdravih in močnih temeljev našim novim podvigom in začetkom. V kolikor ne bomo ohranili določene mere prizemljenosti bodo ravno negativna vodnarska lahkomiselnost, neodgovornost, nekonsistentnost, prenagljenost ter nerealna pričakovanja, porušila naše načrte ter nas oddaljila od naših želja, ciljev in hotenj.

Weekly prediction, 10.1. – 17.1., New Moon in Capricorn – New beginnings infused with interesting and chaotic energies of Uranus in Aries


New Moon in Capricorn

Transit strength: a strong monthly transit.

Transit duration: potent energies form this Wednesday forth will reach climaxes during weekend and during Monday and Tuesday of the next week.


Astrological layout

This week’s energies will mostly affect Capricorns, Arians, Libras and Cancers, especially those born between the 10th and 19th of January, April, July and October, and all those with significant astrological points and planets between 23 ° and 28 ° in the sign of Capricorn, Aries, Libra and Cancer. Other fire and earth signs such as Leos, Sagittarians, Virgos and Taurians will also be affected. As this lunar transit is also supported by the energy of Mars and Jupiter in Scorpio, members of the mentioned zodiac sign will experience these energies profoundly.

On Tuesday the 17th of January the Moon will form a conjunction with the Sun and Venus between 26 ° and 29 ° in Capricorn, a square with Uranus at 24 ° in Aries and a weak sextile with Mars in Scorpio.


Emotional needs, moods, challenges, responses, frustrations

As we have said, in the next seven days we will witness new beginnings, the start of new life chapters, the layout of new foundations. The energy of Capricorn will remain a dominant astrological influence, which means that desires and needs for stability, orderliness, emotional, material, financial security, a better, more efficient organisation, success, desires for social affirmation, achievement, social power, status and influence will prevail. Important values, patience, prudence, perseverance and diligence will represent important social ideals.

With the presence of Venus in Capricorn, all projects, activities, ventures and other investments of our energy, time and effort will follow a common goal, the fulfilment of our personal desires in relation to the idea of ​​greater self-expression, self-fulfilment, attaining personal happiness, success and well-being. Likewise, our engagement in the world will be strongly in line with our most rigorously strict values of principle. Conservatism and conformism will also be quite desirable aspects of social interaction.


Many new beginnings, manifesting through events and situations, will be primarily associated with our interpersonal, social relationships. In larger collectives and interest groups, as well as in one on one personal, love and business relationships, we will seek greater connectivity, greater cooperation, we will try to define common goals, establish a clear vision for the future, a working hierarchical system and structure with a just  and fair division of labour and proper acceptance of responsibilities and obligations. Personal partnerships and relations will also experience the need and desire to increase a sense of commitment, loyalty, working towards a more mature union, while seeking, establishing and nurturing a strong, enduring love, mutual respect and connection. Finding emotional security will be of paramount importance. The issues of financial, material stability and security will also play a significant role.

Despite the fact that we will function in the spirit of a rational, purposeful, prudent, responsible and orderly Capricorn, the energy of Uranus in Aries, will not bring  motivation, sense of freedom, and a desire for a certain degree of unconventionality alone, but will also produce a bunch of unforeseen events, surprises. While some of these developments will produce interesting and exciting results, the rest will unleash quite chaotic, unpleasant, unwanted feelings, moods and states of mind etc. The unpredictability of events will, at least, to some extent shape our everyday life. Altering, changing, adjusting our plans, expectations will be quite common, as it will be simply impossible to achieve or accomplish our intended goals in a way we might have imagined. Some of these new beginnings, new chapters, new developments might not be the fruit and creation of our own ideas, our work, but will be merely the product of uranium energies that will surprise us with certain new business offers, life opportunities, complications and emotions. Those who will benefit from such a blessing should be especially grateful, literally, as well as in a sarcastic way.


The Energies of the New Moon in Capricorn will therefore enable us to actually achieve some tangible results, successes, agreements or will at least enable us to set some stable foundations, allowing further development. In certain areas of ​​our lives, we will be able to form a clear focus and directions as well as realistic and attainable personal and relationship goals. Taking into account all the negative and positive effects that Uranus in Aries brings, we should try to use this somewhat if not highly chaotic, disruptive energy and turn these unpredictable, changeable situations, events to our advantage trying to adapt successfully to the new circumstances and facts of reality. In doing so, we should be led by our core values, life priorities, self-awareness, our true desires, needs, important personal ideas, beliefs in regard to the concepts of happiness, security, stability, self-fulfilment, success and of course, love. In this way, we will make the most of these energies that will affect us during the next seven days.


I wish all of you a beautiful and a successful week!

Tedenska napoved, 10.1. – 17.1., Mlaj v Kozorogu – V znamenju novih začetkov, ki bodo prežeti z zanimivimi ter tudi kaotičnimi energijami Urana v Ovnu



Mlaj v Kozorogu

Moč tranzita: močan mesečni tranzit.

Trajanje tranzita: energijski vplivi bodo v intenziteti naraščali vse od današnje srede naprej ter vrhunec dosegli tekom vikenda ter naslednji ponedeljek in torek, ko tudi nastopi mlada Luna.


Astrološka postavitev

Tokratne tedenske energije bodo najmočneje zaznamovale vse Kozoroge, Ovne, Tehtnice, Rake, še posebej tiste rojene med 10-im in 19-im meseca januarja, aprila, julija in oktobra ter vse tiste s pomembnimi astrološkimi točkami in planeti med 23° in 28° v znamenju Kozoroga, Ovna, Tehtnice in Raka. Močneje bodo energije čutili tudi ostala ognjena in zemeljska znamenja kot so Levi, Strelci, Device in Biki. Ker dotični lunarni tranzit podpira tudi energija Marsa in Jupitra v Škorpijonu, boste aspekt občutili tudi pripadniki omenjenga vodnega znamenja.

V torek 17.1. bo Luna tvorila konjunkcijo s Soncem in Venero med 26° in 29° v Kozorogu, kvadrat z Uranom na 24° v Ovnu ter šibak sekstil z Marsom v Škorpijonu.


Čustvene potrebe, razpoloženja, izzivi, odzivi, frustracije

Kot že rečeno bo naslednjih sedem dni minilo v znamenju novih začetkov, postavljanja novih temeljev, odpiranja novih poglavij ter zgodb. Vse bo zaznamovala primarna zemeljska energija Kozoroga kar pomeni, da nas bo na mnogih življenjskih področjih vodila želja in potreba po stabilnosti, urejenosti, čustveni, materialni, finančni varnosti, boljši, učinkovitejši organizaciji, uspehu, v želji po družbeni afirmaciji, doseganju določenega družbenega statusa in prevzemanju določene družbene vloge. Pomembne vrednote bodo potrpežljivost, vztrajnost ter delavnost.

S prisotnostjo Venere v Kozorogu bodo kakršni koli projekti, aktivnosti, podvigi ter ostali vložki naše energije, časa in truda vezani na stvari, ki bodo na nek način izpolnjevale naše osebne želje povezane z idejo večje samoizraznosti, samoizpolnitve, doseganja osebne sreče, uspeha in dobrobiti. Prav tako bo naše udejstvovanje v svetu močno v skladu z našimi najtrdnejšimi, najstrožjimi in najbolj načelnimi vrednotami. Konservatizem in komforno vedenje bosta prav tako precej izpostavljena in zaželjena aspekta družbenega funkcioniranja.


Mnogi novi začetki, dogajanja, bodo predvsem vezana na naše medosebne in družbene odnose. V večjih kolektivih in interesnih skupinah, pa tudi v osebnih, tako ljubezenskih, prijateljskih kot tudi poslovnih odnosih bomo stremeli k iskanju večje povezanosti, močnejšega sodelovanja, definiranja skupnih ciljev, jasnih vizij, tudi k vzpostavljanju jasne hierarhije, strukture, delitve dela, podeljevanju in sprejemanju odgovornosti, obveznosti. Osebne partnerske odnose bo zaznamovala tudi potreba in želja povečji predanosti, zvestobi, resnosti, ter stvarni, otipljivi in stabilni ljubezni. Čustvena varnost bo tu še kako pomembna. Vprašanja finančne, materialne stabilnosti in varnosti bodo prav tako  igrala precej pomembno vlogo.

Kljub temu, da se bomo stvari lotili v duhu razumnega, redoljubnega in preudarnega Kozoroga, nam bo energija Urana v Ovnu poleg izrazite motivacije in želje po določeni meri progesivnosti, nekonvencionalnosti, postregla tudi s kopico nepredvidenih, presenečenj polnih, po eni strani zanimivih, razburljivih, po drugi strani pa precej kaotičnih in neprijetnih, nezaželjenih dogodkov, čustev, počutij, itd. Nestanovitnost dogajanja bo vsaj v določeni meri krojila naš vsakdan. Primorani bomo vsaj nekoliko, če ne že korenito spreminiti, predrugačiti, prilagoditi naše načrte, pričakovanja, saj željenih manifestacij naših želja morda ne bo moč doseči. Nekateri začetki, nova poglavja, novi razvoji dogodkov bodo pometli z nečim starim ali pa ne bodo sad in kreacija naših zamisli, idej in dela, temveč bodo zgolj produkt uranovskih energij, ki nas lahko prijetno presenetijo z določenimi novimi poslovnimi, življenjskimi priložnostmi in ponudbami, zapleti, tudi čustvi. Tisti, ki boste deležni takšnega blagoslova, se lahko omenjenim energijam še posebej, tako dobesedno kot skarastično rečeno, iskreno zahvalite.


Energije Mlaja v Kozorogu nam bodo torej omogočale, da dejansko dosežemo neke prve oprijemljive rezultate, uspehe, dogovore oziroma nam bodo omogočale postavitev nekih stabilnih temeljev nadaljnjega razvoja.  Na nekem področju naših življenj bomo tako lahko začrtali realne in jasne smernice, cilje, naših nadaljnjih skupnih in osebnih življenjskih poti. Z upoštevanjem negativnih in pozitivnih vplivov, ki jih prinaša  Uran v Ovnu, poskusimo to do neke mere kaotično, motečo in desruptivno energijo izkoristiti v svoj prid in v nepredvidljive, spreminjajoče se situacije, dogajanja, vnesti red, strutkuro ter se skušati uspešno prilagoditi novim okoliščinam in stanjem. Pri tem naj nas vodijo naše vrednote, življenjske prioritete, samoozaveščanje naših resničnih želja, potreb in temeljiti premisleki o tem kaj nam v življenju predstavljajo koncepti sreče, varnosti, stabilnosti, samoizpolniteve, uspeha in seveda ljubezni. Na ta način bomo najbolje izkoristili energije, ki bodo krojile naš vsakdan tekom naslednjega tedna.


Želim vam lep in uspešen teden!


Weekly prediction, 1.1. – 9.1., Last quarter Moon in Libra – Loving your work and enjoying personal success, two wonderfully balanced outcomes of responsible, diligent approach to life and proper ambitions and desires.


Last quarter Moon in Libra

Transit strength: a strong monthly transit.

Transit duration: energy influences will be present throughout the week with a climax at the end of this week and in the beginning of the next one.

Astrological layout

The last quarter Moon in Libra occurring on Monday the 8th of January, will form a square with the Sun in Capricorn. The aspect will also include the conjunction of Venus and Pluto in Capricorn. These planetary energies will affect all Capricorns, Libras, Cancers and Arians, especially those born at the beginning of January, April, July and October. These energies will also have a powerful effect on people with important planets and astrological points between 14 ° and 20 ° in Capricorn, Libra, Cancer and Aries.


Emotional needs, moods, challenges, responses, frustrations

The last quarter Moon in Libra will adopt the energies of this month’s Full Moon which is marked by the passage of Saturn into Capricorn. The needs and the demands associated with a more profound down to earth approach toward life will be emphasised. Reality checks of all kinds, accepting reality, its facts, circumstances, truths, etc. will thus play an important part. We will need to accept greater personal responsibility in all areas of life, we will to achieve a more potent working zeal, find healthy motivation, be fair and just, follow true and healthy passions, ambitions and live in accordance with values such as patience, perseverance, diligence.

With the Moon in Libra, the task at hand will be a search for a balanced investment of our personal energy, effort and time on a daily basis. Becoming aware of life’s realities and the many limitations, problems, conflicts, hardships that they can deliver to our doorstep, while we seek greater self-expression, success, happiness, comfort and self-fulfilment, it will be important that our everyday life engagements are governed by some kind of order, purpose, a clear direction, focus, meaning, structure and, of course, a sense of efficiency and successfulness.


Investing energy, effort and time in any kind of work, activities that will not bring us joy, feelings of happiness, a sense of self-fulfilment, will of course be a meaningless endeavour that will due to the difficult energies of Saturn in Capricorn, as well as Pluto in Capricorn, cause additional burden, stress, fatigue, exhaustion, frustration, boredom, apathy, and numbness. Modelling our lives according to social standards, traditions, patterns in order to fit in and in order to be accepted, the acquisition and a pursuit of a socially acceptable role, function or status in order to achieve praise, recognition, fame and respect will be a wasted effort if it does not at the same time meet our important emotional needs, if it does not allow us to make our wishes, desires come true, if we wont be able to self-express our inner true self.

On the other hand, superficial, reckless, irresponsible, hasty or lazy investment in the pursuit of certain life goals, ambitions, desires that could truly bring about feelings of success, self-fulfilment and happiness, will instead produce many problems, conflicts, missed opportunities, losses of trust, losses of money, income, material security, as well as fatigue and frustration. In this case, the lack of order, discipline, focus, commitment, hard work and effort will also deprive of the realisation of our emotional needs, desires and wishes.


Venus in Capricorn will urge us to come into contact with our values, desires, to ask ourselves what we really want, what we would like to do in life, how, in what way would we like to live this life and succeed within our social sphere. The important question will be the question of our personal worth and who or what really is worthy of us. The Moon in Libra will encourage us to find balance and compromise between us and the outside world, as well as inside us, between our thoughts, emotions, beliefs, doubts, insecurities. We will look for ways to respect work, responsibilities, obligations, social rules, values ​​and principles, while living our lives in a way that pleases and satisfies us. We will look for ways to combine pleasure and usefulness. We will try to find, discover work, career, occupation, service, activities, that will provide material, financial security, insure survival,  provide social status, position, success, while allowing us to realise ourselves, to express our inner-selves, to follow our dreams, desires, wishes, to be happy.

Of course, this challenge will not be an easy one, since the nature of the aspect itself predicts difficult, exhausting and demanding processes of personal growth, which will require clarity, sincerity, determination, patience, diligence, seriousness, perseverance. We will have to recognise our shortcomings and problems, financial, psychological, emotional, health related ones. We will need to eliminate them while working on our personal strengths, potentials, desires, goals and ambitions. We will have to accept compromises that are not ideal, attractive, but they will allow us to continue walking on the path that interests us and leads us to the desired destination and goal.


Tedenska napoved, 1.1. – 9.1., Zadnji lunin kvadrat v Tehtnici – Veselje do dela in uspeh, uravnovešena produkta osebne odgovornosti, delavnosti ter zdravih ambicij in želja.


Zadnji Lunin kvadrat v Tehtnici

Moč tranzita: močan mesečni tranzit.

Trajanje tranzita: energijski vplivi bodo prisotni tekom celotnega tedna, najmočneje jih bomo občutili ob koncu tedna ter v začetku drugega tedna.

Astrološka postavitev

Zadnji Lunin kvadrat v Tehtnici, ki ga bo Luna, v ponedeljek 8.1., tvorila s Soncem v Kozorogu, vključuje tudi konjunkcijo Venere ter Plutona v Kozorogu. Aspekt med omenjenimi planeti bo zaznamoval predvsem Kozoroge, Tehtnice, Rake in Ovne. Najmočneje ga boste čutili vsi tisti rojeni v začetku meseca januarja, aprila, julija in oktobra. Prav tako bodo energije močno vplivale na vse tiste, ki imate pomembne planete in astrološke točke med 14° in 20° v znamenju Kozoroga, Tehtnice, Raka in Ovna.


Čustvene potrebe, razpoloženja, izzivi, odzivi, frustracije

Zadnji Lunin kvadrat v Tehtnici skladno z energijami tokratne Polne Lune ter prehodom Saturna v znamenje Kozoroga še vedno prinaša potrebo in zahtevo po večji prizemljenosti, soočanju z realnostjo, njenimi dejstvi, okoliščinami, resnicami, itd. Poudarjeno bo sprejemanje večje odgovornosti, pomembni gonilniki bodo delovna vnema, zdrava motivacija, strasti, ambicije, koncept pravičnosti ter vrednote kot so potrpežljivost, vztrajnost, delavnost.

Z Luno v Tehtnici bo predvsem pomembno iskanje pravega ravnovesja kot tudi kompromisov pri vlaganju naše energije, truda in časa tekom našega vsakdana. Z zavedanjem realnosti življenja predvsem pa mnogih omejitev, problemov, konfliktov, ki nam jih prinaša in na katere lahko naletimo pri našem samoizražanju in iskanju lastnega uspeha, sreče, udobja in samoizpolnitve, bo pomembno, da našemu vsakodnevnemu udejstvovanju vladajo nek red, urejenost, smisel, namen, struktura in seveda občutek učinkovitosti in uspešnosti.


Vlaganje energije, truda in časa v kakršnokoli delo, aktivnosti, ki nam ne bodo prinašale nekega veselja, občutka sreče, izpolnjenosti, smisla, bo seveda brez pomena in bo povzročalo zaradi občutnih zemeljskih energij Saturna in Kozoroga ter tudi Plutona, veliko več dodatne obremenitve, stresa, utrujenosti, izčrpanosti, frustracije, naveličanosti in apatije ter otopelosti. Zgolj sledenje nekim družbenim standardom, tradicijam, vzorcem, zgolj prevzemanje, pridobitev, izpolnjevanje neke družbeno sprejemljive vloge, funkcije oziroma statusa, ne bo zadostovalo, če ne bo izpolnjevalo notranjih potreb, hotenj, želja našega notranjega jaza.

Prav tako bo po drugi strani površno, lahkomiselno, nezavzeto, neodgovorno, nedelavno oziroma lenobno vlaganje v sicer neke resnične ambicije, cilje in želje, katerih uresničitev bi resnično prinesla občutke uspeha, samoizpolnitve in sreče, produciralo veliko problemov, konfliktov, zamujenih priložnosti, izgub zaupanja, prav tako pa bo prineslo naveličanost, frustracijo. V tem primeru nas bo pomankanje reda, discipline, fokusa, zavzetosti in delavnosti prav tako prikrajšalo pri uresničitvi naših osebnih čustvenih potreb, želja in hotenj.


Venera v Kozorogu nas bo nagovarjala, da pridemo v stik z našimi vrednotami, željami, da se vprašamo česa si resnično želimo, kaj bi radi počeli v življenju, kako, na kakšen način bi radi živeli, uspeli sami sebe uresničiti v družbi in v življenju. Pomembno bo tudi vprašanje česa, koga smo resnično vredni in kaj oziroma kdo je resnično vreden nas. Luna v Tehtnici nas bo spodbujala v iskanju ravnovesja ter kompromisov, tako med nami in zunanjim svetom kot tudi znotraj nas med našimi mislimi, čustvi, prepričanji, željami, dvomi. Iskali bomo načine kako spoštovati delo, odgovornosti, obveznosti, družbena pravila, vrednote in načela in še vedno živeti življenje na način, ki nas veseli in izpolnjuje. Iskali bomo načine kako združiti koristno s prijetnim. Poskušali bomo najti najti, odkriti delo, kariero, poklic, službo, aktivnosti, udejstvovanja, ki bodo omogočala materilano, finančno varnost in preživetje, družbeni status, položaj, uspeh a hkrati dovoljevala, da uresničimo same sebe, izrazimo naše želje, živimo svoje sanje in smo srečni.

Seveda omenjeni izziv ne bo lahek, saj sama narava aspekta napoveduje težavne, izčrpljajoče in zahtevne procese osebne rasti, ki bodo od nas zahtevali zbranost, iskrenost, odločnost, potrpežljivost, zazvzetost in resnost. Priznati si bomo morali naše pomanjkljivosti, težave, jih odpraviti, delati na naših prednostih, potencialu, željah, ciljih in ambicijah. Sprejeti bomo morali kompromise, ki ne bodo idealni, privlačni, a nam bodo omogočali, da še vedno stopamo po poti, ki nas zanima in nas vodi do željene destinacije.

Želim vam uspešen prvi teden novega leta 2018!