Weekly prediction, 14.3. -20.3., Part 1 – Oh dear, oh dear, the Lunar cross is here



Monday – Thursday


Lunar Grand cross 

Aspect strength: Strong monthly transit

Aspect duration: Monday noon till Tuesday afternoon ( Central European Time)

During this Monday and Tuesday we will be under the influence of the Grand Lunar cross. The influence will be strongest in the evening hours of Monday, early Tuesday morning, until Tuesday noon. The Moon in Gemini will oppose Saturn in Sagittarius, square Jupiter in Virgo and square Mercury in Pisces. The planetary aspect will form a cross, thus the name of the aspect itself.

The energy is all the way mutable since all planets are in mutable signs. Generally this kind of energy is a bit easier to handle in a cross aspect as oppose to the energy pattern of a cross aspect in fixed or cardinal signs. This is because mutable energy is the most adaptable in the whole of zodiac and can be manipulated more easily in one’s favor during such a difficult hard aspect. However, greater adaptability also suggests changeable energy patterns. Whenever there is a lot of mutable energy, the need to adapt to constantly changeable energy influence can be rather difficult.

Sorry to say, but the beginning of this week might just prove to be a pain in the ass for a lot of people out there. Of course we can harness this energy potential efficiently, but it will be quite challenging.

So how will things play out? The Moon is in Gemini and she herself speeds up our daily rhythm either we like it or not. Emotionally we are much more focused on our mental abilities, the way we interact with people, communicate, the way we process information and our thoughts, the way we make choices and decide. These are the things that will make us very emotionally sensitive. Just as this Moon will boost our minds it will also create a more emotionally stressful time. Too much mental activity can bring a lot of strain, especially as the Moon’s energy demands from us that we relax and stabilize from time to time. So, you might enjoy the faster pace of life, increased communication, making, creating, brainstorming new ideas, learning new things and processing interesting information, making fast decisions, however, you might also tire from all these things just as well. Perhaps you will get even annoyed by them. And the fun doesn’t end there. 🙂

The Moon opposes Saturn in Sagittarius and that can bring some serious discomfort and frustration. Saturnian energy restricts in a lot of ways and slows things down so they might be viewed and approached as realistically and as prudently as possible. Both planets inhabit the signs that have to do with knowledge and learning, Gemini acquires and processes information, Sagittarius incorporates it in our personal beliefs, our personal awareness and understanding. This means that there can be a lot issues connected with the ways we perceive the world and ourselves. We might learn something new through some inner revelation or through the influence of the outside world. What we learn can be helpful and constructive, but it can also produce a lot of frustration, difficulty and annoyance. Reality checking our beliefs will also be an issue, and it will tax our good moods. There will also be a general difficulty to try to comprehend something, to understand something related either to more personal existential issues or to just some mundane complications. Either way, the feeling of restrictiveness, stagnation will be present. Communication might be more serious, it can be impaired, it might be burdening, stressful and generally more difficult. Decision making process will be affected in similar ways.


To add even more stress to the mix the Moon will also square Mercury in Pisces. The Moon, being in the native sign of the planet Mercury, squaring the lord of the sign itself, will bring additional challenges to the way we think, process our thoughts, information, and the way we communicate with the outside world and with our selves. There might be an increase in intuitive perception and intuitive revelation as well as an increase in confused thinking, perception and misunderstandings. Decision making will prove to be even more difficult, as we will be either forced to decide quickly while not ready to do so, or we will choose to make hasty decisions ourselves. Get your facts straight, watch out for delusional thoughts, make sure you are aware of all the choices you have at your disposal and all the consequences your actions will bring. This aspect can either bring more empathy in our day to day interaction with the world or it can just as easily lessen it. We can become more considerate to others or perhaps more inconsiderate. With a lot of stress creating energy in the air we will need to keep our behavior towards others in check. Conflicts, irritations will be common as the moods of people will change quite often during these two days. Try your best to avoid verbal arguments. Also be very careful in activities that require a lot of mental focus, as our ability to concentrate will be lessened due to the scatter brain effect.

The third planet the Moon will aspect is the Jupiter in Virgo. The square aspect will boost our emotional expression, our emotional sensitivity and responsiveness. Although this aspect can make people feel good and optimistic it can just as well boost all the difficult and unwelcome emotions. Keep in mind that the feeling of omnipotence often comes with this aspect. Don’t try to take in more you can chew. With the restrictive energy of Saturn this can be even more of a problem, as one might think they are ready to grow, to perform, to move ahead, to do something or to get something on their way, but somehow events or situations themselves, will drag them down or slow them down. Frustration is often the result of this kind of tug of war, small advancements, but yet greater setbacks. All of this will once again either be a part of our inner psychological processes or it will have to do with our interaction with the outer world within the rhythm of our daily life. Most likely it will connect both.


After listing all the stressful and possibly difficult outcomes of these influences, it is also important to mention that grand cross aspect carries also a very powerful positive potential. It is the energy that creates action, puts us in a position where we need to do something about something, it forces us to act and to move forward. If managed properly, these aspects can bring a lot of good stuff as well. To name a few possible positive manifestations, this energy can help you negotiate important deals, help you pass an exam, help you make important conversations and decisions. It can help you gain greater understanding, perception, awareness in many ways. This energy can improve your communicating skills, it can expand and enrich the number of your social, business connections, it can help you process your thoughts at incredible speeds as well as in a very thorough, diligent, intuitive and profound way. There is an amazing opportunity for personal growth hidden within the influences of this aspect, just waiting for you to seize it. Don’t miss this chance!


This aspect will mostly influence mutable signs, Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces, Virgo and all people with strong mutable energy in their charts ( point or planet in these signs nesides the Sun.)


Mars in Sagittarius square Venus in Pisces

Aspect strength: weak daily transit

Aspect duration: Monday morning till Tuesday early morning ( CET )

Another mutable energy aspect during the first two days of this week. This is a classic textbook case aspect that indicates conflicts within our relationships and our ways of relating towards others. The challenge is  in the balancing act between upholding our values, pursuing our desires, passions and respecting acknowledging those of other people around us. What we value might not be really what we desire at the moment or vice versa, what we desire or what we would like to have is somehow unattainable or unreachable. We might come in conflict with the expectations, desires and self interest drives of other people. With the powerful grand cross having it own way, be careful not to succumb to the negative influences of this aspect. This aspect can also intensify feelings of romantic attraction as well as desires of physical attraction. People who will have the possibility to act upon this stimuli and satisfy their needs will experience this energy positively, others who will feel the same but will lack the chance to express themselves in such ways, might feel considerable frustration or disappointment. Anyhow the need to adapt, compromise will be strong.

Aspect will influence Sagittarians and Pisces, people with strong Pisces or Sagittarius energy in their charts will feel it too.


The Moon in Cancer

Transit strength: Weak transit.

Transit duration: Wednesday morning till Friday morning. ( CET )

On Wednesday the Moon slips into Cancer, her native sign. Greater emotionality as well as the needs for belonging, needs for emotional security, stability, will dictate our behavior patterns, our moods and actions. Emotional expression can be thus more active, sincere and open in the lines of expressing true feelings, desires and needs, or it can become more restrained, with people going on defense, not showing their true emotions, being cautious or even pushing others away, retreating to solitude. We might meet the needs for love,  rootedness and belonging through our relationships or we might find it in isolation, going to a place where we feel comfortable, at home, or doing something that will make us feel emotionally fulfilled and stable.


Transit will influence Cancers the most, people with strong Cancer energy in their charts will feel the aspect profoundly too.