Weekly prediction, 26.2. – 4.3., Full Moon in Virgo – Separating wheat from the chaff


Full Moon in Virgo

Transit strength: strong monthly transit.

Transit duration: strongest influences on Thursday and Friday, but potent energies will be present all around the week.


Astrological layout

On Thursday March the 1st the Moon forms an opposition to the Sun in Pisces at 10° Virgo. The aspect will have an important impact on all Virgos, Pisces, Geminis, and also Sagittarians. Members of these signs born at the beginning of March, June, September and December will be especially affected. All those with significant planets and astrological points between 8 ° and 11 ° in the sign of Virgo, Pisces, Gemini and Sagittarius will also feel this energy more profoundly.

If you would like to know if your planets and astrological points will fall under the influence of this current aspect, you can simply ask me or you can make your own astrological chart. The chart will show you exactly where all your planets and points fall within your natal chart wheel.

You can create your natal chart on this site: https://www.astro.com/cgi/genchart.cgi, but you must first create either a guest profile or a permanent one. In either case you will need to enter birth data, such as place, date and time of birth, and then create birth chart under free horoscopes and extended chart selection. Then you will select the guest or permanent profile you created under Birth data and under Methods you will select natal chart wheel. Finally, click on the blue “click here to show the chart” button and your map will pop up. 🙂 You will see a graphic representation of your chart, a 360° wheel. All the positions of all your personal planets and astrological points will be listed in the bottom left corner. That’s it. 🙂


Emotional needs, moods, challenges, responses, frustrations

During this Full Moon, interplay of Virgo and Pisces energies will play an important role. In addition to the heavier or difficult burdens and pressures of all kinds brought on by Full Moons in general, we will seek and above all try to create an inner emotional balance, peace, but it will also be necessary to balance ourselves with our external environment.

Under the influence of this Moon, we separate the wheat from the chaff, distinguish reality from illusions and fantasies, truths from lies, facts from assumptions, distinguishing healthy things from unhealthy ones, useful things from useless ones. The Moon in Virgo encourages us to fulfil ourselves and our wishes, ambitions, goals, aspirations in a very concrete sense. We are guided by virtues such as pragmatism, diligence, practicality, preciseness, usefulness, responsibility. We want to maintain our focus, concentration and control over situations, as well as order, discipline and high levels of organisation throughout our daily lives. We will be more or less successful in these endeavours, which will, of course, lead to both feelings of achievement and satisfaction as well as feelings of frustration and disappointment. There will also be a great measure of stress, nervousness, discomfort.


This Moon in Virgo will more than usual focus on our health, both in a physical and psychological sense. Many health problems, issues will be exposed, emphasised. Complications, disclosures, developments, revelations, findings, progress regarding our health, as well as our poor and negative life habits, such as unhealthy diet, unhealthy daily bio-rhythm, unhealthy obsessions, addictions, especially in emotional sense will occur. We will need to become aware of the importance of nurturing and maintaining a healthy body and a healthy spirit and we will need to do more for our well-being. As far as our certain healing processes, medical treatments,”detoxification” processes goes we will also have to invest more effort, energy, time in order to fix things and in order to bring ourselves back in shape and to full health. Caring for our bodies and staying in top physical, mental shape and condition will be paramount.

In our communication and interaction with the outside world, we will strive towards clarity of expression, strictness, precision, we will want to truly materialise some of our ideas, desires, needs, requirements and obligations. Although it will be important to take decisive steps in certain areas of life, strong doubts regarding our decisions will linger on. We will face indecision, confusion, sense of insecurity, vulnerability, low self-confidence, we will be flirting with passivity and we will try to stay within the comfort zones. Some will be stopped, hindered and mislead by misguided, unrealistic expectations, illusions, misconceptions, wrong ideas about people and life situations, resulting in a general failure to achieve agendas, goals and desires. In many cases, we will simply need to take a step into the unknown, to decide, to act, albeit in doubt, to follow the desires, beliefs and needs, although these may prove to be unrealistic, unreasonable and perhaps even unattainable at the moment. As we have just said, only decisive actions will raise the fog of doubt, the uncertainty, and will show us where and how we actually stand in regards to certain things. Only actions of resolve will help us separate the wheat from the chaff. Furthermore, such behaviour will also enable us to make our decision making process more effective and to successfully achieve our goals in the future. Also, our steps do not have to be big, pompous, too ambitious. We can make them small yet decisive and brave. Such careful but resolute steps will allow us to successfully advance in life without a shadow of a doubt.


It will be necessary to avoid misunderstandings, confusion, or to quickly eliminate both as they arise. Maintain an organised pattern of thoughts, express yourselves in a clear, understandable manner, especially if you will be making any kind of important agreements or having important discussions, conversations. Naivety will be a problem again, we will also have to be careful not allow people to treat us as they like or will in order to exploit us. Too gentle, passive, emphatic, sympathetic and non-conflicting people may fall victims to exploitation. Do not allow this to happen. Intuitively avoid these situations or stand up for yourself!

It will really come down to the mere facts as they will become the things that really count. Any attempts at distorting or concealing the truth, facts of reality or the true nature of life situations, any attempts of deceit, manipulation will not produce good results and bring pleasant consequences for the ones undertaking such endeavours. The role of usefulness of our actions will also be important. In this way, we can make a good impression on other people, and we will also feel good about ourselves. We will have to think about how we can come to help someone or how to do our best to help ourselves. Compassion, empathy will be an important guide in this regard.

Tedenska napoved, 26.2. – 4.3., Polna Luna v Devici – Ločimo zrnje od pleva

Polna Luna v Devici

Moč tranzita: močan mesečni tranzit.

Trajanje tranzita: tranzit bomo najmočneje občutili v četrtek in petek, energije pa bodo prisotne tekom celotnega tedna.

Astrološka postavitev

V četrtek 1.3. bo Luna na 10° v Devici tvorila opozicijo s Soncem v Ribah. Aspekt bo najmočneje vplival na vse Device, Ribe, Dvojčke in tudi Strelce. Še posebej boste vplive začutili vsi tisti pripadniki teh znamenj, rojeni v začetku meseca marca, junija, septembra in decembra. Vsi tisti, ki imate pomembne planete in astrološke točke med 8° in 11° v znamenju Device, Rib, Dvojčkov in Strelca boste prav tako močneje občutili omenjene energije.

V kolikor bi radi vedeli ali kak vaš planet oziroma astrološka točka pade pod vpliv omenjenega aspekta lahko vprašate mene ali pa si sami naredite astrološko karto, ki vam bo pokazala na naketrih stopinjah ležijo vaši pomembni planeti vaše karte.

Karto si lahko izdelate na tej strani: https://www.astro.com/cgi/genchart.cgi, vendar morate najprej ustvariti bodisi gostujoči profil ali trajnega. Vnesti boste morali rojstne podatke kot so kraj, datum in ura rojstva, nato pa si pod free horoscopes ter extended chart selection izdelate rojstno karto tako da pod Birth data vnesete izbrani gostujoči ali trajni profil pod Methods pa izberete natal chart wheel. Na koncu kliknete še modro označen click here to show the chart in pokazala se vam bo karta. 🙂 Ko se vam prikaže grafični zapis karte, imate v spodnjem levem kotu napisane pozicije vseh osebnih planetov in astroloških točk.

Čustvene potrebe, razpoloženja, izzivi, odzivi, frustracije

Ob tokratni Luni se bodo najmočneje prepletale energije Device in Rib. Poleg močnih obremenitev vseh vrst, ki jih prinašajo polne Lune, bomo iskali predvsem pa ustvarjali notranje čustveno ravnovesje, potrebno pa se bo uravnovesiti tudi z našim zunanjem okoljem.

Pod vplivi tokratne Lune ločimo zrno od pleva, ločimo realnost od iluzij ter fantazij, resnico od laži, dejstva od predpostavk, zdravo od nezdravega, koristno od nekoristnega. Luna v Devici nas spodbuja k udejanjanju samih sebe ter naših želja, ambicij, ciljev, hotenj v konkretnem smislu. Vodijo nas vrline kot so pragmatičnost, delavnost, praktičnost, natančnost, koristnost, odgovornost. Želimo ohranjati fokus, kontrolo nad situacijami, red, disciplino in visok nivo organiziranosti tekom našega vsakdana. Pri vsem omenjenem bomo tekom tega tedna bolj ali manj uspešni, kar bo seveda povzročalo tako občutke uspeha in zadovoljstva kot tudi občutke frustracije ter slabo voljo. Prisotna bo tudi kar velika mera stresa, živčnosti, nelagodja.

Luna v Devici se bo tokrat bolj kot ponavadi osredotočila na naše zdravje, tako fizično, kot čustveno, psihično. Izpostavljene bodo mnoge zdravstvene težave, pojavljali se bodo zapleti, razkritja, ugotovitve, napredki na zdravstvenem področju, prav tako bodo izpostavljene tudi slabe in negativne življenjske navade, kot so na primer nezdrava prehrana, nezdrav dnevni bioritem, nezdrave obsesije, odvisnosti, še posebej v čustvenem smislu. Ozavestiti bomo morali pomembnost zdravega telesa in duha ter storiti več za našo dobrobit, v določen proces zdravljenja, “razstrupljanja” pa bomo morali tudi sami vložiti več truda, volje in zavzetosti. Primerna skrb za naše telo in telesno kondicijo bo zelo pomembna.

V naši komunikaciji in interakciji z zunanjim svetom bomo težili k konkretnosti, jasnosti izražanja, strogosti, preciznosti, želeli bomo resnično udejanjiti nekatere zamisli, želje, potrebe, zahteve in obveznosti. Čeprav bo pomembno, da na nekaterih področjih življenja storimo odločne korake, bo vseeno prisoten dvom v lastne odločitve, soočali se bomo z neodločnostjo, zmedenostjo, nesamozavestjo, nesigurnostjo, ranljivostjo, mikavno se bo spogledovati s pasivnostjo in ostajati znotraj con udobja. Nekatere bodo pri uspešnem udejanjanju ustavljala in zavajala tudi nerealna, napačna pričakovanja, iluzije ter zmotna prepričanja, predstave o ljudeh in življenjskih situacijah. V mnogih primerih bomo preprosto morali storiti korak v neznano, se odločati, ukrepati, čeprav v dvomih. Morali bomo slediti željam, prepričanjem in potrebam, čeprav se bodo le te morda izkazale zaenkrat za nerealne, neuresničljive in nedosegljive. Kot smo rekli, zgolj praktično, aktivno delovanje bo razpihalo meglo dvoma, nejasnosti in nam bo pokazalo kje in kako dejansko stojimo z določenimi stvarmi ter nam pomagalo ločiti zrnje od pleva. Nadalje nam bo takšno vedenje omogočalo boljše in učinkovitejše odločanje ter uspešno doseganje ciljev v prihodnosti. Prav tako naši koraki ne rabijo biti veliki, pompozni, preambiciozni. Naredimo jih majhne a učinkovite, celovite, pogumne ter skrbne in uspešno nas bodo popeljali naprej v življenje.

Potrebno se bo izogibati nesporazumom, zmedi ali pa oboje hitro odpraviti. Bodite jasni in razločni ter predvsem temeljiti pri lastnem izražanju in dogovarjanju ter komunikaciji z drugimi. Naivnost bo zopet problem, prav tako bomo morali paziti in ne bomo smeli dovoliti, da ljudje pometajo z nami kot se jim zljubi ter nas izkoriščajo. Prenežna, presočutna, pasivna in nekonfliktna narava bo lahko nekatere ljudi spremenila v žrtve drugih. Nikar ne dovolite tega. Intuitivno se izogibajte takšnim situacijam ali pa se postavite zase!

Resnično bodo štela zgolj dejstva. Kakršnokoli izkrivljane realnosti življenjskih situacij in resnice, kakršnokoli zavajanje, manipulacija, ne bodo prinesli dobrih rezultatov in prijetnih posledic za kogarkoli ki se bo lotil takšnih podvigov. Pomembna bo tudi vloga koristnosti naših dejanj. Na ta način bomo naredili lahko dober vtis na druge ljudi, pa tudi sami se bomo dobro počutili. Razmišljati bomo morali o tem kako lahko komu priskočimo na pomoč ter nekomu drugemu ali pa sami sebi naredimo kakšno uslugo. Sočutje, empatija bosta pomembna vodnika.

Weekly prediction, 19.2. – 25.2., First quarter Moon in Gemini – Strengthen your compassion, awaken your gentleness, explore your spirituality, give birth to new ideas, fantasies and dreams


First quarter Moon in Gemini

Transit strength: Strong monthly transit

Transit duration: energies will be present from the start of this week, we can expect strongest influences at the end of the week on Friday and Saturday.

Astrological layout

On Friday the 23rd the Moon will form a square aspect with the Sun in Pisces at 4 ° in the Gemini. Since there is an important stellium of planets in Pisces at the moment, the energy of this watery sign will be particularly pronounced. The energy of the first Moon quarter will also be influenced by the the square between Venus at 16 ° in Pisces and Mars at 16 ° in Sagittarius. In addition to that, Neptune at 13 ° in Pisces and Mercury at 10 ° in Pisces will also play an important part.

Aspect will be felt by all members of Pisces, Gemini, Virgo and Sagittarius. All those members of the above signs, who were born around 22nd of February, June, September and December will feel these energies in an especially profound way

Those who have important planets and astrological points in the signs of Pisces, Sagittarius, Gemini and Virgo, especially between 3 ° and 19 °, will also feel this Moon in the same way profound way.

If you would like to know if your planets and astrological points will fall under the influence of this current aspect, you can simply ask me or you can make your own astrological chart. The chart will show you exactly where all your planets and points fall within your natal chart wheel.

You can create your natal chart on this site: https://www.astro.com/cgi/genchart.cgi, but you must first create either a guest profile or a permanent one. In either case you will need to enter birth data, such as place, date and time of birth, and then create birth chart under free horoscopes and extended chart selection. Then you will select the guest or permanent profile you created under Birth data and under Methods you will select natal chart wheel. Finally, click on the blue “click here to show the chart” button and your map will pop up. 🙂 You will see a graphic representation of your chart, a 360° wheel. All the positions of all your personal planets and astrological points will be listed in the bottom left corner. That’s it. 🙂


Emotional needs, moods, challenges, responses, frustrations

This Moon in Gemini will, like all Gemini Moons, influence our mentality for the most part. This includes communication, our speech, articulation, expression, our intelligence, our ways of thinking, making a decision, our all-round mental abilities, our general interaction with the outside world. Due to the strong planetary position in Pisces, our everyday consciousness will be strongly influenced by this watery sign.

Many interactions, communications and people-to-people connections will be imbued with a greater need for mutual understanding, mutual help, support and compassion. Many situations will require of us to become more considerate, but we will also want others to act in a more compassionate and considerate way towards us.

We will desire more gentleness in our relationships and interactions, be through words, actions or through physical contact, hugs, kisses, caresses, etc. Our imagination will be quite active, and our intuition and the sixth sense will be strengthened. All kinds of new ideas, fantasies will arise, day dreaming will be common. Our night-time dreams could be very visual as well as extremely narrative, and we will also remember them better as we wake up in the morning. Pay attention, because dreams often send us important messages or leave insightful hints! 😉


Communication and interaction between people will be very lively, but also quite deep, serious, emotional and even sensual. Many will experience an important, expressive, memorable conversation or contact with someone else. Perhaps there will be an interesting interplay between the mental energies of two people, but the emotional and sensual connection may also play a role as well. 🙂 Interesting romantic adventures or adventures of other kind are not excluded, but do not get carried away without thinking some things through first, do not act foolishly, and especially be aware of the consequences of your actions and how your actions may and can affect other people!

The upcoming week will be positive for all those who are interested in spirituality. Especially the end of the week can bring interesting and important results as far as your own personal spiritual development and self-awareness is concerned. It can however also bring you various new discoveries, greater awareness, insights about yourselves, other people, the world around you and life in general. Likewise, spirituality will also be an important part of our daily life through various relationships such as platonic, love relations, partnerships of all kinds, family relations and friendships.

It is important, of course, to note that this first quarter Moon can also cause a lot of misunderstandings, confusion, chaos, stress, neurotic behaviour, and impatience. We will experience a loss of concentration, focus frequently. Be careful in activities that require a great deal of attention, as well as patience, vigilance and prudence. Especially, be careful in traffic. Thefts, scams, exploitation of one’s naive behaviour can also occur. Many will be prone to losing stuff in general.

Problems can also be caused by excessive fantasies or illusions, especially when they will prove to be detrimental to our physical and mental health. Many false realities and perceptions will collapse on their own, but there will still be many situations where we will continue to cause damage to ourselves with false and unrealistic expectations, hopes, desires, needs, wishes and actions. Be careful, be aware of your true life reality, accept it and do not live neither in the shadows nor in the clouds to long. Confront fear and step out of the comfort zone!

Tedenska napoved, 19.2. – 25.2., Prvi Lunin krajec v Dvojčkih – Krepitev sočutja, prebujanje nežnosti, raziskovanje duhovnosti, rojstvo novih idej, sanj in fantazij.


Prvi Lunin krajec v Dvojčkih

Moč tranzita: močan mesečni tranzit.

Trajanje tranzita: energije bodo prisotne vse od začetka tedna a najmočneje jih bomo čutili ob koncu tega tedna, še posebej v petek ter soboto.

Astrološka postavitev

Luna bo v petek 23.2. s Soncem v Ribah tvorila aspekt kvadrata na 4° v Dvojčkih. Ker se v Ribah trenutno nahaja pomemben stelij planetov, bo energija omenjenega znamenja še posebej izrazita. Prvi Lunin krajec bo zaznamoval tudi aspekt kvadrata med Venero na 16° v Ribah ter Marsom na 16° v Strelcu. Svoje prste bosta imela vmes tudi Neptun na 13° v Ribah ter Merkur na 10° v Ribah.

Aspekt boste čutili vsi pripadniki znamenja Rib, Dvojčkov, Device in Strelca. Še posebej boste energijam izpostavljeni vsi tisti pripadniki omenjenih znamenj, ki ste rojeni okoli 22ga v mesecu februarju, juniju, septembru in decembru.

Tisti, ki imate pomembne planete v znamenju Rib, Strelca, Dvojčkov in Device, še posebej med 3° in 19° boste prav tako močno čutili omenjeno Luno. V kolikor bi radi vedeli ali kak vaš planet oziroma astrološka točka pade pod vpliv omenjenega aspekta lahko vprašate mene ali pa si sami naredite astrološko karto, ki vam bo pokazala na naketrih stopinjah ležijo vaši pomembni planeti vaše karte.

Karto si lahko izdelate na tej strani: https://www.astro.com/cgi/genchart.cgi, vendar morate najprej ustvariti bodisi gostujoči profil ali trajnega. Vnesti boste morali rojstne podatke kot so kraj, datum in ura rojstva, nato pa si pod free horoscopes ter extended chart selection izdelate rojstno karto tako da pod Birth data vnesete izbrani gostujoči ali trajni profil pod Methods pa izberete natal chart wheel. Na koncu kliknete še modro označen click here to show the chart in pokazala se vam bo karta. 🙂 Ko se vam prikaže grafični zapis karte, imate v spodnjem levem kotu napisane pozicije vseh osebnih planetov. To je to. 🙂


Čustvene potrebe, razpoloženja, izzivi, odzivi, frustracije

Luna v Dvojčkih bo tako kot vsaka Luna v tem znamenju vplivala na našo mentalno sfero. Sem spada komunikacija, naš govor, artikulacija, izražanje, naša inteligenca, naši načini razmišljanja, odločanja, naše vsakovrstne mentalne sposobnosti, naša splošna interakcija z zunanjim svetom. Zaradi močnega stelija planetov v Ribah, bo naša vsakodnevna zavest močno pod vplivom tega vodnega znamenja.

Mnoge interakcije, komunikcije in povezovanja med ljudmi bodo prežeta z večjo potrebo po medsebojnem razumevanju, medsebojni pomoči, podpori, sočutju. Življenjske situacije bodo od vseh nas zahtevale več obzirnosti, razumevanja do drugih, prav tako si bomo tudi sami želeli, da bi tudi drugi ravnali z nami na bolj sočuten in obziren način.

Veliko več bo potreb in želja po nežnostih v naših odnosih in interakcijah, tako preko besed, dejanj kot tudi preko dotikov, objemov. Naša domišljija bo precej aktivna, prav tako bo ojačana naša intuicija in šesti čut. Porajale se bodo različne nove ideje, zamisli, tudi fantazije, pogosta dnevna sanjarjenja. Naše sanje bodo lahko zelo vizualno kot tudi pripovedno izrazite, tudi bolje se jih bomo zapomnili, ko se bomo zjutraj prebudili. Bodite pozorni, saj nam sanje velikokrat pošljejo kak pomemben namig ali pa pustijo kako pomembno sporočilo! 😉


Komunikacija ter interakcija med ljudmi zna biti zelo pestra, iskriva pa tudi precej globoka, resna, čuteča in precej čutna. Marsikdo bo doživel kak pomemben, izrazit pogovor, stik z nekom drugim. Morda bo tu prišlo predvsem do zanimivega prepleta mentalnih energij dveh ljudi, lahko pa da bosta igrali večjo vlogo tudi čustvena in čutna navezava ter povezava. 🙂 Izključene niso tudi kakšne zanimive romantične avanture, toda pazite, da vas ne zanese, ne delajte neumnosti, še posebej pa se zavedajte posledic vaših dejanj ter kako lahko vaša dejanja vplivajo na druge ljudi!

Prihajajoči teden bo pozitven za vse tiste, ki se radi ukvarjate z duhovnostjo. Še posebej konec tedna lahko prinese zanimive in pomembne rezultate kar se tiče lastnega osebnega duhovnega razvoja in samoozaveščanja, prinese pa vam lahko tudi različna nova odkritja, zavedanja, uvide kar se tiče vas samih, ostalih ljudi, sveta okoli vas ter življenja na sploh. Prav tako bo večja duhovnost prežemala naše odnose preko različnih, tako platoničnih, ljubezenskih, partnerskih, družinskih in prijateljskih odnosov.

Pomembno je seveda opozoriti, da bo omenjeni Lunin krajec lahko povzročal tudi kar nekaj nesporazumov, zmede, kaosa, stresa, nevrotičnosti, neučakanosti. Pogosta bo izguba koncentracije, fokusa. Previdno v aktivnostih, ki zahtevajo veliko mero pozornosti predvsem pa vztrajnost, previdnost in preudarnost. Še posebej previdno v prometu. Pojavljajo se lahko tudi goljufije, izgube predmetov, kraje, zlorabe naivnosti, itd.

Probleme nam lahko povzročajo tudi prekomerne fantazije ali iluzije, še posebej kadar le te ne bodo dobre za naše fizično in psihično zdravje. Marsikatere lažne relanosti in predstave se bodo sicer sesule same od sebe, a še vedno bo veliko situacij kjer si bomo z lažnimi in nerelanimi pričakovanji, upi, željami, hotenji in dejanji lahko škodo povzročali še naprej. Previdno torej, ozavestite lastno realnost in ne hranite določenih zablod. Premagajte strah in stopite iz cone udobja!


Weekly prediction, 7.2. – 16.2., New Moon in Aquarius – Social dynamics

Sorry for the delay with the english version! :/


New Moon in Aquarius


Transit strength: strong monthly transit.

Transit duration: energy influences will already be present at the end of this week, but we can expect strongest influences during the middle of the next week, especially on Thursday.

Astrological layout

New Moon and a partial sun eclipse will appear on 15th of February at 25 ° in Aquarius. Mercury in Aquarius will also join in on the Moon and Sun conjunction and together they will form interesting sextile to Uranus in Aries and a square with Jupiter in Scorpio.

The influences of the New Moon will be felt by all Aquarians, Leos, Scorpios and Taurians, especially those born in the mid February, May, August and November. Energies will also profoundly influence those with significant astrological points and planets between 23 ° and 28 ° in the sign of Aquarius, Leo, Scorpio and Taurus.


Emotional needs, moods, challenges, responses, frustrations

The young Moon in Aquarius will primarily influence our group relations and friendships and the dynamics within them. We will feel its energies within our working collectives, interest groups, project groups, friendly communities and within closer, intimate friendships. Similarly, relations will also be emphasised in a broader social context, that is, relations between different major social groups, nations, states. The current state, development and evolvment of the human society, civilisation as a whole will also be emphasised.

Within our social environment, individuals will be actively facing and coping with various issues, themes, as well as positive and negative changes influencing their lives. Addressing issues of common interest, common vision of development, wishes, expectations, types and levels of organisation, joint work, division of labour will create either a constructive or even more problematic and conflicting atmosphere. The performance and productivity of a group as a whole, as well as productivity, performance and well-being of an individual within the various groups will be burdened, hindered. However due to certain changed dynamics, there could be interesting improvements, developments, advancements.

The Aquarian values and ideals ​​of mutual cooperation, brotherhood of men, social integration, justice, fairness, tolerance, equity, unity, equality, self-initiative action benefiting an entire group, honesty, mutual trust, mutual support, progress, development will thus put many social interactions on a trial. There will be conflicts, disagreements, important revelations, lessons, as well as much-needed reforms, changes, agreements.

We will create new social connections, alliances, start new cooperation, get to know new people, create new friendships, connect, join a new social environment, discover new interests, perhaps begin to adapt to work in a new professional collective.

Within our established social environment, there will also be a lot of novelty, progress, as well as complications and endings. We may have to say goodbye to certain friendships, cooperations, social groups, perhaps we will see the breakup and the end of some interesting, common goal or project oriented associations or, at least a radical transformation of all these social interactions.



The impact of communication on our relationships will be extremely powerful and the way we will express and communicate our expectations, wishes, needs, desires will have a profound effect on the quality of our social interactions. An important guideline will be an aspiration to work for the common good, where we individuals, will have to adapt our own interests and expectations to and the common needs, goals, ideas, ambitions of one of our social groups to which we belong. We will also have to rollback our aspirations due to certain hindering and problematic situations and issuers our group might be currently facing and dealing with. Of course, this will be much more relevant to social connections that affect our well-being, our good moods, our happiness and provide us with an opportunity to express our desires and achieve our goals. Social connections that ensure our very physical and social survival will be strained, burdened, but will not be the focus of this lunation. Our social identity might be challenged and an identity crisis might occur though. We will have to make a real effort and seek out people with similar interests to ours while sharing a common language with them.That will enable everyone to successfully engage and participate on a social level.

Uranus in Aries will strengthen Aquarian energies and will emphasise the desire for unconventionality, action. We will feel affinity for novelty, for something unusual, bizarre, etc. We will be attracted to special, interesting people and interesting, unusual and different social interactions. We will have to avoid excessive impulsiveness, superficiality, irresponsibility, hysterics, and unrealistic expectations.

In the coming week we will witness interesting communication, novelties, interesting social connections, interactions, cooperation as well as radical transformation and change of certain social groups and group relations. Work and engage for the common good. The greatest virtues and values should be the ability to adapt, to cooperate, to support one another, to listen to one another and also to put oneself into the shoes of another. Within our social relations, we will discover, justify, realise and create a new sense of common integration, and, of course, give our new relationships and interactions a new meaning and momentum.

Tedenska napoved, 7.2. – 16.2., Mlaj v Vodnarju – Družbena dinamika


Mlaj v Vodnarju

Moč tranzita: močan mesečni tranzit.

Trajanje tranzita: vplive mlade Lune bomo pričeli čutiti že proti koncu tega tedna, najmočnejši energijski vplivi pa naš čakajo sredi naslednjega tedna z vrhuncem v četrtek.

Astrološka postavitev

Mlaj oziroma delni sončev mrk bo nastopil 15.2. na 25° v Vodnarju. Konjunkciji Lune in Sonca se bo pridružil tudi Merkur v Vodnarju, vsi skupaj pa bodo tvorili zanimiv sekstil z Uranom v Ovnu ter kvadrat z Jupitrom v Škorpijonu.

Vplive mlade Lune bodo najmočneje čutili Vodnarji, Levi, Škorpijoni, Biki, še posebej tisti rojeni v sredini meseca februarja, maja, avgusta in novembra. Prav tako bodo energije mlaja vplivale na vse tiste, ki imajo pomembne astrološke točke in planete med 23° ter 28° v znamenju Vodnarja, Leva, Škorpijona in Bika.


Čustvene potrebe, razpoloženja, izzivi, odzivi, frustracije

Mlada Luna v Vodnarju bo predvsem zaznamovala naše skupinske odnose in prijateljstva ter dinamiko znotraj le teh. Vplive bomo čutili znotraj naših delovnih kolektivov, interesnih skupin, delovnih skupin, prijateljskih združb ter bližnjih, intimnih prijateljskih zvez. Prav tako bodo na tapeti odnosi v širšem družbenem okvirju, se pravi odnosi med različnimi večjimi družbenimi skupinami, nacijami, državami, izpostavljeno bo tudi delovanje in stanje človeške združbe kot celote.

Znotraj našega družbenega okolja se bomo posamezniki aktivno soočali in spoprijemali tako z različnimi problematikami, tematikami kot tudi s pozitivnimi in negativnimi spremembami. Načenjanje vprašanj skupnih interesov, vizij, želja, pričakovanj, tipa in nivoja organizacije, skupnega dela, delitve dela bo ustvarjalo bodisi konstruktivno ali pa tudi bolj problematično atmosfero. Samo delovanje in produktivnost pa tudi dobro počutje znotraj različnih skupin bo zaradi tega lahko obremenjeno ali pa bo ravno zaradi spremenjene dinamike prišlo do zanimivih izboljšanj.

Vodnarske vrednote mesebojnega sodelovanja, bratstva, pripadnosti, pravičnosti, strpnosti, enakovrednosti, enotnosti, samoiniciative v korist skupine, poštenosti, medsebojnega zaupanja, medsebojne podpore, napredka, razvoja, bodo tako postavile na preizkušnjo marsikatero družbeno interakcijo. Prihajalo bo do konfliktov, nestrinjanj, pomembnih razodetij, spoznanj, pa tudi do precej potrebnih reform, sprememb, dogovorov.

Ustvarjali bomo nove družbene povezave, zavezništva, sodelovanja, spoznavali nove ljudi, tvorili nova prijateljstva, povezave, se vključevali v novo družbeno okolje, pridružili novim interesnim skupinam, morda se začeli prilagajati delu v novem profesionalnem kolektivu.

Znotraj našega ustaljenega družbenega okolja bo prav tako veliko novosti, napredka kot tudi zapletov in končnih epilogov. Morda se od kakšnega prijateljstva oziroma prijateljstev, sodelovanja, družbene skupine tudi poslovimo, morda bomo priča razpadu in koncu kakšnih interesnih, delovnih, projetknih združenj ali pa predvsem korenitemu predrugačenju ustroja le teh.


Vpliv komunikacije na naše družbene odnose bo izredno močan in ravno način kako bomo izražali ter skomunicirali naša pričakovanja, želje, potrebe bo ključno vplival na kvaliteto naših družbenih interakcij. Pomembno vodilo bo delovanje v skupno dobro, kjer bomo morali kot posamezniki v veliki meri svoje lastne interese prilagoditi realnosti in pa potrebam neke naše družbene skupine, ki ji pripadamo. Seveda bo to veliko bolj držalo za družbene povezave, od katerih ni odvisno zgolj naše preživetje temveč v veliki meri naše dobro počutje ter zmožnost izražanja naših želja ter doseganja ciljev. Tu se bomo morali resnično potruditi in iskati z ljudmi podobnih interesov nekakšen skupen jezik, ki bo vsem omogočal uspešno družbeno udejstvovanje.

Uran v Ovnu bo ojačal vpliv vodnarskih energij ter v nas vzbujal željo po nekonvencionalnosti, aktivnemu delovanju. Čutili bomo afiniteto do novosti, nenavadnosti, itd. Privlačili nas bodo posebni, zanimivi ljudje in zanimiva, nenavadna in drugačna družbena interakcija. Izogibati se bomo morali prekomerni impulzivnosti, površnosti, neodgovornosti, prenagljenosti ter nerealnim pričakovanjem.

V prihodnjem tednu bomo tako priča zanimivi komunikaciji, novostim, zanimivm družbenim povezavam, interakcijam, sodelovanju pa tudi korenitemu predrugačenju in spreminjanju določenih družbenih skupin in odnosov. Naj bo vaše vodilo delovanje v skupno dobro, največje vrline naj bodo sposobnost prilagajanja, sodelovanja, medsebojne podpore, poslušanja in tudi postavljanja v kožo drugega. Znotraj naših družbenih odnososv bomo odkrivali, utemeljevali, uresničevali in ustvarjali nek nov smisel skupnega povezovanja in seveda našim številnim odnosom in interakcijam podeljevali nek nov pomen in zagon.