Weekly prediction, 25.12. – 2.1. Saturn’s entry into Capricorn and the Full Moon in Cancer – Down to earth attitude, a voluntary choice or an involuntary must of 2018


Saturn enters Capricorn

Transit strength: a strong generational transit.

Transit duration: Saturn will travel through Capricorn for the next two and a half years, however during this week we will feel its influence mostly on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. As the Full Moon occurs on Tuesday 2.1. , there will be strong energy influences in the beginning of the next week just as well.


Astrological layout

With Saturn in early Capricorn, the ever stronger presence of planetary stellium  in this sign, and a Full Moon in Cancer on 2nd of January, Capricorns, as well as Cancers, Libras and Arians can expect quite an experience. The energies will be strongest at the end of this week and at the beginning of next week, however a strong down to earth feel will remain a prominent companion of our everyday life throughout January and a general guideline for the next two and a half years. In terms of these astrological influences the first half of January will be especially prominent.

Full Moon on Tuesday 2nd of January will influence all those born at the end of December or at the beginning of January, at the end of March and at the beginning of April, at the end of June and at the beginning of July, at the end of September and in early October. All those who have important planets and astrological points between 10 ° and 13 ° in the sign of Capricorn, Cancer, Libra and Aries will also experience these influences very profoundly.


How will Saturn in Capricorn and the Full Moon in Cancer influence us?

The cycle of retrograde Mercury in Sagittarius and the passage of Saturn from the sign of Sagittarius to Capricorn  disrupted the daily life of many individuals. Facing certain facts of reality, difficult situations, new insights, new awareness and truths, new knowledge, information, influenced our interaction with the outer world as well as our actions, thoughts, etc. Certain personal views, opinions, perceptions, personal beliefs simply collapsed or were at least significantly transformed.

We are witnessing a powerful shift of consciousness and the arrival of new energy patterns and influences. By the end of 2017 and in the beginning of 2018, we enter into A period with an extremely down to earth attitude towards the outside world and, of course, towards our inner-selves, our desires, wants, needs, ambitions, etc. The needs for emotional, physical, material and financial security will also be profoundly expressed, a sense of self-sufficiency, independence as well as values ​​such as patience and endurance will be very important.

The very foundations of our everyday life will arise from structure, order, discipline, assuming personal responsibility for all our actions within our relationship  with the outside world, and, of course, assuming responsibility for our own well-being, personal success and happiness.

Our personal growth, development as well as successful operation on a daily basis will, be enabled by a clear and realistic view of the world of which we are part of and of course by being aware of our current life situations.


All of you who have experienced a number of inconveniences, problems, conflicts, hardships, difficult revelations, etc., in the past month and a half will need to invest even more effort, energy in order to put your lives back on track, and in order to adapt to new circumstances by accepting some new truths and facts. The most important task of this process, as i am emphasising it again, will be the assumption of responsibility for one’s own actions and  for one’s own personal well-being, happiness and success. Taking on a more grounded, down to earth  attitude towards life will be an additional and important challenge for this group of people.

A more realistic view, perception and image of our lives will also bring new clear insights regarding personal desires, ambitions, wishes, needs. By knowing and being aware of our own abilities, limits and constraints, as well as our current life situations, we will also be able to plan our next moves and make the right decisions more easily and effectively. By introducing new habits, new order and routine, many people may improve their personal well-being, health, quality, and the comfort of their everyday lives. Those of you, committed to this new lifestyle, will also begin realising new or old ambitions as well as achieving personal goals. A profound desire for personal success, social affirmation, achieving certain social status, which brings respect, reputation and influence, as well as social, financial, material security and comfort will be exceptionally profound and prominent. Many will also achieve their first success and enjoy their new social position. People in favour of diligent behaviour, patience, persistence, order, concept of usefulness, hard-work will benefit the most. These will mainly be the members of the earthly signs, Taurians, Capricorns and Virgos

During the next month, as well as during the next two and a half years, which is the time needed for Saturn to cross into the next sign, it will be of particular importance to adopt a certain pragmatic and down to earth approach to life. The values and desires ​​of Capricorn which include a sense of responsibility, patience, persistence, endurance, personal zeal, ambitions of personal and social success and, of course, the ability to accept certain realities while striving to adapt to new circumstance are things that will enable us to achieve our life goals, our self-fulfilment, happiness and above all emotional, material security and comfort.


I wish you a pleasant week and a happy, successful, healthy and joyful 2018!

Tedenska napoved, 25.12.2017 – 2.1.2018. Prehod Saturna v znamenje Kozoroga ter polna Luna v Raku – Začetek ter večji del 2018 v znamenju občutne prostovoljne pa tudi neprostovoljne prizemljenosti.


Prehod Saturna v znamenje Kozoroga

Moč tranzita: močan generacijski tranzit.

Trajanje tranzita: Saturn bo skozi znamenje Kozoroga potoval naslednji 2 leti in pol, v tem tednu pa ga bomo najmočneje čutili tekom vikenda ter v začetku prihodnjega tedna, ko nastopi tudi polna Luna v Raku.


Astrološka postavitev

S Saturnom v začetnih stopinjah Kozoroga, vedno močnejšim stelijem planetov v tem znamenju ter polno Luno v Raku, 2.1., bodo astrološkim vplivom najbolj izpostavljeni vsi Kozorogi pa tudi Raki, Tehtnice in Ovni. Energije bodo najmočnejše konec tega tedna ter v začetku naslednjega tedna, močni občutki prizemljenosti pa bodo še naprej izrazit spremljevalec našega vsakdana v mesecu januarju ter splošno življenjsko vodilo naslednjih dveh let in pol. Posebno izrazita, kar se astroloških vplivov tiče, bo prva polovica meseca januarja.

Polna Luna, v torek 2.1., bo zaznamovala predvsem vse tiste, rojene ob koncu meseca decembra oziroma v začetku meseca januarja, ob koncu marca, v začetku aprila, ob koncu junija, v začetku julija ter ob koncu septembra in v začetku oktobra. Prav tako lahko pričakujete močne vplive tudi vsi tisti, ki imate pomembne planete in astrološke točke med 10° ter 13° v znamenju Kozoroga, Raka, Tehtnice in Ovna.


Kaj nam prinašata Saturn v Kozorogu ter Polna Luna v Raku?

Cikel retrogradnega Merkruja v Strelcu ter prehod Saturna iz znamenja Strelca v znamenje Kozoroga sta dodobra pretresla iz razburkala vsakdanjik marsikaterega posameznika. Soočanje z določenimi dejstvi realnih situacij, nova spoznanja, zavedanja, resnice, nova znanja, informacije, so vplivala na našo medsebojno interakcijo, naša dejanja, razmišljanja itd. Določeni osebni pogledi, mišljenja, percepcije, osebna prepričanja so se preprosto sesula ali pa vsaj občutno predrugačila. Priča smo precej močnemu zasuku zavesti ter prihodu novih in predrugačenih energijskih vplivov.

S koncem 2017 in začetkom 2018 vstopamo v obodobje izjemno prizemljenega odnosa do zunanjega sveta in seveda tudi do samih sebe, naših želja, hotenj, potreb, ambicij, itd. Okrepile se bodo potrebe po čustveni, fizični, materialni in finančni varnosti, medsebojnem sprejemanju, podpori, pripadnosti, pomemben bo občutek samozadostnosti, neodvisnosti ter vrednote kot sta potrpežljivost, vztrajnost in vzdržljivost.

Pomembni temelji našega vsakdana bodo struktura, red, disciplina, prevzemanje osebne odgovornosti za vsa naša dejanja vezana tako na naše odnose z zunanjim svetom kot seveda tudi v povezavi z iskanjem lastne dobrobiti, osebnega uspeha in sreče.

Našo osebno rast, razvoj kot tudi uspešno delovanje na vsakdanji ravni bosta seveda omogočala jasen in realen pogled na svet katerega del smo in seveda zavedanje ter sprejemanje naših trenutnih življenjskih situacij.


Vsi tisti, ki vam je preteklo obdobje meseca in pol prineslo različne neprijetnosti, težave, probleme, obremenitve, težka spoznanja itd., boste morali v primerjavi z ostalimi vložiti še toliko več truda, energije, da svoja življenja zopet spravite v normalne tirnice in se seveda prilagodite novim okoliščinam ter sprejmete neke nove resnice in dejstva. Pri tem bo, zopet poudarjam, še najbolj pomembno prevzemanje odgovornosti za lastna dejanja ter odgovornosti za lastno osebno dobrobit, zdravje, srečo in uspeh. Prevzemanje bolj prizemljenega življenjskega nazora bo za to skupino ljudi dodaten a pomemben izziv.

Realnejša podoba in slika naših življenj bo prinesla tudi nova jasna spoznanja kar se tiče slabih in nezdravih življenjskih vzorcev, navad, kot tudi osebnih želja, ambicij, hotenj, potreb. Z zavedanjem lastnih sposobnosti in omejitev ter trenutnih življenjskih okoliščin, priložnosti, bomo tudi lažje in bolj učinkovito načrtovali naše naslednje poteze in sprejemali primerne odločitve. Z uvedbo novih ciljev, prioritet, pristopov, novih navad, novega reda in rutine, si bo tako morda marsikdo izboljšal osebno počutje, zdravje, kvaliteto ter udobje svojega vsakdanjega življenja. Tisti najbolj zagnani boste začeli tudi uresničevati svoje nove ali pa tudi stare ambicije, saj bo želja po osebnem uspehu, družbeni uveljavitvi, afirmaciji, doseganju določenega družbenega statusa, ki prinaša spoštovanje, ugled in vpliv, pa tudi socialno, finančno, materialno varnost in udobje, precej močna in izrazita. Marsikdo bo tudi že požel prve uspehe in užival v svojem novem družbenem položaju in vlogi. Tu boste prišli na račun predvsem tisti, ki so vam “zemeljske” vrednote delavnosti, redoljubnosti, koristnosti še posebej domače. Sem spadate predvsem Kozorogi, Device in Biki.

V obdobju naslednjega meseca dni kot tudi na splošno v obdobju naslednjih dveh let in pol, kolikor bo potreboval Saturn da preide v naslednje znamenje, bo torej še posebej pomembno, da povsem ponotranjimo določen pragmatičen in priezemljen pogled na svet. Vrednote Kozoroga kot so redoljubnost, odgovornost, potrpežljivost, vztrajnost, ambicioznost, delavnost, zagnanost in seveda sposobnost, da sprejemamo določeno realnost življenja in se trudimo le tej kolikor se le da uspešno prilagajati, so stvari, ki nam bodo omogočale, da dosežemo svoje življenjske cilje, samoizpolnitev, da najdemo srečo in predvsem čustveno, materialno varnost ter udobje.


Želim vam lep teden ter vesel prehod v 2018, v novem letu pa seveda čim več sreče, uspehov in zadovoljstva!





Weekly prediction, 18.12. – 24.12., Thrid week of Retrograde Mercury – A Mercury Direct for Christmas


Mercury goes direct

Transit strength: a strong yearly transit

Transit duration: energies will be high on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday peaking on Friday and Saturday.


Astrological layout

This week’s energy will again affect all Sagittarians, as well as Geminis, Pisces and Virgos. Leos and the Arians will also feel these energies more profoundly. In particular, at the end of Mercury’s retrograde cycle, energy will be felt by all those born around the 5th of December, March, April, June, August and September. Likewise, all those with significant planets and astrological points between 11 ° and 15 °  in Sagittarius, Virgo, Gemini, Pisces, as well as in the sign of Leo and Aries will be more strongly affected by these effects. The energy at the end of this week and the beginning of the next will be additionally strengthened by the first quarter Moon in Aquarius.


How will the end of Mercury retrograde cycle influence our daily lives?

All beginnings and conclusions of retrograde planetary movements are the most critical periods of these mentioned cycles. Especially at the end of this week as well as in the beginning of the next week we can expect climatic development in connection to all topics, issues situations of the current cycle of Rx Mercury. You can read more about the nature of the current Mercury cycle itself in these previous articles:

Weekly prediction, 27.11. – 3.12., Full Moon in Gemini and the start of Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius – “How little we know, how much to discover”

Weekly prediction, 4.12. – 10.12., The first week of Mercury Rx – The discovery and development of mental gifts and abilities through speech and communication

Weekly prediction, 11.12. – 17.12., The New Moon in Sagittarius and the second week of Mercury retrograde – How to take advantage of all these Sagittarian energies while avoiding the hardships of Mercury retrograde

Mercury goes from retrograde back to direct on Friday and Saturday. During the weekend, we expect climatic events in the areas of mutual communication, social interaction, or general social life. The connection between people will be extremely diverse, relaxed, playful, motivated, fun, inspiring, interesting but also tense. There will also be occurrences of even more pronounced misunderstandings, miscommunication, chaotic events, organisation failures, hindering circumstances, broken, disrupted schedules, complications and unforeseen events. Sagittarius cheerful and positive nature will get a nice boost, but stress, chaos and confusion will also be on their final rise! Be careful!

Since Mercury’s transition to retrograde and direct states burdens, disrupts our concentration and hinders our ability to focus and pay attention properly, be especially careful while performing tasks and activities that demand and require a lot of mental effort and composure. Make sure that you are most cautious in traffic, since December tends to be an extremely chaotic month in that regard. Also be more cautious and alert while performing activities that are a danger hazard and pose a potential threat to our health and safety,  as risk of injuries and incidents will be much higher.


The end of Mercury Rx cycle brings about the first major results and consequences of  our actions, decisions, activities of the past three weeks. Just as many will be very glad that this chaotic, hectic, unstable and confused time period has finally come to an end, just as some will rejoice while achieving personal breakthroughs, successes during this cycle, some will have to cope with the consequences of certain wrong moves and actions as far as communication, life decisions, ventures, business deals, agreements, arrangements, purchases goes. Arrogance, narrow-mindedness, omnipotence, frivolity, irresponsibility will take their toll during this week and, of course, in the weeks following Christmas.

The end of the Mercury Rx cycle brings even more awareness and understanding in certain areas of life, it enables an even wider perspective of the mind and heart and deeper insights into the circumstances and conditions of our life situations. A lot of people will find that last piece of the jigsaw puzzle finally being able to see the greater image, the bigger picture. Of course, in the end, not everyone will be happy or content accepting certain revealing new truths, facts on the basis of something one will learn or come to understand. It is paramount to our well-being that this current cycle of Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius corrects, updates, resets or re-builds our beliefs, our perception of the world around us, our mentality, it is paramount that it retrains our ability to understand our own life realities, our capabilities, potentials, problems, issues, etc. Only in this way can we continue to develop in the light of our real and true self.

I wish all of you a pleasant week and may the upcoming weekend bring many hearty and loving connections and interactions with your friends, partners and family members. Of course, do not forget to sincerely and truthfully connect or re-connect with yourself, with your inner feelings, thoughts. 🙂


Tedenska napoved, 18.12. – 24.12., Tretji teden retrogradnega Merkurja – Božično darilo, direktni Merkur


Merkur preide v direktno gibanje

Moč tranzita: močan letni tranzit

Trajanje tranzita: najbolj kritični dnevi bodo petek, sobota, nedelja pa tudi ponedeljek in torek naslednjega tedna. Vrhunec energijskih vplivov pričakujemo v petek in soboto.

Astrološka postavitev

Energijsko bo tokratni teden zopet zaznamoval vse Strelce, pa tudi Dvojčke, Ribe in Device. Močan bo tudi vpliv na Leve in Ovne. Še posebej bodo energije ob zaključku Merkurjevega retrogradnega cikla občutili vsi tisti rojeni okoli petega v mesecu decembru, marcu, aprilu, juniju, avgustu in septembru. Prav tako bodo vplive močneje občutili tudi vsi tisti s pomembnimi planeti in astrološkimi točkami med 11° in 15° v znamenju Strelca, Device, Dvojčkov, Rib, pa tudi v znamenju Leva in Ovna. Energije ob koncu tega tedna in začetku naslednjega bo krojil in krepil tudi prvi lunin kvadrat v Vodnarju.


Kako bo na nas vplival zaključek Merkurjevega retrogrdenga cikla?

Tako kot začetki so tudi zaključki retrogradnih gibanj planetov najbolj kritična obdobja omenjenih ciklov. Predvsem ob koncu tega tedna in v začetku naslednjega tedna lahko pričakujemo najbolj intenzivno dogajanje v povezavi z vsemi tematikami, situacijami vezanimi na tokratni cikel Rx Merkruja. Več o sami naravi tokratnega cikla lahko preberete v teh predhodnjih člankih:

Tedenska napoved, 27.11. – 3.12., Polna Luna v Dvojčkih ter začetek retrogradnega Merkurja v Strelcu- “How little we know, how much to discover”

Tedenska napoved, 4.12. – 10.12., Prvi teden retrogradnega Merkurja v Strelcu – Razvoj in odkrivanje darov ter sposobnosti uma, govora in komunikacije

Tedenska napoved, 11.12. – 17.12., Mlaj v Strelcu in drugi teden retrogradnega Merkurja – Kako izkoristiti nove strelčevske priložnosti in kako se izogniti neprijetnostim retrogradnega cikla

Prehod iz retrogradnega cikla v direktno bo Merkur izvršil v noči iz petka na soboto. Tekom vikenda torej pričakujemo vrhunec dogajanja na področju medsebojne komunikacije, socialne interakcije, druženja. Povezovanje med ljudmi bo tekom tedna izredno pestro, sproščeno, igrivo, iskrivo, zabavno, navdihujoče, pa tudi napeto. Prihajalo bo ob enem tudi do še bolj izrazitejših nesporazumov, šumov v komunikaciji, kaotičnih dogajanj, pešanja organizacije, podiranja načrtov, urnikov, zapletov in nepredvidenih dogodkov. Tako kot bo dobila poseben naboj prešerna narava Strelca, se bo prav tako še dodatno okrepil efekt stresa, kaosa in zmede. Pazljivo torej!

Ker nam ob prehodih v retrogradna in direktna stanja Merkurja še toliko bolj peša koncentracija in sposobnost fokusa in pozornosti, bodite še posebej pazljivi pri opravilih in aktivnostih kjer moramo biti prisebni in z možgani pri stvari. Najbolj bodite previdni v prometu, saj je decembra na cestah izredno kaotično. Pa tudi pri opravilih kjer moramo paziti na varnost in zdravje večja pozornost ne bo odveč, saj bo možnost kakršnihkoli poškodb in nezgod precej večja.


Konec retrogradngea cikla prinaša prve večje rezultate in posledice naših dejanj, odločitev, aktivnosti in udejstvovanj tekom preteklih treh tednov. Tako kot bo mnogim odleglo, da je to kaotično, hektično, nestabilno, pestro in zmedeno obdobje za nami, tako kot se bodo nekateri veselili določenih prebojev, dosežkov in uspehov, ki jim jih je prinesel omenjeni cikel, se bodo morali nekateri spoprijeti in soočiti s poseldicami določenih napačnih potez in dejanj na področju komunikacije, življenjskih odločitev, podvigov, sklepanja poslov, dogovorov, nakupov, organizacije itd. Aroganca, precenjevanje lastnih sposobnosti, lahkomiselnost, neodgovornost bodo terjali svoj davek tekom tega tedna in seveda v tednih, ki sledijo po Božiču.

Konec omenjenga cikla prinaša še večjo ozaveščenost in razumevanje na določenih področjih, omogoča še širše in globje vpoglede v naše življenjske situacije. Mnogi ljudje bodo našli še tisti zadnji košček sestavljanke in končno uzrli celotno podobo. Seveda na koncu ne bo vsak zadovoljen in srečen na podlagi tega kakšne nove resnice, dejstva bo primoran sprejeti ter na podlagi vsega kar bo vsak od nas na novo razumel, dojel. Pomembno za nas vse pa je, da nam tokratni cikel retrogradnega Merkurja v Strelcu popravi, posodobi ali pa na novo izoblikuje naša prepričanja, miselnost,  razumevanje naše lastne življenjske realnosti ter naše poglede na svet, na nas same, naše sposobnosti, potenciale, težave, probleme, itd. Samo tako se bomo lahko še naprej razvijali v luči našega pravega in resničnega jaza.

Lep teden vam želim in naj prihajajoči konec tedna mine v znamenju srčnega in ljubečega povezovanja znotraj vaših prijateljskih, partnerskih in družinskih odnosov. Seveda pa se ne pozabite iskreno in resnično povezati tudi z samimi seboj, z vašimi notranjimi občutji, mislimi. 🙂


Weekly prediction, 11.12. – 17.12., The New Moon in Sagittarius and the second week of Mercury retrograde – How to take advantage of all these Sagittarian energies while avoiding the hardships of Mercury retrograde

Business vision concept vector

New Moon in Sagittarius and the second week of Mercury retrograde


Transit strength: a strong yearly transit.

Transit duration: energies will be present throughout the week, reaching a climax during the weekend and at the start of the next week.

Astrological layout

In the second week of its cycle, the retrograde Mercury will have an impact on all members of the fire signs, especially Sagittarians, but Virgos, Geminis, and Pisces will feel its energies just as well. Those born in the second week of December, March, June and September, and those who have important astrological points and planets between 24 ° and 13 ° in the sign of Sagittarius, Lion, Aries, Device, Gemini and Rib will feel its energies most profoundly.

The New Moon, occurring on Sunday the 17th and on Monday the 18th of December will mainly influence Sagittarians, Leos, Arians, Geminis, Virgos and Pisces born around 16th of December, March, April, June, August and September. Those with significant astrological points and planets between 24 ° and 27 ° in the sign of Sagittarius, Leo, Aries, Gemini, Virgo and Pisces, will feel also experience profound Moon’s energies.

Since a large stellium of planets occupies Sagittarius at the moment, Jupiter, the natural ruler of Sagittarius, currently in Scorpio, will also have a significant impact on all Scorpios, Leos, Aquarians, Taurians, especially those born at the beginning of November, August, May and February, and those with significant astrological points and planets between 12 ° and 15 ° in the sign of Scorpio, Leo, Taurus and Aquarius.


How to take advantage of all these Sagittarian energies while avoiding the hardships of Mercury retrograde?

The energy of Jupiter and Sagittarius, the latter being packed with several planets, including Mercury retrograde, brings a lot of optimism, happiness, new opportunities, inspiration, rewards, a chance to fulfil your dreams and desires, both old and new. These energies can also bring greater abundance in a financial, material sense. On the other hand, the mentioned energy also emphasises, exposes, inflates, increases, over exaggerates certain conflicts, problematic situations, events and causes new complications, frustrations and inconveniences. Due to the presence of a retrograde Mercury, our interaction with the outside world can be something that brings us joy, excitement, success or happiness, or we have the feeling that our everyday life is fraught with tiring and unforeseen complications, occurrences, frustrations.

Our greatest enemies at these time are: too much self-esteem, a sense of omnipotence, greatly exaggerated beliefs concerning our personal capabilities, abilities, irresponsibility, laziness, greed, arrogance, frivolity or light-heartedness.


Excessive Optimism, and the feeling of omnipotence can bring us to the point where we overestimate our abilities, we take on too much work, obligations, responsibilities, or deal with certain issues with too much ease and light-heartedness. All of this can create problems, cause a series of awkward moments, disappointments and failures. We can leave wrong impressions, we can insult or hurt someone, lose the trust of others, and waste some good opportunities.

Those of you who are partly prone to superficiality, maybe a little to rash and jumpy, perhaps too often excessively and unjustifiably confident of yourself and your abilities, capabilities, should be quite careful during this period. Get involved in life with a little more caution, modesty, responsibility as well as humility this time around!

All of you, experiencing a lucky streak of some sort or a one time lucky strike perhaps, as new horizons, opportunities open up for you, bring you more optimism, joy and happiness, however you engage this new life opportunities, do not leave your sense of responsibility and your prudence behind. Remain clear-headed, realistic, do not venture into the unknown equipped with enthusiasm and optimism alone, while being otherwise completely unprepared for what lies ahead, thinking everything will run pretty smoothly on its own. During this period, certain events and experiences can quickly shatter our expectations, ideas, hopes and wash away our castles of sand.

Life opportunities will be real and true, they will come on their own or we will create them for ourselves. They will be present in all areas of life, in our relationships, work, career, home, family, hobbies and other interests. Nevertheless, it will be necessary to maintain a fraction of common sense while tackling certain opportunities, projects, ventures, challenges seriously, responsibly, with effort, moderation and zeal! Only those who understand the dangers of the above mentioned negative mental states, beliefs and feelings, emotions of the heart, only those who take on new opportunities in a wise and mature manner and not take the gifts of life as self-granted but rather appreciate, respect them to the fullest, shall truly genuinely profit from these Sagittarian energies in a positive sense. The rest will profit far less or perhaps even nothing. Those with absolutely no awareness of these current energies and influences, will even harm themselves or others!


It should be emphasised that communication between people will play an extremely important role in general. In order to avoid complications, misunderstandings, conflicts, weak and superficial communication, be very clear in how you express yourself verbally, listen carefully what others have to say, double-check any information you receive or pass on. Make sure your arrangements, deals or agreements with other people are very transparent and clear. Do not be jumpy, stubborn, self-indulgent, arrogant while presenting your views to others, while defending your beliefs.

Since there will be both positive and negative events, complications and occurrences, spicing our daily lives frequently, try to remain calm, be happy if things turn out for the best, but then again, do not get upset if they fall apart again soon after. Accept the fact that our current day-to-day rhythm is a bit more chaotic, expect the unexpected. 🙂

Try to see and perceive the big picture of a matter at hand, a situation, a problem, consider all conditions, circumstances, try to understand all aspects of a conflict or a problem, as well as any opportunity, project, challenge, venture. Listen to Mercury retrograde, change views, opinions, beliefs if you are facing a dead-end. Accept new knowledge, understanding and awareness provided by the retrograde cycle. This will help you find the most optimal solution to any problem, it will help you with your engagement, and thus you will also achieve the desired result and success!



Tedenska napoved, 11.12. – 17.12., Mlaj v Strelcu in drugi teden retrogradnega Merkurja – Kako izkoristiti nove strelčevske priložnosti in kako se izogniti neprijetnostim retrogradnega cikla

Business vision concept vector

Mlaj v Strelcu in drugi teden retrogradnega Merkurja


Moč tranzita: Močan letni tranzit.

Trajanje tranzita: Merkurjeve in Lunine vplive bomo čutili tekom celotnega tedna, najmočnejše energije pričakujemo ob koncu tedna ter v začetku naslednjega tedna.


Astrološka postavitev

Retrogradni Merkur bo v drugem tednu svojega cikla vplival predvsem na ognjena znamenja, še posebej na Strelce, pa tudi na Device, Dvojčke, ter Ribe. Čutili ga boste predvsem tisti rojeni v drugem tednu meseca decembra, marca, junija in septembra ter tisti, ki imate pomembne astrološke točke in planete med 24° in 13° v znamenju Strelca, Leva, Ovna, Device, Dvojčkov ter Rib.

Mlaj, ki bo nastopil v nedeljo 17.12. ter v ponedeljek 18.12. bo zaznamoval predvsem Strelce, Leve, Ovne, Dvojčke, Device in Ribe rojene okoli 16ga v mesecu decembru, marcu, aprilu, juniju, avgustu in septembru. Prav tako ga boste čutili vsi tisti s pomembnimi astrološkimi točkami planeti med 24° in 27° v znamenju Strelca, Leva, Ovna, Dvojčkov, Device in Rib.

Ker se v znamenju Strelca trenutno nahaja pomemben planetarni stelij, so energije tega znamenja še posebej poudarjene in izražene. Jupiter, naravni vladar Strelca, ki je trenutno v Škorpijonu bo imel pomembne vplive tudi na vse Škorpijone, Leve, Vodnarje, Bike še posebej tiste rojene v začetku meseca novembra, avgusta, maja in februarja ter tiste s pomembnimi astrološkimi točkami in planeti med 12° in 15° v znamenju Škorpijona, Leva, Bika in Vodnarja.


Kako torej izkoristiti nove strelčevske priložnosti in kako se izogniti neprijetnostim retrogradnega cikla?

Energija Jupitra in Strelca, v katerem se trenutno nahaja kar nekaj planetov, med njimi je tudi retrogradni Merkur, prinaša veliko optimizma, sreče, novih priložnosti, navdihov, nagrad, možnosti uresničenja sanj in želja, tako starih kot novih, pa tudi več obilja v finančnem, materialnem smislu. Po drugi strani pa omenjena energija tudi poudarja, izpostavlja, napihuje, povečuje, dramatizira pa tudi ekstremizira določene konflikte, problematične situacije, dogodke ter povzroča nove komplikacije, frustracije in neprijetnosti. Zaradi prisotnosti retrogradnega Merkurja je lahko predvsem naša interakcija z zunanjim svetom nekaj kar nas navdaja z veseljem, občutkom uspeha, sreče ali pa imamo občutek, da je naš vsakdan prepreden z zoprnimi, utrujajočimi in nepredvidenimi zapleti, pripetljaji, koflikti.

Naši največji sovražniki v tem obdobju so tokrat, in ja prav boste prebrali, prevelika samozavest, občutek vsemogočnosti oziroma občutek pretirane in precenjene osebne kompetentnosti, prenagljenost, neodgovornost, lahkomiselnost, lakomnost, požrežnost, aroganca.


Optimistično počutje, ter občutek da zmoremo, da smo sposobni nas lahko pripeljeta do točke, ko precenimo naše sposobnosti, nase prevzamemo preveč dela, obveznosti, odgovornosti ali pa se določenih zadev lotimo s preveliko lahkomiselnostjo. Vse to nam lahko nakoplje kar nekaj konkretnih težav, povzroči vrsto nerodnih trenutkov, razočaranj in neuspehov. Pustimo lahko napačen vtis, se komu zamerimo, nekoga prizadanemo, izgubimo zaupanje drugih ter zapravimo kakšno lepo priložnost.

Še posebej bodite previdni tisti, ki ste deloma nagnjeni k površnosti, ste morda malce preveč zaletavi in prekomerno in neupravičeno prepričani sami vase, v svoj prav ter v lastne sposobnosti. Lotite se stvari v življenju tokrat z malo več previdnosti, skromnosti, pozornosti pa tudi ponižnosti!

Prav tako bodite pozorni tudi vsi tisti, ki se vam morda na kakšnem področju končno nasmiha sreča, se vam odpira nekaj kar vam vzbuja nove upe, prinaša več optimizma, veselja in radosti. Naj vas ne zapusti preudarnost in občutek odgovornosti, ravnajte premišljeno, ne stecite novim priložnostim in izzivom naproti zgolj polni prevelikega zanosa in optimizma, a popolnoma nepripravljeni na to kar leži pred vami, z miselnostjo, da bo vse teklo precej gladko in samo od sebe. V tem obdobju nas lahko določeni dogodki hitro postavijo na realna tla, ali pa nas sklatijo z oblakov.

Življenjske priložnosti bodo stvarne in resnične, prišle bodo same od sebe ali pa si jih bomo ustvarili sami. Prisotne bodo na vseh področjih, tako v odnosih, kar se tiče dela, kariere, doma, družine, hobijev in drugih interesov,  a bo potrebno vseeno ohraniti mero zdravega razuma in se lotiti določenih priložnosti,  projektov, podvigov, izzivov resno, odgovorno, delovno in zmerno! Samo tisti, ki bodo razumeli nevarnost zgoraj omenjenih negativnih stanj, prepričanj in počutij srca in razuma, se lotili novih priložnosti modro in zrelo, darov življenja in srečnih okoliščin ne bodo jemali samoumevno in jih bodo znali ceniti, spoštovati, bodo resnično optimalno izkoristili vse kar nam pozitivnega prinaša omenjena strelčevska energija. Ostali bodo odnesli pol manj, ali pa celo ničesar. Tisti, ki se bodo najmanj zavedali trenutnih energij in vplivov bodo celo škodovali tako sebi kot tudi drugim!


Posebej je potrebno poudariti, da bo povezovanje in komunikacija med ljudmi igrala izredno veliko vlogo pri vsem skupaj. V izogib zapletom, nesporazumom, konfliktom, slabi in površni komunikaciji, bodite jasni pri svojem izražanju, pozorno poslušajte sogovornike, dvakrat preverite kakšne informacije, dogovore, ki ste jih sklenili tako da se prepričate, da je vsem jasno kako stojijo stvari. Ne bodite vzkipljivi, trmasti, samovšečni in arogantni v pogovorih z drugimi ter pri poudarjanju ter razlagi svojih prerpičanj, argumentov.

Ker bo prihajalo tako do pozitivnih kot negativnih preobratov, dogodkov, zapletov in pripetljajev, včasih tudi v zelo hitrem časovnem sosledju in vezanih na iste situacije, poskušajte ohraniti mirno kri in živce, bodite veseli, če se stvari uredijo in naj vas ne vrže preveč iz tira, če se zopet po hitrem postopki zapletejo. Sprijaznite se z dejstvom, da je naše trenutno vsakdanje dogajanje malce bolj kaotično, bodite v stanju pričakovanja nepričakovanega bi lahko rekli. 🙂

Poskušajte gledati in dojemati celotno sliko neke zadeve,  situacije, problema, upoštevajte vse razloge, pogoje, okoliščine, poskušajte razumeti vse aspekte kakšnega konflikta oziroma problematike, pa tudi kake priložnosti, projekta, izziva, podviga. Prisluhnite Merkurju, spremenite poglede, mišljenja, prepričanja, če ugotovite da ste se znašli v slepi ulici. Sprejmite novo znanje, razumevanje in ozaveščenost, ki vam jo ponuja retrogradni cikel. To vam bo pomagalo najti najbolj optimalno rešitev za katerikoli problem, pomagalo vam bo pri vašem udejstvovanju in tako boste dosegli tudi želen rezultat in uspeh!


Weekly prediction, 4.12. – 10.12., The first week of Mercury Rx – The discovery and development of mental gifts and abilities through speech and communication


The first week of Mercury Rx

Transit strength: strong yearly transit.

Transit duration: energies will be present throughout the week, strongest influences to expected on Friday, Saturday and Wednesday.


Astrological layout

The aspect will affect primarily all Sagittarians, as well as Geminis, Virgos and Pisces, especially those born in the second and third weeks of December, March, June and September. Those of you with important planets and astrological points between 24 ° and 29 ° in the sign of Sagittarius, Virgo, Gemini and Pisces will also experience this transit profoundly.

Emotional needs, moods, challenges, responses, frustrations

As with any retrograde Mercury cycle, we must pay more attention to the common characteristics and traits of the sun’s closest planet during its retrograde phase. We will encounter difficulties, obstacles and misunderstandings in communication, chaos, confusion will disrupt the routine of our everyday lives. Once again if you are naturally prone to being confused often, take additional care and try your best to get though your day in one piece. 🙂 As it is a retrograde period, our plans will break apart, unexpected events and situations will surprise us, our sloppiness, irresponsibility, forgetfulness will backfire for sure.

There will be a need for greater and better schedule coordination and a need for a more detailed organisation. This retrograde cycle can exert a considerable mental strain on our minds, and the number of certain obligations, duties may increase. Our daily rhythm and daily tempo can be a bit wild, but we can also get the feeling that certain things slowed to a dead stop or came to a dead-end. We might feel we are progressing very slowly with things barely moving in the desired direction. Significant values we will need to nurture are adaptability, ingenuity, prudence. In order to avoid unpleasant misunderstandings and conflicts, we will need to work on the clarity and structure of our thoughts, our rhetoric, communication and interaction, it will also be very important to listen to other people and hear out what they have to say. The time of the retrograde Mercury coincides with the period of some important conversations, negotiations, discourses, etc.

Careful with all official matters, when signing documents, making business plans and deals, while buying and when dealing with bureaucracy. In the period of retrograde Mercury, fraud is more common and we often lose some of our good judgement making wrong or inappropriate decisions.


In a positive sense, this retrograde cycle in Sagittarius expands our horizons of understanding through learning, acquiring new knowledge, information, experience, but also helps us successfully solve problematic situations and issues through a better, multifaceted and comprehensive insight. In other words it helps us see the bigger picture as we adopt an out of the box perception. We can expect more optimism and cheerful, playful and energizing moods. In combination with Uranus and with this week’s Moon in Leo, Mercury will stimulate our personal expression through communication, speech, writing, thinking. New ideas and approaches will promote experimentation, creativity and growth in various areas of our lives, especially where we use our reason, words, thoughts and language as the main tool of expression. The combination with Saturn will inspire a sense of determination, bringing an awareness of the importance of patience and perseverance. Some unrealistic expectations will be reduced, a grounded approach to reality will prevail. Our experiences will clearly show us where our limits lie and what we are capable of, we will also become aware of and accept the fact that some things are, at least for the moment, out of grasp and beyond our reach. Such an attitude will do us good as during the retrograde cycles we must not be hasty, we must not venture into the unknown completely unprepared, equipped only with an exaggerated sense of omnipotence.

On the other hand, some people will take advantage of these self empowering energies. With greater self-confidence, courage and boldness they will be more successful in achieving certain goals and interests, they will become more convincing and have greater influence on other people, primarily through impressive and articulate communication skills. In the coming weeks, achieving a successful personal expression through verbal communication will play an important and critical role in many aspects of our lives.

In general, there will be many opportunities for developing and discovering a variety of mental, communication, as well as social skills, abilities and gifts, and acquiring new experiences. Make good use of these energies. It’s going to be a pretty busy, sociable and a lively week. Make it a good one!


Tedenska napoved, 4.12. – 10.12., Prvi teden retrogradnega Merkurja v Strelcu – Razvoj in odkrivanje darov ter sposobnosti uma, govora in komunikacije


Prvi teden retrogradnega Merkurja

Moč tranzita: močan letni tranzit

Trajanje tranzita: energije bomo čutili tekom celotnega tedna, najmočnejše bodo v petek ter soboto in nedeljo.


Astrološka postavitev

Aspekt bo vplival predvsem na vse Strelce, pa tudi Dvojčke, Device in Ribe, še posebej tiste rojene v drugem in tretjem tednu meseca decembra, marca, junija in septembra. Prav tako boste energije močneje občutili vsi tisti, ki imate pomembne planete in astrološke točke med 24° ter 29° v znamenju Strelca, Device, Dvojčkov in Rib.

Čustvene potrebe, razpoloženja, odzivi, izzivi in frustracije

Tako kot pri vsakem ciklu retrogradnega Merkruja, moramo biti tudi tokrat bolj pozorni na klasične lastnoti in vplive tega Soncu najbljižjega planeta tekom njegove retrogradne faze. Naleteli bomo na teževe, ovire ter nesporazume v komunikaciji ter na kaos, zmedo in rušenje rutinskosti našega vsakdana. Podirali se nam bodo načrti, presenetili nas bodo nepričakovani dogodki in situacije. Pojavila se bo potreba po večjem medsebojnem usklajevanju urnikov ter bolj podrobni organizaciji. Prav tako lahko tokratni retrogradni cikel prinese tudi več mentalne obremenitve, poveča se lahko število določenih obveznosti, dolžnosti. Naš dnevni ritem in dnevno dogajanje lahko malce podivjata, lahko pa dobimo tudi občutek, da so določene stvari obstale na mrtvi točki oziroma se komaj kam premikajo. Pomembne vrednote bodo torej tako kot vedno prilagodljivost, iznajdljivost, preudarnost. V izogib neprijetnim nesporazumom in komunikacijskm šumom ter konfliktom  bo treba delati na jasni in premišljeni komunikaciji ter interakciji, prav tako bo potrebno poslušati in prisluhniti drugim ljudem. Čas retrogradnega Merkurja velikorat sovpada z obdobjem kakšnih pomembnih pogovorov, pogajanj, diskurzov, itd.

Pazljivo z vsemi uradnimi zadevami, pri podpisovanju dokumentov, sklepanju poslov, pri nakupih ter pri kakršnihkoli opravkih z birokracijo. V obdobju retrogradnega Merkurja se pogosteje pojavljajo goljufije, pa tudi sami velikokrat izgubimo malce na dobri presoji in sprejemamo napačne oziroma neprimerne odločitve.



V pozitivnem smislu tokratni Retrogradni cikel v Strelcu odpira nova obzorja razumevanja preko učenja, pridobivanja novih znanj, informacij, izkušenj, prinaša pa tudi uspešno reševanje problematičnih situacij s pomočjo boljšega, večplastnega in celovitega vpogleda.  Čaka nas tudi več optimizma in prešernega, igrivega ter iskrivega razpoloženja. V kombinaciji z Uranom ter tekom tega tedna tudi z Luno v Levu bo Merkur stimuliral naše osebno izražanje preko komunikacije, govora, pisanja, razmišljanja. Nove ideje, pristopi bodo spodbujali ekspireminitranje, ustvarjanje in rast na različnih področjih našega življenja, kjer kot glavno izrazno orodje uporabljamo naš razum, besede, misli in jezik. Kombinacija s Saturnom nas bo navdala z občutkom odločnosti, pa tudi z zavedanjem pomembnosti pojma potrpežljivosti in vztrajnosti. Zmanjšala se bodo določena nerealna pričakovanja, prevladoval bo občutek ozemljenosti, izkušnje nam bodo jasno pokazale kje so naše meje in česa vse smo sposobni, prav tako pa se bomo zavedali in sprejeli dejstvo, da so nekatere stvari vsaj zaenkrat izven našega dosega. Takšna naravnanost bo povsem na mestu, saj se tekom retrogradnih ciklov ne želimo prenagljeno podajati v neznano povsem nepripravljeni, opremljeni kvečjemu s pretiranim občutkom omnipotentnosti.

Po drugi strani pa bodo nekateri ljudje izkoristili občutek večje samozavesti, kompetence, drznosti ter postali postali uspešnejši pri doseganju določenih ciljev in interesov, izpadli bodo bolj prepričljivo ter imeli na druge ljudi večji vpliv, predvsem s pomočjo večje artikuliranosti in drugih komunikacijskih sposobnosti. V prihodnjih tednih bodo namreč sposobnosti uspešnega verbalnega izražanja igrale pomembno in kritično vlogo v omnogih pogledih in aspektih.

Na splošno  bo veliko priložnosti za razgibavanje, razvoj in odkrivanje različnih umskih, govornih, komunikacijskih ter tudi socialnih veščin, sposobnosti in darov ter pridobivanja novih izkušenj. Izkoristite ugodne energije. Pred nami je precej pester, družaben in dogajanja poln teden.