Weekly prediction, 28.5. – 3.6., Full Moon in Sagittarius – Understanding the eventfulness of the current monthly cycle


Full Moon in Sagittarius


Transit strength: a strong monthly transit.

Transit duration: we will experience strongest influences this Tuesday and Wednesday, however the strong lunar vibes will continue to affect us until the end of this week.


Astrological layout

This Tuesday 29th of May, the Moon forms an opposition to the Sun in the Gemini at 8° in Sagittarius. The energies of the Full Moon will affect all Sagittarians, Gemini, Virgos, Pisces, especially those born at the end of May, August, November and February. People with significant planets or astrological points between 6 ° and 9 ° in the sign of Sagittarius, Gemini, Virgo and Pisces will also experience these vibes quite profoundly.

If you would like to know if your planets and astrological points fall under the influence of this current aspect, you can simply ask me or you can make your own astrological chart. The chart will show you exactly where all your planets and points fall within your natal chart wheel.

You can create your natal chart on this site: https://www.astro.com/cgi/genchart.cgi, but you must first create either a guest profile or a permanent one. In either case you will need to enter birth data, such as place, date and time of birth, and then create birth chart under free horoscopes and extended chart selection. Then you will select the guest or permanent profile you created under Birth data and under Methods you will select natal chart wheel. Finally, click on the blue “click here to show the chart” button and your map will pop up. 🙂 You will see a graphic representation of your chart, a 360° wheel. All the positions of all your personal planets and astrological points will be listed in the bottom left corner. That’s it. 🙂


Emotional needs, moods, challenges, responses, frustrations

Full Moon in Sagittarius represents the pinnacle of this monthly cycle. Besides the monthly climatic situational developments, crucial events, epilogues, complications this Moon also brings an important understanding of certain monthly dynamics, as it helps to realise and fathom the impact Uranus in Taurus has had on us all.

The entry of Uranus in the sign of Taurus has stirred the calm of many people, it has caused inconveniences, frustrations, stress, confusion, chaos, ruined certain plans, demolished the stability, structures of our everyday lives, but also offered some new, surprising, interesting opportunities, options, solutions and outcomes.

This Full Moon gives us a better idea of what is going on around us and even inside of us. It helps us understand the past monthly events, helps us to accept, understands certain changes, developments in our lives, as it also helps us to deal with certain consequences and results of our own personal decisions, actions, mistakes. With her help we acknowledge the outcome of things, and of course, she also encourages us to adapt our lives to some new circumstances and realities. Her influences help us recognise the right opportunities but she also rewards us with abundance in certain areas of life, blessings of good luck and fortune, positive results, if we actually do exploit these options she bestows upon us in a comprehensive and appropriate way. As with new opportunities or tiresome inconveniences, we will need the energy of the Full Moon to navigate successfully through this uranian mess but also to recognise and figure out our next steps and moves.

The Sagittarius allows a person to see the bigger picture, its energy stimulates us to view, observe certain events, developments, realities from different viewpoints, in which case we begin to understand certain life situations in a more holistic, complex and multilayered way. We achieve a better insight, a better overview of things. With the help of this Sagittarian energy, it becomes easier to accept certain things, it becomes easier to face the consequences and repair the damage. It becomes easier to really and fully exploit the opportunities of life.

Tedenska napoved, 28.5. – 3.6., Polna Luna v Strelcu – Razumevanje dogajanj tokratnega mesečnega cikla.


Polna Luna v Strelcu

Moč tranzita: močan mesečni tranzit.

Trajanje tranzita: najmočnejše vplive bomo čutili tekom torka in v sredo čez dan, a bodo Lunine energije vplivale na nas še vse do konca tega tedna.


Astrološka postavitev

Ta torek 29.5. bo Luna na 8° v Strelcu tvorila opozicijo s Soncem v Dvojčkih. Aspekt polne Lune bo najmočneje zaznamoval vse Strelce, Dvojčke, Device, Ribe, še posebej tiste, ki so rojeni ob koncu meseca maja, avgusta, novembra, februarja. Močne vplive boste izkusili tudi tisti, ki imate pomembne planete oziroma astrološke točke med 6° in 9 ° v znamenju Strelca, Dvojčkov, Device in Ribe.

V kolikor bi radi vedeli ali kak vaš planet oziroma astrološka točka pade pod vpliv zgoraj omenjenih aspektov, lahko kakšno vprašanje naslovite name ali pa si sami naredite astrološko karto, ki vam bo pokazala na katerih stopinjah ležijo pomembni planeti vaše karte.

Karto si lahko izdelate na tej strani: https://www.astro.com/cgi/genchart.cgi, vendar morate najprej ustvariti bodisi gostujoči profil ali trajnega. Vnesti boste morali rojstne podatke kot so kraj, datum in ura rojstva, nato pa si pod free horoscopester extended chart selection izdelate rojstno karto tako da pod Birth data vnesete izbrani gostujoči ali trajni profil pod Methods pa izberete natal chart wheel. Na koncu kliknete še modro označen click here to show the chart in pokazala se vam bo karta.

Ko se vam prikaže grafični zapis karte, imate v spodnjem levem kotu napisane pozicije vseh osebnih planetov in astroloških točk.


Čustvene potrebe, razpoloženja, izzivi, odzivi, frustracije

Polna Luna v Strelcu predstavlja vrhunec tokratnega mesečnega cikla in nam hkrati poleg določenih ključnih in pomembnih razpletov, zapletov mesečnega dogajanja prinaša tudi pomembno razumevanje tokratnih mesečnih dinamik, še posebej razumevanje vpliva, ki ga ima na nas ta mesec planet Uran v Biku.

Vstop Urana v znamenje Bika je marsikomu premešal štrene, povzročil nevšečnoti, frustracije, stres, zmedo, kaos, porušil kakšne načrte, stabilnost, strukturo vsakdana, a ponudil tudi kašne nove, presenetljive priložnosti, možnosti, rešitve in izhode.

Tokratna polna Luna nam omogoča da bolje osmislimo, razumemo preteklo mesečno dogajanje, pomaga nam sprejeti, razumeti določene spremembe, posledice, osebne odločitve, napake in zmote v naših življenjih, poskuša nas nanje navaditi in seveda nas spodbuja da naša življenja prilagodimo nekim novim okoliščinam ter realnostim. Pomaga nam prepoznati tudi prave priložnosti ter nas nagradi z obiljem, dobrimi, všečnimi rezultati, razpleti, če le te priložnosti primerno in celostno izkoristimo. Tako kar se tiče novih priložnosti kot tudi kar se tiče zoprnih nevšečnosti bomo potrebovali energije tokratne polne Lune, ki nam bo pomagala pri boljši osebni orinetaciji, ter nam svetovala kako in kaj naprej.

Strelec namreč človeku omogoča, da uzre širšo in bolj celostno podobo neke realnosti, njegova energija spodbuja opazovanje in spremljanje določenega dogajanja z različnih zornih kotov, pri tem pa določene situacije pričenjamo razumevati večplastno. Vse skupaj nam omogoča boljši uvid, pregled nad dogajanjem tako zunaj nas kot tudi znotraj nas samih. S pomočjo tokratnih energij bomo tako določene stvari lažje sprejeli, druge lažje popravili in tretje lažje izkoristili.



Weekly prediction, 17.5. – 24.5., first quarter Moon in Virgo – adaptability, ingenuity, usefulness


First quarter Moon in Virgo


Transit strength: medium strength monthly transit.

Transit duration: strongest influences on Tuesday and Wednesday.


Astrological layout

First quarter Moon at 1° degree in Virgo will form a square with the Sun in Gemini and a trine with Uranus in Taurus. The Sun will also form a trine with Mars in Aquarius.

The mentioned aspects will affect all Virgos, Geminis, Sagittarians, Pisces, especially those born around 22nd of May, August, November and February. Also, all those who have important planets and astrological points between 0 ° and 3 ° in the sign of Virgo, Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces will also be strongly affected.

Energies will also be felt by Taurians, Aquarians, Leos and Scorpios, especially by those who are born around 23rd of April, July, October and January. All those with significant planets and astrological points between 0 ° and 3 ° in the signs of Taurus, Aquarius, Leo and Scorpio will also experience a profound influence.

If you would like to know if your planets and astrological points fall under the influence of this current aspect, you can simply ask me or you can make your own astrological chart. The chart will show you exactly where all your planets and points fall within your natal chart wheel.

You can create your natal chart on this site: https://www.astro.com/cgi/genchart.cgi, but you must first create either a guest profile or a permanent one. In either case you will need to enter birth data, such as place, date and time of birth, and then create birth chart under free horoscopes and extended chart selection. Then you will select the guest or permanent profile you created under Birth data and under Methods you will select natal chart wheel. Finally, click on the blue “click here to show the chart” button and your map will pop up. 🙂 You will see a graphic representation of your chart, a 360° wheel. All the positions of all your personal planets and astrological points will be listed in the bottom left corner. That’s it. 🙂


Emotional needs, moods, challenges, responses, frustrations

During these seven days, the influence of Uranus in Taurus will continue to strengthen. At the same time certain themes, topics, situations, issues triggered by events that emerged, occurred during the New Moon in Taurus last week will begin to develop even further. Weekly prediction, 9.5. – 16.5., New Moon in Taurus, the passage of Uranus into Taurus – Builders of novelties, destroyers of complacancy

We will continue to experience the influence of the square between Uranus in Taurus and Mars in Aquarius. Both of these planets have created many new sparks but also triggered a lot of complications. They have brought negative frustrations, changes, stress, restlessness in some cases also increased violence, impulsiveness, as well as positive excitement, new opportunities, activities and generally a fresh breath of air.

Cards were laid on the table, a certain stability in our lives disappeared, certain obsolete but familiar, ingrown patterns, habits, known structures, mechanisms have also been also been interrupted, broken, rendered useless and replaced with uncertainty, confusion, chaos in some cases. The crisis, or the period of uncertainty and changes that both planets have brought us, promotes personal growth as well as personal and social development. In order to truly take advantage of all the potential that this life offers us, it is necessary to leave the comfort zone every once in a while, move forward, let the past remain the past and to start perceiving the world around us with a fresh pair of eyes. Sometimes, of course, such progress is not possible without experiencing certain difficulties, hardships first. It is always necessary to pay a certain price, to face some negative consequences, to reach a low point, as only then will people realise how important it is to change certain aspects of their lives and truly become part of a new process of personal development. As new awareness takes hold we become serious and we become more responsible, we pay attention to what our hearts are telling us, we listen to others as well. We observe, we accept, we become more alert, vigilant, perceptive and adaptable.


The entry of Uranus in Taurus has triggered certain ​​global, social and political events, raised world wide issues, but has also influenced our private, individual lives. The energy of the first quarter Moon promotes our abilities, such as flexibility, adaptability, ingenuity and keen eye for everything useful. Signs of Virgo, Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces are considered to be the most flexible in the entire set of zodiac signs. The ability to go with the flow, to adapt to constant or major changes, to quickly connect, disconnect, reconnect, to organise, to accept new circumstances, conditions, to change views, mindsets, beliefs is something that representatives of these signs do better than members of the rest of the zodiac. Of course, this does not mean that they do not feel stress, pressure in the same way that other signs do, however, in principle they do better when facing difficult situations, dealing with precarious, chaotic circumstances,  experiencing frustrating events.

Virgo quickly restores order, organisation, routine and structure. Gemini comes up with rational solutions and finds answers to difficult questions faster than others do. Pisces use intuition, empathy to avoid negativity, to better understand certain situations, to identify people’s purposes, and in this way, if not too confused and unbalanced, they are more successful in making right decisions and moves. Sagittarians use their ability and preference to see the big picture. Because they want to perceive something from different angles, they are open to new information, truths, and awareness. These revelations may be unpleasant, painful, frustrating but as Sagittarius has an ingrained affinity for everything philosophical, true understanding how the world, life works is considered far more valuable and a pure enrichment of one’s own personal wisdom. Changing or upgrading certain personal beliefs is for that reason easier for Sagittarians than it is for others.


The ability and the opportunity to increase our flexibility and adaptability through the influence of Virgo and Gemini is sure going to help us solve some of the problems that we may have encountered recently. The energy of the mentioned signs will also help clear confusion, putting an end to chaos, uncertainty. Our mental activity will increase, we will process developments around us as well as our own thoughts faster, we will respond more quickly to the environment, learn new things, comprehend and understand new conditions, circumstances and realities. Of course, this will be necessary, since we can expect increased daily activity in the next week, more hectic daily rhythm and changeable situations. New or renewed connections with people will be possible, communication will be important. Be careful how you express yourself, be clear, precise and understandable in expressing your thoughts, feelings, desires, intentions. Certain misunderstandings may arise, also pay attention to any unforeseen situations and events that might arise. In combination with Gemini, Virgo will increase our ingenuity. It will be easier and faster to recognise the practical value of certain opportunities, truths, facts, circumstances, developments in order to exploit them in your own favour. We will need to use available resources, to use all our available options, to make and achieve the most out of what we have at our disposal. Circumstances and certain results, consequences might thus suddenly seem more manageable. Since the themes and issues that were initiated by the New Moon in Taurus will continue to actively develop and gain in importance and influence as the weeks go by, it will be necessary to recognise and anticipate our next steps, moves and make appropriate decisions. Discovering new structures of organisation, establishing a new order, new habits and routines adapted to new circumstances will also be of paramount importance.



Tedenska napoved, 17.5. – 24.5., Prvi lunin krajec v Devici – Prilagodljivost, iznajdljivost, koristnost


Prvi lunin krajec v Devici


Moč tranzita: srednje močan mesečni tranzit.

Trajanje tranzita: energije bomo čutili vse od petka naprej, najmočnejše vplive lahko pričakujemo v torek in sredo naslednji teden.


Astrološka postavitev

Tokratni lunin krajec bo na 1° v Devici tvoril kvadrat s Soncem v Dvojčkih ter trigon z Uranom v Biku. Sonce bo prav tako tvorilo trigon z Marsom v Vodnarju.

Omenjeni aspekti bodo predvsem vplivali na vse Device, Dvojčke, Strelce, Ribe, še posebej tiste, ki so rojeni okoli 22ga v mesecu maju, avgustu, novembru ter februarju. Prav tako bodo izpostavljeni vsi tisti, ki imajo pomembne planete in astrološke točke med 0° in 3° v znamenju Device, Dvojčkov, Strelca in Rib.

Energije bodo čutili tudi Biki, Vodnarji, Levi in Škorpijoni, a predvsem tisti, ki so rojeni okoli 23ga v mesecu aprilu, juliju, oktobru ter januarju. Če imate pomembne planete in astrološke točke med 0° in 3° v znamenju Bika, Vodnarja, Leva in Škorpijona, boste prav tako čutili zgoraj omenjene vplive.

V kolikor bi radi vedeli ali kak vaš planet oziroma astrološka točka pade pod vpliv zgoraj omenjenih aspektov, lahko kakšno vprašanje naslovite name ali pa si sami naredite astrološko karto, ki vam bo pokazala na katerih stopinjah ležijo pomembni planeti vaše karte.

Karto si lahko izdelate na tej strani: https://www.astro.com/cgi/genchart.cgi, vendar morate najprej ustvariti bodisi gostujoči profil ali trajnega. Vnesti boste morali rojstne podatke kot so kraj, datum in ura rojstva, nato pa si pod free horoscopester extended chart selection izdelate rojstno karto tako da pod Birth data vnesete izbrani gostujoči ali trajni profil pod Methods pa izberete natal chart wheel. Na koncu kliknete še modro označen click here to show the chart in pokazala se vam bo karta.

Ko se vam prikaže grafični zapis karte, imate v spodnjem levem kotu napisane pozicije vseh osebnih planetov in astroloških točk.


Čustvene potrebe, razpoloženja, izzivi, odzivi frustracije


V prihodnjih sedmih dnevih se bo nadaljeval vpliv Urana Biku, prav tako se bodo nadalje razvijale teme, situacije, dogodki, ki jih je sprožil mlaj v Biku v začetku tega tedna. Tedenska napoved, 9.5. – 16.5., Mlaj v Biku in prehod Urana v znamenje Bika – Gradnika novosti in rušilca ustaljenosti

Najmočneje bomo še vedno čutili kvadrat med Uranom v Biku in Marsom v Vodnarju. Oba planeta sta precej razburkala marsikatero področje naših življenj, prinesla sta tako negativne frustracije, spremembe, razburjenja, v določenih primerih tudi povečano nasilje, impulzivnosti, kot tudi pozitivna vznemirjenja, nove priložnosti, aktivnosti in splošno prevetritev.

Marsikje so padle karte na mizo, razbila se je določena ustaljenost, pretrgali so se določeni zastareli vzorci, navade, znane strukture, mehanizmi. Kriza oziroma obdobje negotovosti ter sprememb v katero sta nas pahnila oba planeta, spodbuja osebno rast kot tudi osebni ter družbeni razvoj. Da lahko resnično izkoristimo ves potencial, ki nam ga to življenje nudi, je potrebno vsake toliko časa zapustiti cone udobja, se premakniti naprej, pustiti preteklost za seboj, začeti gledati na svet z drugimi očmi. Včasih seveda takšni premiki niso možni brez določenih negativnih, težkih posledic, vedno je potrebno plačati določeno ceno, doseči nek vrhunec in šele takrat se ljudje zavemo, da gre zares, da smo del resnično pomembnega procesa, zresnimo se in postanemo bolj odgovorni, resnično prisluhnemo sebi, drugim, bolj opazujemo, sprejemamo, smo pozorni in dojemljivi in prilagodljivi.


Učinek vstopa Urana v znamenje Bika je opazen tako na področju globalnega, družbeno političnega dogajanja kot tudi seveda v okviru naše privatne, individualne sfere. Energija, ki jo prinaša prvi Lunin krajec spodbuja naše sposobnosti kot so prilagodljivost, iznajdljivost ter prepoznavanje koristnega. Znamenja Device, Dvojčkov, Strelca in Rib  veljajo za najbolj prilagodljiva v celotnem naboru zodiakalnih znamenj. Spsobnost iti s tokom, se prilagajati konstantnim ali pa večjim spremembam, hitro odregirati, se organizirati, sprejemati nove okoliščine, pogoje, spreminjati poglede, miselnost, prepričanja je nekaj kar predstavniki teh znamenj počnejo bolje od ostalega zodiaka. To seveda ne pomeni, da pri tem ne občutijo večje mere stresa tako kot ostala znamenja, a se načeloma bolje znajdejo v negotovih, kaotičnih okoliščinah, spreminjajočih se situacijah, dogajanjih.

Devica hitreje zopet vzpostavi red, organiziranost, rutino in strukturo. Dvojček hitreje išče in najde racionalne rešitve in odgovore v primeru problematičnih situacij. Ribe koristijo intuicijo, empatijo, da se določenim negativnostim izognejo, bolje razumejo določene situacije, prepoznajo namene ljudi in na ta način hitreje ugotovijo kakšni naj bodo njihovi naslednji koraki. Strelci koristijo svojo sposobnost ter preferenco gledanja na svet s širšega zornega kota. Ker želijo videti celotno sliko stvari, so odprti do novih informacij, resnic, zavedanj. Ta so morda lahko nelagodna, neprijetna, boleča a ker je pri Strelcih vedno prisotna afiniteta do vsega filozofskega, je razumevanje sveta, ljudi, življenja prazvaprav bogatenje in dopolnjevanje lastne modrosti. Spreminjati oziroma nadgrajevati določena osebna prepričanja je tako Strelcem lažja naloga.


Sposobnost večje prilagodljivosti, ki nam jo tokrat nudita znamenje Device in Dvojčkov bo zagotovo pripomogla pri reševanju določenih zagat, težav v katerih smo se morda znašli. Prav tako bo omenjena energija opravila z določeno zmedo, kaosom, negotovnostjo. Povečana bo naša mentalna aktivnost, hitreje bomo procesirali dogajanje okoli nas ter tudi naše lastne misli, hitreje se bomo odzivali na okolico, se učili novih stvari, dojeli in razumeli nove pogoje, stanja realnosti. To bo seveda potrebno, saj lahko pričakujemo v naslednjem tednu povečano dnevno aktivnost, bolj hektični dnevni ritem in pestro dogajanje. Možna bodo nova povezovanja z ljudmi, prenovljena komunikacija, a pazite vseno na lastno komunikacijo, bodite jasni in razumljivi pri izražanju svojih misli, želja, namer. Lahko se pojavijo določeni nesporazumi, bodite pozorni tudi na kakšne nepredvidene situacije in dogodke. Devica bo v kombinaciji z Dvojčkoma povečevala našo iznajdljivost, lažje in hitreje bomo prepoznali praktično koristnost določenih možnosti, priložnosti, dejstev ter seveda le te tudi primerno izkorisitili. Treba bo potegniti največ kar se da iz možnosti, ki so na voljo, narediti in doseči največ iz tega kar imamo na razpolago. Okoliščine in določene rezultate, posledice bomo znali bolje obrniti sebi v prid. Ker se bodo teme in tematike, ki jih je sprožil mlaj v Biku nadalje aktivno razvijale in pridobivale na pomembnosti in vplivu na naša življenja, bo potrebno še toliko bolj prepoznati in predvideti naše naslednje korake, poteze ter sprejemati primerne odločitve. Iskanje nove strukture organizacije, vzpostavljanje novega reda, novih navad in rutine, primerne novim okoliščinam bo prav tako izrednega pomena.

Weekly prediction, 9.5. – 16.5., New Moon in Taurus, the passage of Uranus into Taurus – Builders of novelties, destroyers of complacancy


New Moon in Taurus, Uranus in Taurus

Transit strength: very strong monthly and yearly transits.

Transit duration: energies will be picking up from this Thursday, with strong influences during weekend and on next Tuesday and next Wednesday

Astrological layout

At the beginning of the next week, New Moon occurs at 24 ° in Taurus, while Uranus moves from Aries into Taurus. The transition of the slow-moving planets to another sign is an important astrological event that has strong and far-reaching effects and consequences. The energy of Uranus in Taurus will affect us for the next nine years.

Upper mentioned transits will mostly affect Taurians, Scorpios, Arians, Capricorns, but will be felt strongly by Leos, Aquarians, Libras and Cancers as well. All those born around 20th of April, July, October and January and those born around 14th of May, August, November and February will experience these transits more profoundly then others. All those who have important planets and astrological points between 28 ° in Aries, Libra, Cancer, Capricorn and 2 ° in Taurus, Scorpio, Leo and Aquarius and all those with important planets and astrological points between 22 ° and 26 ° in Leo, Aquarius, Taurus and Scorpio will also be significantly affected by these astrological transits.

If you would like to know if your planets and astrological points fall under the influence of this current aspect, you can simply ask me or you can make your own astrological chart. The chart will show you exactly where all your planets and points fall within your natal chart wheel.

You can create your natal chart on this site: https://www.astro.com/cgi/genchart.cgi, but you must first create either a guest profile or a permanent one. In either case you will need to enter birth data, such as place, date and time of birth, and then create birth chart under free horoscopes and extended chart selection. Then you will select the guest or permanent profile you created under Birth data and under Methods you will select natal chart wheel. Finally, click on the blue “click here to show the chart” button and your map will pop up. 🙂 You will see a graphic representation of your chart, a 360° wheel. All the positions of all your personal planets and astrological points will be listed in the bottom left corner. That’s it. 🙂


Emotional needs, moods, challenges, responses, frustrations

Month of May is fused with the energies, values and characteristics of Taurus. During the next seven days, the influence of this sign will reach its peak, as we will also be confronted with certain new challenges in the areas of life, that are governed or ruled by Taurus. We will be dealing with new problems, but new opportunities will come knocking at our door at the same time.

As far as the main transits goes, we must mention the New Moon in Taurus and the entry of Uranus in Taurus. Both transits will have a strong impact on us during the beginning and the middle of the next week, however the transition of Uranus will echo far into the month of June, even July.

During this weekend, a series of transits will trigger, cause the events that await us in the coming week or better to say weeks. It is important that we thus emphasise the importance of the upcoming square aspects between the Moon, Mercury, Uranus in Aries, and Mars and Pluto in Capricorn. The influence of these transits will reach its peak on Sunday.


We can expect quite a few unpredictable, sudden complications, revelations, events that will produce both problematic and unpleasant situations and create new circumstances and opportunities. We shall deal with all the consequences of these transits during the New Moon in Taurus.

The involvement of Mars and Pluto in Capricorn will increase motivation, diligence, productivity, endurance, persistence, enthusiasm, desire for success, greater personal strength, influence. At the same time, aggressiveness, selfishness, self-interest, people’s insincerity, inconsiderate behaviour will also increase. In combination with impulsive Moon, Mercury and Uranus in Aries, the above-mentioned negative effects can lead to unhealthy, dangerous reckless, impulsive, egocentric, egoistic, manipulative actions, outbursts of anger and rage. Be truly careful to avoid any kind of verbal, and especially physical violence as well as hasty decisions and actions. In any case, try to prevent such developments. Generally speaking people will be emotionally unstable, many could be quite irritable, emotionally extremely sensitive, prone to aggression and defensiveness. It will be necessary to stay rational, to think twice before taking actions, not to react suddenly and of course, to stay calm.

The New Moon in Taurus as well as Uranus in Taurus will bring new opportunities, beginnings and open new chapters for us during next week. They will however on the other hand also emphasise the need to reform a certain area of life, to end chaotic developments, states of confusion, to prevent or mitigate the negative consequences of certain past events, to rectify certain wrongs, to contain and repair the damage already done and to establish stability, security and comfort in our lives. Just as we will be able to start to build on something new using all these powerful earthly vibrations, we will also, on the other hand, be forced to solve the problem of confusion, disarray and chaos in our lives.


Uranus will not thread lightly through Taurus in the beginning of its entry in the domain of this earthly sign. This could cause major problems and inconveniences for the members of the earthly signs, especially Taurians, Capricorns and those with strong earthly energy in their charts. This also includes people with strong earthly potential, but not always being aware or in control of it. We are therefore talking about individuals who are not skilled in exploiting their earthly predispositions. This group may also encounter more problems than others and problems will arise as a planet, such as Uranus, that advocates constant variability, constant development, enjoying, relishing in surprises and sudden, unpredictable events does not fare well with Taurus who loves continuity, stability, security, predictability.

The Uranus’s transit in to Taurus will trigger a change and cause more chaos in certain steady, stable, possibly already stale, worn-out situations. We will be forced to think about progress, further personal development and growth. Uranus will prevent us from continuing to rest on our laurels, and it will also push us out of a certain stalemate, comfort zone or some sort of leisureliness that hinders, denies and neglects our personal potential, our abilities, experience, knowledge.

Areas of life that desperately crave the winds of change will surely be the main target of uranian influence. Although many people will consider these disruptive energies of Uranus very much unwelcome, the effects of its influences will be quite positive in the long run. Stories in our lives that can no longer contribute to our personal development, stories that are just another habit, an empty duty, an empty obligation, stories where we do not feel passion, energy, personal interest, or even life, will definitely end or enter the beginning phase of their end. Some ideals, assumptions, beliefs will also be dispelled. The sky could crash down on earth, and at least in the beginning nothing good will come out of it!

Much of what Uranian energies will affect might only be refurbished, rejuvenated, reinvigorated and exposed to new challenges within new, different circumstances. It can still be a difficult process, but what makes things easier is the fact that much still remains in somewhat familiar frames with core settings intact. Faring best with the influence of the New Moon and Uranus in Taurus, will be those who will leave behind a certain chaotic, volatile, unstable and problematic part of their lives and enter a new period where they can finally build on something concrete, laying solid foundations, where they will be able to reach, generate and experience greater stability, security, comfort and continuity. The mixture of taurian and uranian energies will show greatest support to this group of people by far. This will be the case because the qualities and characteristics of Taurus sign will represent a new challenge for them, a new change and an opportunity for personal development, progress and growth in a typical uranian sense.

Tedenska napoved, 9.5. – 16.5., Mlaj v Biku in prehod Urana v znamenje Bika – Gradnika novosti in rušilca ustaljenosti


Mlaj v Biku ter prehod Urana v znamenje Bika

Moč tranzitov: izredno močni mesečni ter letni tranziti.

Trajanje tranzitov: močne energije bomo čutili od četrtka pa vse do srede, najmočnejše vplive lahko pričakujemo tekom vikenda ter v torek in sredo.

Astrološka postavitev

V začetku naslednjega tedna bo nastopil mlaj na 24° v Biku prav tako pa bomo priča prehodu Urana iz znamenja v Ovna v znamenje Bika. Prehod zunanjih planetov v drugo znamenje je pomemben astrološki dogodek, ki ima močne ter daljnosežne vplive in posledice. Energija Urana v Biku nas bo namreč zaznamovala naslednjih devet let.

Tokratni tranziti bodo najmočneje zaznamovali Bike, Škorpijone, Ovne, Kozoroge, močneje pa jih bodo čutili tudi Levi, Vodnarji, Tehtnice in Raki. Še posebej bodo izpostavljeni vsi tisti, rojeni okoli 20-ga aprila, julija, oktobra in januarja ter tisti, rojeni okoli 14-ga maja, avgusta, novembra in febrarja. Vsi tisti, ki imate pomembne planete in astrološke točke med 28° v Ovnu, Tehtnici, Raku, Kozorogu in 2° v Biku, Škorpijonu, Levu in Vodanrju ter vsi tisti s pomembnimi planeti in astrološkimi točkami med 22° in 26° v Levu, Vodnarju, Biku in Škorpijonu boste prav tako izraziteje občutili prihajajoče tranzite.

V kolikor bi radi vedeli ali kak vaš planet oziroma astrološka točka pade pod vpliv zgoraj omenjenih aspektov, lahko kakšno vprašanje naslovite name ali pa si sami naredite astrološko karto, ki vam bo pokazala na katerih stopinjah ležijo pomembni planeti vaše karte.

Karto si lahko izdelate na tej strani: https://www.astro.com/cgi/genchart.cgi, vendar morate najprej ustvariti bodisi gostujoči profil ali trajnega. Vnesti boste morali rojstne podatke kot so kraj, datum in ura rojstva, nato pa si pod free horoscopester extended chart selection izdelate rojstno karto tako da pod Birth data vnesete izbrani gostujoči ali trajni profil pod Methods pa izberete natal chart wheel. Na koncu kliknete še modro označen click here to show the chart in pokazala se vam bo karta.

Ko se vam prikaže grafični zapis karte, imate v spodnjem levem kotu napisane pozicije vseh osebnih planetov in astroloških točk.


Čustvene potrebe, razpoloženja, izzivi, odzivi, frustracije

Mesec maj zaznamujejo energije, vrednote in karakteristike Bika. V prihodnjih sedmih dneh bomo prišli pod najmočnejši vpliv tega znamenja, prav tako pa se bomo na področjih katerim vlada njegova zemeljska energija soočili z določenimi novimi izzivi, problematikami hkrati pa se nam bodo odprle nove priložnosti.

Od glavnih tranzitov je treba omeniti predvsem mlaj v Biku ter prehod Urana v znamenje Bika. Oba tranzita bosta zaznamovala začetek in sredino naslednjega tedna, a bo prehod Urana odmeval še dolgo v mesec junij, tudi julij.

Že ta konec tedna pa se bo zvrstila vrsta tranzitov, ki bodo sprožili, povzročili dogajanje, ki nas čaka v prihodnjem tednu, tednih. Tu bom izpostavil predvsem kvadratne aspekte med Luno, Merkurjem, Uranom v Ovnu ter Marsom in Plutonom v Kozorogu. Omenjeni tranziti bodo dosegli vrhunec to nedeljo.


Pričakujemo lahko kar nekaj nepredvidljivih, nenadnih zapletov, razpletov, dogodkov, ki bodo producirali tako problematične in neprijetne situacije kot ustvarali nove okoliščine in priložnosti. S produkti in posledicami omenjenga dogajanja se bomo tako ukvarjali ob nastopu mlaja v Biku.

Vpletenost Marsa in Plutona v Kozorogu bo zviševala motivacijo, delavnost, produktivnost, vdržljivost, zagnanost, željo po uspehu, večji osebni moči. Ob enem bo povečana tudi agresivnost, sebičnost, samointeres, neobzirnost ljudi. V kombinaciji z impulzivno Luno, Merkurjem in Uranom v Ovnu lahko zgoraj omenjeni negativni vplivi privedejo do večjih nepremišljenih, impulzivnih, egocentričnih, egoističnih dejanj, manipulativnega vedenja, izbruhov jeze, besa. Bodite previdni in se izogibajte kakršnemukoli verbalnemu, še posebej pa fizičnemu nasilju ter nepremišljenim odločitvam in dejanjem. V vsakem primeru skušajte takšen razvoj dogodkov preprečiti. Splošno počutje bo precej nestabilno, mnogi ljudje znajo biti precej razdražljivi, čustveno izredno občutljivi, nagnjeni k napadalnosti in defenzivnosti. Potrebno bo vklopiti razum, stvari dvakrat ali večkrat premisliti, se ne odzivati nenadno ter ohraniti mirno kri.

Mlada Luna v Biku kot tudi Uran v Biku nam bosta v začetku prihodnjega tedna postregla tako z novimi priložnostmi, začetki, novimi poglavji kot bosta po drugi strani poudarila potrebo, da na določenem področju življenja zajezimo, končamo kaotični razvoj dogodkov, preprečimo oziroma omilimo negativne posledice preteklega dogajanja, saniramo nastalo škodo in zopet v svojih življenji vzpostavimo stabilnost, varnost, udobje. Tako kot bomo lahko začeli graditi nekaj novega v okviru določenih pozitivnih vibracij, bomo prav tako pod drugi strani prisiljeni reševati lastno zmedo in kaos.


Uran se v Biku na splošno vsaj v začetku ne bo počutil najbolje, oziroma bo prej držalo to, da se ob njegovem vstopu v svoji koži ne bodo najbolje počutili pripadniki zemeljskih znamenj, predvsem Biki, Kozorogi in tisti z močno zemeljsko energijo. Sem spadajo tudi ljudje, ki sicer imajo v karti veliko zemeljske energije, a se z njo težje in slabše rokujejo. Govorimo torej o posameznikih, ki niso vešči izkoriščanja svojih zemeljskih predispozicij. Omenjena skupina bo morda tu naletela še na največ problematik. Uran se bo namreč kot planet, ki zagovarja nenehno spremenljivost, konstanten razvoj, uživa v presenečenjih ter nenadnih, nepredvidljivih razpletih dogodkov, težko in nerad ujel z umirjenim Bikom, ki ljubi kontinuiteto, stabilnost, ustaljenost, predvidljivost.

Pehod Urana v Bika bo sprožil spremembe in povzročil več kaosa v določenih ustaljenih, morda že preveč ustaljenih, dotrajanih zgodbah. Prisiljeni bomo razmišljati o napredku, nadaljnjem osebnem razvoju in rasti. Uran nam bo preprečil, da bi še nadalje počivali na kakšnih lovorikah, prav tako pa bo naredil konec določenmu udobju, conam udobja ležernosti, ki dušijo ter zanikajo naš osebni potencial, naše sposobnosti in izkušnje.

Področja, ki potrebujejo takšno prevetritev bodo zagotovo glavna tarča njegovih vplivov. Čeprav bo za mnoge ta disruptivna energija Urana izredno nedobrodošla, nezaželjena bodo njegovi vplivi precej pozitivni na dolgi rok. Zgodbe, ki nikakor ne morejo prispevati več k našem osebnem razvoju, zgodbe, ki so le še neka navada, prazna dolžnost, obveza, zgodbe kjer ne čutimo strasti, energije, tudi življenja, osebnega interesa, se bodo definitvno končale oziroma bodo vstopile v začetek svojega konca. Razblinili se bodo tudi kakšni ideali, prepostavke, prepričanja. Zna se zgoditi da treščita nebo in zemlja, pri tem pa vsaj v začetku ne bo nastalo nič dobrega!

Marsikaj se bo tudi zgolj prenovilo, prezračilo, izpostavljeni bomo novim izzivom znotraj drugačnih okoliščin. Še vedno zna biti težavno a bo, ker ostajamo v znanih okvirih, nekoliko lažje. Najbolje se bodo ob vplivu mlaja in Urana v Biku počutili tisti, ki bodo iz določenega kaotičnega, nestanovitnega in problematičnega dela svojega življenja prešli v obodobje kjer bodo končno lahko gradili na nečem konkretnem, kjer bodo lahko dosegli in spoznala, izkusili večjo ustaljenost, varnost, stabilnost. Mešanica Bikovskih in uranovskih energij bo namreč do te skupine ljudi najbolj prijazna, saj bodo kvalitete in karakteristike Bika zanje predstavljale nov izziv, novo spremembo ter priložnost za osebni razvoj in rast v tipično uranovskem smislu.

Weekly prediction, 30.4. – 8.5., Last quarter Moon in Aquarius – Liberation, relief, salvation


Last quarter Moon in Aquarius

Transit strength: A strong monthly transit.

Transit duration: Energies will be picking up on strength from mid-week till the end of weekend. We can expect strongest influences in the beginning of the next week, especially on Tuesday.

Astrological layout

On Tuesday, 8th of May, the Moon will form a square with the Sun in Taurus and Jupiter in Scorpio at 17° in Aquarius. Together they will create a strong aspect formation, called a T-square. The astrological energies at end of this lunar cycle will affect primarily Aquarians, Leos, Scorpios and Taurians, especially those born around the 8th May, August, November and February, and those who were particularly exposed to the effects of the Full Moon in Scorpio and the effect of Rx Mercury. Mercury is coming out of its so-called post-retrograde shadow phase, which means that all events, situations related to the effects of its influences are now getting a truly final epilogue. All of the above mentioned influences will also affect all those who have important planets and astrological points between 14 ° and 19 ° in the sign of Aquarius, Leo, Scorpio, Taurus and Aries.

If you would like to know if your planets and astrological points fall under the influence of this current aspect, you can simply ask me or you can make your own astrological chart. The chart will show you exactly where all your planets and points fall within your natal chart wheel.

You can create your natal chart on this site: https://www.astro.com/cgi/genchart.cgi, but you must first create either a guest profile or a permanent one. In either case you will need to enter birth data, such as place, date and time of birth, and then create birth chart under free horoscopes and extended chart selection. Then you will select the guest or permanent profile you created under Birth data and under Methods you will select natal chart wheel. Finally, click on the blue “click here to show the chart” button and your map will pop up. 🙂 You will see a graphic representation of your chart, a 360° wheel. All the positions of all your personal planets and astrological points will be listed in the bottom left corner. That’s it. 🙂


Emotional needs, moods, challenges, responses, frustrations

Various manifestations and consequences that the recent Scorpio Full Moon’s astrological impact produced will certainly employ the focus and attention of vast majority of people this week. Some will greet the results of these influences with open hands, rejoicing and tackling new challenges, seizing new opportunities, celebrating the end of a difficult period, truly experiencing certain positive breakthroughs, successes, or  will, at least in a conciliatory, dignified manner, say goodbye to some old, worn-out stories, issues and affairs. Some will stoically and peacefully accept their new destiny, certain truths, facts, situations, realities through deeper understanding of things as they are. Others on the other hand will experience, heavy burdening, stressful emotions, feelings such as disappointment, sadness, fear, even despair. It will appear to these people who nothing really changed for the better, perhaps things actually just got worse and only more complicated or confusing.

As I mentioned in the forecast last week, our self-awareness plays the most important role during this current monthly cycle. How we face the challenges of this month and how well we process all that comes to pass depends solely on how well we are able to put our shit together. The level of understanding and accepting our own emotional, thought processes, our personalities, characters, behavioural patterns, emotional responses, reactions, personal potential, combined with the establishment of a stronger and deeper connection to more remote spheres of our subconsciousness will determine our success in tackling certain challenges, problems brought on by this monthly cycle. It will be particularly interesting to see how well we’ll do in achieving self-awareness when it comes to certain karmic issues, promoting the spiritual development and growth of our souls within the confines and possibilities of this current incarnation. What are the tasks, missions, callings our souls should accomplish or respond to?

The Moon in Scorpio went deep and exposed some complex, dark and hidden corners of our personality, showed us our true personal potential, revealed our hearts, our souls to ourselves and to the outer world. All our faults, negativeness, weaknesses, fears, traumas, wounds, all of our “shit, karma and baggage” from this or some other life, as well as all of our positive side, our virtues, talents, gifts, hopes, desires … all that laid dormant, ignored, overlooked, forgotten, undiscovered, perhaps also consciously or unconsciously suppressed, this Full Moon has squeezed out and brought out in the open for us and others to see and to look at plainly. She inflated certain personal issues and of course, forced us or encouraged us to become aware of these hidden parts of our own personalities, to get actively acquainted with them and to acknowledge them!


The way we coped with this process of self-awareness itself, how we coped with the consequences, the transformations brought on by this process is determining our current emotional states and states of consciousness! Regardless of whether our experience during the influence of this last Full Moon was positive or negative one in terms of our perception of what is bad and what is good, its manifestations brought salvation, liberation and relief in both aspects. This is the gift, blessing and guidance of the Moon in Aquarius.

Just as there are some who may already feel euphoria and optimism being free of certain burdens, beliefs, views, obligations, responsibilities, connections, internal or external constraints, repressions, obstacles, barriers, emotional blockades, psychological prisons and fears that have been preventing the achievement of true goals of these individuals and constraining the realisation of the true potential of their souls, there are also others who are far from feeling anything similar to that. To this second group of people everything appears as a big, perhaps even a recurring, unjust, personal misfortune, bad luck, failure.  There is always hope however and a very real chance and possibility that these people could change their point of view and at some point start seeing things differently, creating new hopes and expectations for the future. This could happen very soon indeed, thanks to the Moon in Aquarius. Things are far from what they seem and these people need to recognise that. Of course, it depends how much time one will need to find that out, maybe we are talking about days, weeks, months, years, perhaps even lives. 🙂 As we move away from the perception of the perpetually wounded, offended selfish ego, we soon learn, uncover and begin to understand the real purpose and significance behind the events and situations brought about by astrological influences, such as the influence of the aforementioned Full Moon in Scorpio.

It is only in such way that we really become aware of the fact that repeating the same old mistakes while caught in the loop of harmful patterns of behaviour, negative defensive mechanisms, self-destructive emotional, thought processes, armed with poor knowledge of our real needs, desires, of the true nature of our own soul and our own being, creates situations just like the ones we are in right now. We should worry not though as the Moon in Aquarius might just inspire our very first steps towards true self-awareness and self-liberation, however, in any case, we are now on the right track to get rid of all that personal baggage and that personal crap we really do not need anymore. It is important that we do not turn from this path and do not return to wherever we came from. We should be aware that certain difficult astrological aspects often offer a helping hand, even if we are not aware of this. If these astrological guides are ignored, if we reject their help, one should be aware of something else as well. The nature of astrological influences is cyclical, what goes around comes around. It is very probable that the second, third, or maybe the fourth time around a helping hand will not be offered. Take advantage of the freedom, salvation and the relief that is being offered as contacts, links to certain harmful aspects of our souls, connections to everything  in our lives that clearly does not function anymore but instead hurts us, restricts us, paralyses us, slows us down are being severed. Connect yourselves with your true personal potential, you are now aware of, instead, connect yourselves with your newly revealed, discovered or rediscovered abilities, gifts, talents, desires, goals and with everything in your life that you realised actually works for you and not against you. Ultimately, by becoming more self-aware, strive towards your soul’s spiritual development!

Tedenska napoved, 30.4. – 8.5., Zadnji lunin krajec v Vodnarju – Razbremenitev, osvoboditev, odrešitev


Zadnji lunin krajec v Vodnarju

Moč tranzita: močan mesečni tranzit.

Trajanje tranzita: energije bodo pridobivale na moči tekom tega tedna, najmočnejše vplive pričakujemo čez vikend ter v začetku naslednjega tedna, predvsem v ponedeljek in torek.


Astrološka postavitev

V torek, 8.5. bo Luna na 17° v Vodnarju tvorila zadnji Lunin krajec s Soncem v Biku ter Jupitrom v Škorpijonu.  Skupaj bodo ustvarili močan aspekt tako imenovanega T-kvadrata. Zaključek tokratnega lunarnega cikla bo zaznamoval predvsem Vodnarje, Leve, Škorpijone in Bike. Še posebej ga boste občutili vsi tisti, ki ste rojeni okoli osmega v mesecu maju, avgustu, novembru ter februarju in pa tisti, ki ste bili še posebej izpostavljeni vplivom polne Lune v Škorpijonu ter v obdobju retrogradnega merkurja še posebej podvrženi stresnim vplivom tega Soncu najbližjega planeta. Merkur v tem tednu dokončno izhaja iz svoje takozvane senčne post retrogradne faze, kar pomeni, da bodo vsa dogajanja najbolj izspostavljena njegovem vplivu dobila svoj resnično končni epilog. Vsem zgoraj omenjenim vplivom boste prav tako podvrženi tudi vsi tisti, ki imate pomembne planete in astrološke točke med 14° ter 19° v znamenju Vodnarja, Leva, Škorpijona, Bika pa tudi Ovna.

V kolikor bi radi vedeli ali kak vaš planet oziroma astrološka točka pade pod vpliv zgoraj omenjenih aspektov, lahko kakšno vprašanje naslovite name ali pa si sami naredite astrološko karto, ki vam bo pokazala na katerih stopinjah ležijo pomembni planeti vaše karte.

Karto si lahko izdelate na tej strani: https://www.astro.com/cgi/genchart.cgi, vendar morate najprej ustvariti bodisi gostujoči profil ali trajnega. Vnesti boste morali rojstne podatke kot so kraj, datum in ura rojstva, nato pa si pod free horoscopester extended chart selection izdelate rojstno karto tako da pod Birth data vnesete izbrani gostujoči ali trajni profil pod Methods pa izberete natal chart wheel. Na koncu kliknete še modro označen click here to show the chart in pokazala se vam bo karta.

Ko se vam prikaže grafični zapis karte, imate v spodnjem levem kotu napisane pozicije vseh osebnih planetov in astroloških točk.


Čustvene potrebe, razpoloženja, izzivi, odzivi, frustracije

Raznovrstne manifestacije ter posledice vplivov pretekle polne Lune v Škorpijonu bodo tekom tega tedna zagotovo zaposlovale kar veliko večino ljudi. Nekateri bodo določene razplete, rezultate pozdravljali z odprtimi rokami, se veselili in lotevali novih priložnosti, proslavljali konec nekega težkega obdobja, resnično občutili določene pozitivne preboje, uspehe ali pa se bodo vsaj v pomirjeno, dostojanstveno poslovili od nekih starih, dotrajanih zgodb in zadev ter z razumevanjem in spokojem, stoično sprejemali svojo novo usodo, določene resnice, dejstva, stanja, situacije. Drugi bodo zopet, polni nerganja, slabe volje, težkih obremenjujočeih, stresnih čustev, razočaranja, žalosti, strahu, tudi obupa, imeli občutek da se ni premaknilo nič, kvečjemu so se stvari poslabšale in zgolj še bolj zapletle in sfižile.

Kot sem omenil že v napovedi prejšnjega tedna, igra v tokratnem mesečnem ciklu najpomembnejšo vlogo človekova samoozavečenost in ravno od nje bo odvisno kako se bomo z vsem skupaj spoprijeli in kako bomo vse skupaj procesirali. Raven razumevanja, poznavanje in sprejemanje lastnih čustvenih, miselnih procesov, osebnosti, karakterja, vedenjskih vzorcev, čustvenih odzivov, reakcij, osebnega potenciala ter močnejša in globja povezanost z odročnejšim svetom naše podzavesti, bodo vplivali na to kako uspešno se bomo spoprijeli z določenimi izzivi, problematikami, ki nam jih je prinesel tokratni mesečni cikel. Še posebej zanimivo bo na področju karmičnega samoozaveščanja duhovnega razvoja lastne duše tekom tokratne inkarnacije. Kaj so njene naloge, poslanstva, misije?

Luna v Škorpijonu je ciljala ter prodrla globoko in se dotaknila najkompleksnejših, tudi temačnejših in skritih kotičkov naše osebnosti, našega osebnega potenciala, našega srca, naše duše. Vse naše mane, negativnosti, slabosti, strahovi, travme, rane, vso naše, po domače povedano, “sranje, karma in prtljaga” iz tega ali nekega drugega življenja, kot tudi vse naše pozitivnosti, vrline, talenti, darovi, upi, želje…vse kar v nas ostaja slabše ozaveščeno, prezrto, pozabljeno, neodkrito, morda tudi zavedno ali nezavedno potlačeno, je tokratna polna Luna zbezala, napihnila in privlekla na plano ter nas preko določenih situacij seveda tudi prisilila ali pa spodbudila, da smo skrite dele lastne osebnosti tudi aktivno ozavestili se z njimi spoprijeli in jih priznali!


Način kako smo se spoprijeli s tem procesom samoozaveščanja, kako so se rokovali s posledicami, preobrazbami, ki so nas doletele tudi določa in pogojuje naša trenutna počutja, čustvena stanja in stanja zavesti! Ne glede na to ali je bila izkušnja pretekle polne Lune pozitivna ali negativna v smislu našega dojemanja slabega in dobrega, njene manifestacije na obeh polih prinašajo odrešitev, osvoboditev in razbremenitev. To je dar, blagoslov in vodilo tokratne Lune v Vodnarju.

Tako kot se morda nekateri že sedaj počutijo evforični in optimistično osvobojeni nekaterih bremen, prepričanj, pogledov, obveznosti, odgovornosti, utesnjejočih okvirov, notranjih, zunanjih represij, ovir, preprek, čustvenih blokad, zaporov, ječ in strahov, ki so jih omejevali pri doseganju resničnih želja, ciljev in uresničenju pravega potenciala lastne duše, boste tudi tisti, ki sedaj na vse skupaj gledate kot na veliko, morda celo ponavljajočo se, osebno nesrečo, smolo, krivico, neuspeh, na neki točki ugotovili, da temu ni tako in se z velikim upanjem in pričakovanjem zarzrli v nove priložnosti prihodnosti. Stvari stojijo namreč popolnoma obratno kot se vam dozdeva. Seveda je odvisno zgolj od vas koliko časa boste potrebovali, da to ugotovite, morda govorimo o dneh, tednih, mesecih, letih, morda tudi življenjih. 🙂 Prej, ko se namreč oddaljimo od perpspektive ranjenega, prizadetega, užaljenega sebičnega ega, hitreje spoznamo resničen namen in pomen dogodkov in situacij, ki nam jih prinašajo astrološki vplivi, kot je bil na primer vpliv omenjene Lune v Škorpijonu.

Samo na ta način spoznamo, da nas je do določenih trenutnih situacij pripeljalo bodisi ponovno ponavljanje starih napak, ki so jim botrovali stari, škodljivi vzorci obnašanja, negativni obrambni mehanizmi, samodestruktivni čustveni, misleni procesi, bodisi slabo poznavanje naših resničnih potreb, želja, slabo poznavanje, sprejemanje in poznavanje lastne duše in lastnega bitja. A nič ne de, morda že Luna v Vodnarju prinaša prve korake resničnega samoosvobajanja, v vsakem primeru pa smo sedaj na pravi poti, da se znebimo določene osebnostne prtljage, ki je resnično ne potrebujemo več. Pomembno je, da s te poti ne skrenemo ter se ne vrnemo nazaj od koder smo prišli. Zavedati se je treba, da nam določeni težavni astrološki aspekti velikokrat ob enem ponudijo tudi roko in pomoč, čeprav se tega ne zavedamo. V kolikor ta vodila zanemarimo, zavrnemo, se je treba zavedati še nečesa drugega. Narava astroloških vplivov je ciklična, what goes around comes around, lahko se zgodi, da v drugo, tretje, ali pa morda četrto roke pomoči ne bo več. Izkoristite torej ponujeno svobodo, stiki, povezave z določenimi škodljivimi aspekti vaše duše ter z vsem kar v vašem življenju ne funckionira več, vam škoduje, vas omejuje, zavira, hromi so pretrgani. Naj ostane tako, navežite stike raje z vašim pravim ozaveščenim osebnim potencialom, z vašimi razkritimi sposobnostmi, darovi, talenti, željami, cilji, osebnim poslanstvom ter z vsem kar v vašem življenju funckionira dejansko v prid razvoju vaše duše!