Tedenska napoved, 26.9. – 2.10., Mlaj v Tehtnici – Vzpon Jupitra

Prihajajoči teden bosta predvsem zaznamovali luna v Devici ter pomembnejši mlaj v Tehtnici. Oba tranzita bosta aktivirala že nekatere znane astrološke konfiguracije, poglejmo si katere.

Luna v Devici

Moč transita: šibak tedenski tranzit

Trajanje tranzita: od torka pa do četrtka


Astrološka postavitev

Luna bo v Devici zopet aktivirala kvadrat med Neptunom ter Saturnom, ter dodatno poudarila vse teme in lastnosti pravkar zaključenega cikla retrogradnega Merkurja.


Čustvene potrebe, razpoloženja, frustracije

Tekom meseca septembra je bilo veliko govora o energiji Device, ki je predvsem prevladovala zaradi Rx Merkurja ter nekaj tedenskega stelija planetov v tem znamenju. Tokratnja Luna bo zopet poudarila čustvene potrebe po organiziranem dnevnem redu, strukturi v vsakdanjem življenju, poudarila po potrebo po razvijanju praktičnih sposobnosti, talentov, ter potrebo pri pridobivanju novih praktičnih znanj.

Prinesla bo večjo ozaveščenost kar se tiče zdravja in morda tudi sbodbudila določeno akcijo ter potrebo po soočanju z določenimi zdravstvenimi težavami. V duhu cikla retrogradnega Merkurja bo zopet močno poudarjen koncept bodi “Sam svoj mojster”. Izkoristite torej to pozitivno energijo, predvsem pa izkušnje ki vam jih je prinesel retrogradni Merkur in se morda znova lotite starih izziviv, sprejmite nove, oziroma se spopadite s trenutnimi problematičnimi situacijami. Bodite odprti in dovolite, da vam povečana mentalna aktivnost Device omogoči hitrejše, bolj analitično razmišljanje, naj vam prinese nove ideje, ter praktične rešitve.

Nekoliko se bo treba paziti temne strani energije Device, še posebej ker bo zopet prisoten Neptun/Saturn kvadrat. Pod tokratnjo luno se bo nadaljevala čustvena občutljivost in hitra iritabilnost ob nenadnih zapletih, porušenih planih ter zoprnih komplikacijah. Izogibajte se preveliki samokritiki, nervozi ter stresu, ki ju znajo prinesti občutki razočaranja, zmede, čustvenega zunanjega in notranjega pritiska. Znana trmasta lastnost Device, da vzrraja pri kakšnem ozkogledem fokusu, ne bo preveč pomagala. Tukaj se lahko deviška preferenca do detajlev izkaže kot zelo malenkostna in škodljiva.

Prilagodljivost in fleksibilnost sta tudi v tem tednu ključ do uspeha. Aktivna energija, ki jo je ustvaril retrograden cikel Merkurja, je prinesla veliko vzdržljivosti, moči in volje, ter tudi prisile, da smo se lahko končno in tudi uspešno spoprijeli z nekaterimi najbolj perečimi problemi, izzivi, predvsem tistimi, ki so od nas zahtevali veliko mentalnega udejstvovanja. Ni naključje, da je ravno v obdobju tega Retrogradnega Merkurja diplomiralo toliko študentov, predvsem tistih, ki so imeli zadnjo priložnost končati študij po starem sistemu.:)

Tranzit bo najmočneje vplival na ljudi rojene v znamenjih Device, Strelca, Rib in Dvojčkov. Tisti, ki imate pomembne planete in astrološke točke v teh znamenjih, boste prav tako čutili močnejši vpliv.


Mlaj v Tehtnici

Moč tranzita: pomemben mesečni aspekt

Trajanje tranzita: od petka pa to nedelje, z vrhuncem v petek zvečer, ko nastopi mlaj.



Astrološka postavitev

Tokratnji mlaj je prva mlada luna po jesenskem enakonočju in prinaša nove začetke predvsem na področju ki mu vlada Tehtnica. To so odnosi, pravičnost, iskanje ravnovesja. Sam mlaj ne bo tvoril nekih pomembnejših aspektov, bo pa izražanje energije Tehtnice dodatno obarvano z energijo še enega planeta, ki se trenutno nahaja v tem znamenju. To je Jupiter. Luna bo v svojem popotovanju skozi Tehtnico tvorila tudi aspekt z nekoliko bolj težavnima Plutonom v Kozorogu, ter Uranom v Ovnu.

Čustvene potrebe, razpoloženja, frustracije

Energija tega mlaja prinaša nove priložnosti, nove začetke ter tudi izzive pri iskanju ravnovesja v naših odnosih ali pa na splošno v našem vsakodnevnem življenju.  Čustvena potreba po pravični interakciji med ljudmi bo poudarjena. Iskanje kompromisev, potreba po konstruktivnem sodelovanju ter na splošno nekonfliktna komunikacija bosta zaželjeni pod vplivom te energije. Jupiter v Tehtnici načeloma prinaša več optimizma ter dobre volje v vseh zgoraj omenjenih podvigih v kolikor je življenska situacija, ki se jo bo dotaknil vpliv tega plinastega velikana kolikor toliko ne problematična ter predvsem dobro ozaveščena v glavah vseh tistih, ki so vanjo neposredno vpleteni.

Treba je vedeti, da je Jupiter v osnovi planet ekspanzije in rasti. V kolikor te njegove lastnosti velikokrat jemljemo kot pozitivne, saj naj bi nam prinašale priložnosti in obilje, ima lahko njegov vpliv tudi precej negativne posledice. Ne smemo ga jemati kot samoumevnega dobrohotneža, saj je njegov vpliv znan tudi po tem, da v danih situacijah krepko zasuka potek stvari, poruši obstoječe kvazi stabilno stanje, napihne ter poudari določene že prisotne problematike. Zakaj se to dogaja?

Najpomembnejši vpliv, ki ga Jupiter vrši nad posameznikom je ta, da ga navda z večjim občutkom optimizma, samozavesti, motivacije, ambicije, volje, kompetentnosti. Čeprav se vsi strinjamo, da so to zgolj pozitivni vplivi, še posebej kadar se soočamo s težavnimi odbobji ali pa novimi izzivi, je treba opozoriti, da lahko vpliv Jupitra privede do občutka omnipotentnosti. Takrat posameznik močno preceni svoje sposobnosti, ter realnost svojih pričakovanj in želja. To lahko privede do precej negativnih manifestacij. Kako se bo ta negativizem kazal v Tehtnici?

Tekom vpliva energij mlade lune, ki dejansko “uradno” odpira Jupitrov vstop v Tehtnico in pa seveda tudi tekom celotnega lunarnega cikla s poudarkom na polni luni, bo treba želje, potrebe in ambicije na vseh področjih ( ljubezen, delo, kariera, družina, prijateljstva ect. ) usklajevati s potrebami in željami drugih!

Občutek omnipotentnosti, želja po hitrem razvoju dogodkov, hitri “rasti” na določenih področjih in čim hitrejšemu doseganju lastnih ciljev lahko tukaj prinese probleme v naše odnose, partnerstva itd. Mesebojno razumevanje, pripravljenost za sklepanje kompromisov, bosta pomagala tlakovati neko srednjo uravnovešeno pot in hkrati zadostila željam in pričakovanjem posameznikov, seveda v mejah realnih zmožnosti!


Ne napihnite preveč svojih želja, pričakovanj in ne zahtevajte od drugih da le ta izpolnijo! To bo prineslo zgolj konflikte ter pri mnogih ljudeh občutek nepravičnosti ter “ne fer igre”. Ta negativna manifestacija se zna ta teden zlasti pokazati ob luninem kvadratu s Plutonom tekom vikenda, planetom, ki nas navdaja z željo po uveljavljanju osebne moči, kontrole nad življenskimi situacijami. Ne pozabite, Jupiter v kombinaciji s Plutonom nas lahko spremeni v diktatorje!

Izkoristite energije mlade lune, vpliv Jupitra ter z optimizmom ter dobro voljo iščite nove oblike rasti, udejstvovanja ter povezovanja v lastnih odnosih. Zavzemajte se za večjo pravičnost in ravnovesje v svojem socialnem okolju, nikar pa le te ne rušite z nerealnimi željami in pričakovanji lastnega ega.

Omenjena mlada luna kot že rečeno zaznamuje prihod Jupitra v Tehtnico. Njegov pozitiven ter potencialno negativen vpliv bo čutiti do konca leta 2016, in tudi večji del 2017, s poudarkom na obdobju med marcem ter julijem 2017, ko bo prisoten tudi tranzit retrogradne Venere. Več o tem pa v kakem drugem članku. 🙂

Tranzit mlade lune bo najmočneje vplival na ljudi rojene v znamenju Tehtnice, Kozoroga, Raka, Ovna, čutili pa ga boste tudi tisti ki imate pomembne planete in astrološke točke v teh znamenjih.



Weekly prediction, 26.9. – 2.10., New Moon in Libra – Rise of Jupiter

The current week will be mostly influenced by Moon in Virgo and the New Moon in Libra. Both lunations will activate some of the existing astrological configurations. Let us see how will all of this play out.


Moon in Virgo

Transit strength: weak weekly transit

Transit duration: Tuesday till Friday


Astrological setting

On her journey through Virgo, the Moon will once again trigger the notorious square between Saturn and Neptune, as she will emphasize the themes and issues of the concluded Mercury retrograde cycle.

Emotional needs, moods, frustrations

during the month of September we talked a lot about energies of the Virgo, mostly emphasized by Mercury Rx and the stellium of planets that endured in this signs for a couple of weeks. With this current Moon in Virgo, achieving structure, order, routine in our daily lives will be important once again. Developing and nurturing practical skills, talents will also be significant. Acquisition of new practical knowledge is another activity that will bring emotional satisfaction and sense of fulfillment, achievement.

Higher awareness in relation to personal health is indicated. The need to deal with certain health related problems and difficulties will be thus present. In the spirit of the Mercury rx cycle, “Do it yourself” concept is still very much alive and present. Use the energy of this Moon to continue your work on certain problematic situation, accept new challenges or confront the old ones once again. Put the experience and new knowledge the Mercury Rx cycle brought you to good use. Exploit the high mental boost of the Virgo Moon, let it help you with more efficient analytical thinking processes, let her inspire you with new practical ideas, allow her to bring you new innovative solutions.

As always watch out for the dark side of Virgo, especially as she will make contact to Saturn/Neptune square. Increased emotional sensitivity and high level of irritability due to sudden annoying complications, conflicts within your life’s situations will be present. Avoid excessive self-criticism, neurotic behavior and stress, produced by feelings of disappointment, confusion, emotional pressure from within and from the outside. The stubborn trait of Virgo to stick with certain extremely narrow-minded perspectives and focuses will do no good either. The Virgo affinity for detail and inherit refusal or incapacity to see the big picture can do more harm than you might think.

The transit will influence Virgos, Sagittarians, Pisces and Geminis the most. People with important planets and astrological points in these signs will feel the influence as well.


New Moon in Libra

Transit strength: important monthly transit

Transit duration: throughout the week, strongest on Friday and Saturday


Astrological setting

This is the First New Moon after the autumn equinox and she brings new beginnings in the areas ruled by Libra. This mostly affects our relationships and our sense of balance, justice and fairness. The New Moon itself will not form any specific aspects with other planets, but the general feel of Libra energy will be influenced by another player entering the sign. That is Jupiter. On her journey through Libra, the Moon will also form aspects with two more problematic planets, Pluto in Capricorn and Uranus in Aries.


Emotional needs, moods and frustrations

As said before, this New Moon brings new opportunities, challenges and beginnings as far as our search for balance in relationships and every day life is considered. We will feel the need  and perhaps even pressure to cooperate with others more, to form more compromises. Non conflicting communication will be the one who will bring emotional stability and satisfaction. In these endeavors Jupiter might bring more optimism and good will, but only if the situation at hand is well-balanced to begin with and most importantly if all the parties involved are truly aware of the nature of the situation itself.

We should be aware of the fact that Jupiter functions as a planet that promotes or incites expansion and growth. We generally consider these influences as positive as they suppose to bring new opportunities and potentially prosperity as well. However it is very unwise to take Jupiter for a self-granted benefic, as its influence is also very well-known for bringing war where there was peace, destabilizing quasi balanced situations and inflating or emphasizing existing problems. Why does this happen?

Jupiter instills optimism, good will, greater motivation, ambition, sense of greater capability and self-confidence. As we all agree, these are all beneficial aspects when it comes to dealing with challenges, difficult problems and situations we must always remember that the influence of Jupiter can also produce a rather troublesome sense of omnipotence. Under this spell an individual might considerably overestimate their own capabilities or capacities, they might form completely unrealistic expectation and desires. All of this tends to produce generally negative manifestations. How will this show in Libra?

During the influence of this week’s New Moon which is officially welcoming Jupiter in Libra and throughout the entire monthly lunar cycle with emphasis on the Full Moon, balancing our personal expectations, desires, wishes and ambitions with those of others in all areas of life ( love, friends, work career, family, ect. ) will be paramount!

The feeling of omnipotence and the desire for fast development and “growth” in certain life situations coupled with an ambition and motivation to achieve personal goals and agendas rather quickly might produce problems within our relationships, partnerships, social connections. Cooperation, mutual understanding, forming compromises will pave the road towards a more balanced social interaction, where individual desires and wishes will be appeased, but of course only within the realistic domain of any given situation!


Do not inflate your expectations, wishes and certainly do not expect from others to bow down to your personal exaggerated desires and ambitions. Doing the opposite of what is suggested will bring complications, problems and conflicts in your relations with others for sure. Others will revolt accusing you of being unfair and unjust. This negative manifestations might especially be problematic during the Moon’s contact with Pluto in Capricorn during the weekend, a planet that inspires us to exert our personal power and will, to seek control over our life’s situations.

Use the energy of this New Moon and the positive influences of Jupiter to create more balanced relationships, bring more optimism and good will in you connections with others, allow and encourage your relationships to grow, nurture new connections. Do not blindly destroy and sabotage your social interactions through unrealistic and exaggerated expectations and demands of your ego!

The New Moon in Libra officially marks the entrance of jupiter in Libra. The positive and negative influence of this planet will be felt until the end of 2016 and throughout most of 2017, with a very important period between March and July of 2017, where we will also deal with retrograde venus in Aries.

This New Moon will mostly influence Libras, Capricorns, Aries and Cancers. People with important planets and points ( example: Moon in Libra, or Ascendant in Aries ) in these signs will also feel this influence.

Weekly prediction, 19.9. – 25.9., Mercury Rx goes direct


Moon in Gemini square Mercury Stationary/Direct


Transit strength: important monthly transit

Transit duration: Wednesday till Friday


 Astrology setting

During her stay in Gemini the Moon will reactivate the Neptune/Saturn square. With Mercury going direct at 14° in Virgo, they will all for a Cross square aspect. It will be an important weekly if not monthly aspect. Mercury shifting its energies again while going direct and at the same time forming a complicated hard aspect with Moon, Saturn and Neptune will surely cause a lot of action, charged atmosphere, possible frustration and conflicts. Buckle up, it can be a very dynamic week, with a few bumps along the way.


Emotional needs, moods, frustrations

The Moon in Gemini focuses on communication, greater connection and interaction with our environment. She raises our curiosity, she is keen on learning, exercising the mind,  traveling, meeting new people, gaining new experience, trying new interesting things and activities.  Spending our mental energy in the fashion described above will bring emotional fulfillment and satisfaction.

However, with Gemini Moons, scatter brain effect is always a thing to watch out, especially when the Moon is forming challenging aspects. The ruler of Gemini and Virgo, Mercury, is changing from retrograde motion to direct so his contact to the Moon will enhance the effect.

While the connection will increase our daily tempo, boost our mental activity, putting our brains on steroids, help forming new and bright ideas, we will also experience difficulties as far as our concentration, focus goes. If its possible, do not engage in to many activities at once as chances are you wont be able to handle them all properly and efficiently. As a rule of a thumb, mutable squares such as this one already bring a lot of activity and changeability in our daily lives, so take into account you will probably already be busy and stretched out as it is, with situations changing on an hourly basis, bringing new challenges, complications and developments.

This is a common theme during Mercury Rx cycles and in this third and final week of its Rx cycle we will experience another climax of these energies. Watch out for stress related frustrations and irritations. Don’t burn your self out, be careful the way you act and respond to your environment, especially be careful in traffic and with activities that require a lot of concentration. Think before you act. Again the best way is to be flexible as much as possible and try to adapt to changing situations.

On the other hand, this Mercury cycle is very good for developing our personal skills, abilities especially if they posses a practical value. Learning new things, gaining more experience is also favored during this time. The Moon in Gemini will boost our minds, together with Mercury our ingenuity can really move mountains for us. Our problems, challenges can become a thing of the past if we are ready to tackle them from a completely new and different perspective.

As the Moon/Mercury contact will be generally a positive influence as long as we successfully deal with challenges in concentration, heightened stress, nervous energies, busy daily life, you will have to pay more attention to the Saturn/Neptune contact that keeps bringing quite depressing energy influence for quite some time now.



Be certain that this combo will lower your moods by default, it will challenge your self-confidence, your beliefs, bringing confusion, self-doubt. This can be a very negative influence if you are starting new exciting career projects, ventures, activities and run into problems, setbacks or difficulties. These energies can also discourage you from being more daring when it comes to fulfilling your dreams and desires or goals in general.

Its important that we truly understand our current life situations, that we are aware of our current personal capabilities and most importantly, we must not make unrealistic expectations. This is the best way to counter the negative Saturn/Neptune influence. If we work diligently towards our self-realization, self-development, if we remain aware of our  daily realities, we will unlock the positive potential of this week.

This transit will influence mutable signs of Gemini, Virgo, Pisces and Sagittarius. People with important planets and points in these signs will also will the influence.


Tedenska napoved, 19.9. – 25.9., Direktni Merkur


Luna v Dvojčkih v kvadratu s Saticionarno/Direktnim Merkurjem


Moč tranzita: pomemben mesečni aspekt.

Trajanje tranzita: od srede do petka.

Astrološka postavitev

Tekom tedna bo Luna tvorila kvadrat tako z obstoječim kvadratom med Neptunom in Saturnom kot tudi z Merkurjem v Devici, ki bo ta teden končal svoj retrogradni cikel in zopet pričel s svojim direktnim gibanjem. Omenjeni planeti bodo tako tvorili aspekt, ki mu pravimo Križ.  Predvsem zaradi spremembe v gibanju Merkurja bo omenjeni aspekt nedvomno eden izmed pomembnejših aspektov tega meseca, zato lahko pričakujemo kar precej dogajanja, akcije, dinamike ter tudi določene ovire in neprijetnosti. Povečana bo napetost v odnosih in v interakcijah z okoljem, možni so konflikti ter frustracije.


Čustvene potrebe, razpoloženja, frustracije

Glavne čustvene potrebe, ki jih v nas sproži Luna v Dvojčkih so potreba po zanimivi in plodni komunikaciji ter na splošno potreba po večji interakciji z okoljem. Tekom tega vpliva radi spoznavamo nove ljudi, želimo si krajših potovanj, morda izletov. Že samo dnevno dogajanje nam morda spontano ponudi mnoge zanimive aktivnosti.  Želimo si več novih izkušenj, povečana je tudi naša radovednost ter želja po učenju. Zadovoljitev omenjenih čustvenih potreb prinaša občutek varnosti, stabilnosti ter izpolnjenosti.

Luna v Dvojčkih prav tako precej rada prinaša zmedo v naša življenja. To še posebej drži za obdobja, ko Luna tvori težke in zahtevne apekte z drugimi planeti. V tem tednu bo komplikacije prinesel prav kontakt z Merkurjem. Kot naravni vladar Dvojčkov in Device bo Merkur zgolj dodatno pudaril neagitivni potencial teh energij.

Aspekt med Luno in Merkurjem bo močno povečal našo mentalno aktivnost, sposobnost hitrega procesiranja misli, nove ideje ter zamisli bodo pozitivno vplivale na naš vsakdanjik. Le ta bo tudi pridobil na dogajanju in hitrejšem tempu. Negativno bo vpliv prizadel predvsem našo sposobnost koncentracije in fokusa. V kolikor je možno, si ne zapletajte vsakdana z dodatnimi aktivnostmi, dolžnostmi in opravki. V zraku bo energija tako imenovanih spremenljivih znamenj. Ker bodo le ta preko planetov povezana v težke kvadratne aspekte, bo veliko ljudi že tako ali tako izpostavljeno povečanemu dnevnemu dogajanju, ki bo samo od sebe prineslo iz ure v uro spreminjajoče se situacije, komplikacije, zaplete ter razplete. Ne zakomlicirajte si dnevnega ritma še sami.


Zgornja problematika je redna spremljevalka Merkurjevih retrogradnih ciklov in jo je treba jemati precej resno. Določene situacije v tem obdobju lahko pri ljudeh ustvarijo precej stresa kar povzroči frustracije, nervozo ter ziritirano razpoloženje. Pommebno je, da se primerno in preudarno odzovemo na te negativne vplive. Stres je nekaj čemur se moramo v teh obdobjih čimbolj efektivno izogniti. Kot sem omenil že v prejšnjih člankih, še vedno velja, bodite bolj fleksibilni, potrpežjivi in se poskušajte sproti prilagajati spreminjajočim se pogojem ter situacijam. Tako boste lahko uspešno držali korak s prihajajočimi tedenskimi vplivi.

Še posebej bo treba biti pozoren v prometu ter pri vseh aktivnostih in opravilih, ki zahtevajo visoko raven koncentracije. Tokrat bo nasvet, ‘Premisli preden ukrepaš’ še kako pomemben, saj znata biti nepremišljenost, neučakanost prav tako resna problema.

Trenutni cikel retrogradnega Merkurja na splošno prinaša izredno pozitivne vplive kar se tiče razvijanja osebnih praktičnih sposobnosti in taletnov. Učenje novih stvari v tem obdobju prinaša neprecenljive izkušnje ter dviguje samozavest. Skupaj z Luno v Dvojčkih bo tekom tedna pozitvni vpliv Merkurja še bolj očiten. Povečana mentalna aktivnost bo v nas spodbujala samoiniciativnost ter iznajdljivost. Težave, ovire, problemi lahko postanejo stvar preteklosti v kolikor bomo sposobni gledati na stvari tudi iz drugih zornih kotov ter predvsem v kolikor se bomo pripravljeni z lastnimi izzivi tudi spopasti.

Kombinacija, ki jo bosta tvorila Luna in Merkur bo prinesla precej pozitivnega potenciala v kolikor se bomo uspešno spopadali s povečano nevrotično energijo, stresom, hitrejšim in morda tudi bolj napornim ter spreminjajočim se dnevnim ritmom, oteženo komunikacijo ter koncentracijo. Vsekakor bo ob vsem tem treba resnično še najbolj paziti na kvadrat Saturna in Neptuna, ki že dalj časa v naša življenja prinaša precej depresivno in obremenjujočo energijo.


Lahko ste prepričani, da bo omenjeni aspekt že v osnovi precej negativno vplival na vašo samozavest ter postavljal vaša prepričanja, verovanja na temeljito preizkušnjo. Občutki čustvenega samokritičnega pritiska, anksioznosti, zmedenosti, dvoma ter tudi morda obupa so pogosti spremljevalci te kombinacije. Omenjeni vplivi lahko predstavljajo precejšnjo oviro, če se lotevate novih kariernih ali kakšnih drugačnih osebnih projektov ter novih pomembnih aktivnosti. Pomembno je da ne dovolimo, da nam določene življenske situacije in okoliščine vzamejo pogum in drznost za uresničevanje latnih ciljev ter sanj.

Prav tako pa je hkrati pomembno tudi to, da popolnoma razumemo in sprejemamo realne situacije našega trenutnega življenja, da se zavedamo svojih trenutnih sposobnosti in da si ne delamo utvar ter nimamo nerealnih pričakovanj. S takšnim odnosom bomo najbolje nevtralizirali negativni vpliv aspekta med Saturnom in Neptunom. Trdo delo, potrpežjivost, trezno razumevanje lastne življenske situacije nas bodo uspešno vodili do cilja osebne samouresničitve in nam pomagali odkleniti pozitiven potencial prihajajočega tedna.

Omenjeni tranziti bodo namočneje vplivali na ljudi, ki so rojeni v znamenju Device, Dvojčkov, Rib, Strelca. Tisti, ki imate v teh znamenjih pomembne planete in astrološke točke boste prav tako čutili omenjene vplive.




Weekly prediction, 12.9. – 18.9., Lunar eclipse in Pisces – Evolve, adapt, do it yourself.

The climax of the Mercury Rx cycle and the lunar eclipse in Pisces are the two major astrological influences of this week. As they will provide numerous opportunities for active positive change, development, they will also bring challenges, difficulties, conflicts and problems. In order to successfully harness the good vibes or at least neutralize the negative influences energy in all areas of life during this week you should be flexible, patient and diligent.


Sun/Mercury Rx/Mars square – Do it yourself

Transit strength: important weekly transit

Transit duration: Monday – Friday, strongest from Tuesday to Wednesday.



In the first half of this week we are influenced by Sun/Mercury Rx/Mars square through Sagittarius/Virgo. Heightened self-assertion, activity, initiation due to higher motivation boost from Sun/Mars contact is indicated. With the underlying theme of Saturn/Neptune square and the unstable energy of Mercury Rx we must be careful how we act though. We are tied to our personal belief system when it comes to making decisions and personal action. As these beliefs, personal truths are currently being tested, our behavioral patterns are tested too.

Be advised that Mars in Sage can do whatever he wants to do in accordance to what he thinks is acceptable and right. Sagittarius is the sing of growth and expansion and thus our negative characteristics and our negative behavior can also be blown out of proportion. With Mercury Rx this will no doubt bring conflict with others as our selfishness and irresponsibility will shine through our actions quite negatively. Avoid such behavior at all cost and also condemn actions of others who would behave in such manner. It is for their own good, as you will signal them it is finally time to change their ways. All in all, inspect your behavior, make prudent, responsible decisions.

Also expect over all tensions, misunderstandings, conflicts in communication with others. Pesky Annoyances, frustrations, irritations can dominate our lives during this aspect influence.

On the other hand Sun/Mercury/Mars contact gives out a very positive vibe when it comes to developing , recognizing and nurturing your personal practical skills, abilities, when it comes to acquisition of new skills and learning new things. With heightened motivational boost from Sun and Mars and a changed mental state caused by Mercury Rx, you can do things differently, do something you always wanted to do, finally accept the challenges that you know lie before you.

There is an immense emphasis on our personal strength, ingenuity, resourcefulness that can help us achieve almost anything during this time. With Mercury Rx in Virgo we are equipped with some highly charged ability to process information faster, more efficiently, we can organize things better. This can do wonders for us. You will be amazed of how much you can accomplish on your own in all areas of your life.


Projects, dreams,  ambitions, goals, new or old, you can now work on all of them, make yourself feel accomplished, influence your own personal reality as you see fit. Fulfill the potential of the Virgo New Moon from 1st of September Weekly prediction, 29.8. – 4.9., New Moon solar eclipse + Mercury retrograde = Red alert. You want to feel accomplished, successful? Well, why don’t you do something about it? However, be also advised that with all this Action Jackson kind of stimuli, there is also challenge, setbacks and frustration. Virgo based square aspects demand a lot of patience and diligence above all things. Remember that.


Lunar eclipse in Pisces – Adapt and evolve

Transit strength: Important monthly transit

Transit duration: throughout the week, strongest from Thursday to Saturday with a peak on Friday.

One Stands Holding Word Adapt, Others Crushed

Astrological setting


The full Moon in Pisces is going to trigger the ongoing square between Mars in Sagittarius and Sun/Mercury Rx in Virgo ( Monday – Friday ). Lunar eclipse will thus form a T – square with the mentioned planets. This Moon also harvests the lunar process started with the New Moon on September 1st. 

Motivational, self-assertive drive, ego wants and emotional needs will clash together, creating a mutable energy frenzy. A lot of changeability in our daily lives with abrupt negative interferences, unexpected events, annoying conflicts, misunderstandings can become an issue. There will be plenty of action and development, how we respond to this ever-changing and highly charged flux of weekly life will determine the results, either in a positive or negative way.

Flexibility is once again the key, go with the stream and try to avoid the dangers of wild waters as successfully as you can. It is the best way to handle annoying unexpected events that bring complications and break your routine, plans.

Emotional needs, moods, frustrations

Pisces Moon’s are generally gentle, very sensitive, they make us more intuitive, empathic, sympathetic, more open to trust others with a desire to help and to avoid conflict. Of course naivety is a problem here, issues of exploitation and deceit as well. With the Saturn/Neptune square still in effect, this can bring detrimental consequences.

Inspect your own beliefs and your level of trust, make sure you understand what are the true intentions and agendas of others. A little more caution will do no harm. It is even necessary with this kind of influence, especially with a high level trend of demagogy ravaging our society nowadays.

As far as our needs goes, Pisces Moons also bring greater inspiration through our imagination in all areas of life. The influence can also trigger artistic tendencies. We might want to work on our dreams, fantasies, give them shape and form, Mars/Sun square and Mercury Rx can help out a lot. This will bring emotional fulfillment. Our therapeutic, healing abilities become more prominent. We might seek more seclusion to fantasize, day-dream, artistically express ourselves, or we choose to help others more.



If you choose to help others, be sure not to immerse your self into the problems and lives of others too much. You do not want to turn into an emotional sponge, as too much difficult and negative energy of other people’s emotional problems can influence you in a very bad way, depleting your energy levels quite fast.

Be aware of self undoing behavioral patterns. You will be quite sensitive during this Moon. Martyr kind of behavior is also not advised. Be non-conflicting, pay attention to others, be sympathetic, offer help, be kind, patient, try to understand the situations at hand. Do not allow others to exploit or deceive you however. This Moon can cushion the blows of a more aggressive connection between Mars/Mercury connection. But most importantly, the entire T – square aspect indicates a highly prominent tendency to take care of ourselves, to serve people, social groups, social goals that matter to us in a very practical way, by showing, developing our skills or learning new ones. Playing it right, you will unlock and access a very powerful positive potential of this monthly lunar cycle. Best of luck!

The transits mentioned in this report will mostly affect mutable signs of Virgo, Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces. People with important planets and points in these signs will feel the influence just as profoundly.


Weekly prediction, 5.9. – 11.9., First Moon square – Hard work always pays off.

During this week, we begin to follow the footsteps of the young Moon dealing with themes and issues activated by the New Moon on September the 2nd. Mercury Rx is definitely influencing this progress by giving us new insight, changing our thought processes, he helps us plan different strategies, offers new choices, and encourages us to make interesting or difficult decisions. It is an interesting time, but still, we have to be careful not to make imprudent, hasty and irresponsible decisions. Remember, work on your dreams, goals, ambitions, it will pay of. Perhaps for some of you the payment in the form of success has already arrived. 😉


Moon in Scorpio

Transit strength: weak weekly transit.

Transit duration: From Monday until Thursday.


Astrological setting

On her journey through Scorpio, she will form mostly positive trines to earthly positioned planets, such as Mercury Rx,  Jupiter in Virgo and Pluto in Capricorn. This is Water/Earth, which can provide greater emotional stability, security and emotional depth as well.

Emotional needs, moods, upsets

With Scorpio Moons, emotional drive, focus is always present. Our needs for security, stability, emotional fulfillment intensify. We pursue our desires with greater passion, but we must definitely truly understand the nature of our pursuit, otherwise things might not end well. As said many times before, Scorpio energy can evoke obsessive, self-destructive behavior if we go for the wrong things. Profound negative feelings, emotions, such as  fear, anxiety can occur or resurface. This all can be detrimental to our health, so do not stay in these dark places for too long!

On the other hand our drive and motivation is raised due to extremely focused emotional energy. Endurance is raised as is the determination to get what we want, desire or dream about. This influence will do wonders for some when the Moon trines Jupiter and Mercury in Virgo on Wednesday. Communication with others can benefit from this. Greater optimism, fresh perspective, intense constructive reflectionon on your life, greater courage to start new projects, make important decisions, and the ability to think in new and different ways might get you closer to where you want to be. Still use this influence wisely.

This transit will influence Scorpios and other Earth signs ( Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo ) the most. People with important planets and points in these signs will feel the influence as well.


Moon in Sagittarius – First Moon square

Transit strength: important monthly transit.

Transit duration: From Thursday until Saturday, strongest on Friday.


Astrological setting

The most important aspect this Moon makes is the square aspect to the Sun in Virgo on Friday and she also reactivates the Saturn/Neptune square. Tis contact represents the first quarter of the lunar monthly cycle. Around the time of this energy influence, first challenges, advances, complications, difficulties or fruitions associated with the energy patterns of the monthly New Moon may manifest and appear. The first Moon square represents the first milestone of our monthly emotional journey. It gives us a glimpse of what this monthly lunar journey will be all about, how it will look like and how it will feel like. The second important aspect will be the square the Moon/Jupiter/Mars/Mercury Rx square that will take place on Saturday.


Emotional needs, moods, upsets

Moon in Sage drives our needs towards greater awareness, understanding, knowledge, personal growth in all departments, freedom of the spirit and greater life adventures that offer new fruitful experiences. With all these undertakings we enrich our personal beliefs and reshape or perspective on the world around us. This brings emotional fulfillment, sense of stability and security.

However, with this first Moon square we deal with a lot of changeability in our life situations which can create feelings of frustration, annoyance. Flexibility on our part will be the key, ability to quickly adapt as well. Why is that so?

Virgo Sun bumping heads with the energies of the Sagittarius Moon creates a challenging but also an action packed influence. Mercury Rx in Virgo and the Saturn/Neptune square additionally complicate things;

Virgo is about diligence, creating and seeking order, structure, routine, it is earthly energy that favors pragmatism, realistic approach and upholds the values of usefulness and service to others and to one self. Virgo influence encourages us to pay more attention to details, to be more precise, more accurate, more responsible, it encourages us to tap into our skills, abilities and to organize our lives better.

Sagittarius is the truth we believe in, it is the way we see life in a grander, more general and holistic way. Sagittarius encourages us to look pass the details and see the bigger picture in every situation. It also encourages personal growth, optimism, gaining life experiences that enrich our minds and our spirit.

You see the difference here? Virgo is about structuring, organizing our day-to-day life in order to become accomplished and to live a healthy orderly life style. Sagittarius is about building a vision for our lives, it’s about recognizing and understanding our personal calling.

When these two energies clash we seek a balance between them. We must be careful not to, stress ourselves, worry too much, and most importantly, not to go to extremes. That will manifest all the wrong things. Do avoid the following behavioral patterns and attitudes during this aspect: small mindedness, irresponsibility, hairsplitting, excessive omnipotence, arrogance, excessive naivety, lack of empathy, excessive criticism and self-criticism.

To balance this first square one must fuse the best of both signs. Use the Virgo Sun and the Virgo Rx Mercury to focus on you work, your career ambitions, your duties, obligations through new, fresh and ingenious ways. Strategize, plan, employ new tactics, perhaps something you never tried before. Use the Sagittarius Moon to expand your business, your projects, your activity. Start working on your visions, ideas, follow you calling, stay true to your beliefs and if they stand against the pressure of discouraging Neptune/Saturn square all the better.



Pay more attention to your health issues, drop bad habits, envision a new, healthier life style. Actively pursue your plans, don’t worry if your dream goals seem so far away. Do not stress your self about it. Rome was not built in a day. Work hard, be patient, you will get there as long you have the right vision of your future, as long as you truly follow your unique worldly calling. Do not be afraid to dream big, but also understand that a lot of effort and hard work will be required. The bigger the dream, the greater the personal investment. This is how we blend Sagittarius and Virgo. Adapt, evolve and adapt again!

This transit will influence mutable sings of Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces and Gemini. People with strong planets and points in these signs will feel the influences as well.